2016 4-H Camp Counselor Application
Check one or rank by preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
- _____June 18th – 19thClover Kids Camp – Karla Deaver, Director.
Those 4-H age 12 and over may apply to be a counselor at thiscamp, and must attend either Member Camp or Teen Camp.
Only those 4-H age 13 and older may apply to be a counselor at the following camps. Those selected to be counselors at one of these camps MUST ATTEND Teen Camp, June 19th – 23rdand training June 7th in Mt. Vernon at 10:00 AM.
- _____June 12th – 15thMember Camp 1 – Karla Deaver, Director
- _____June 15th – 18thMember Camp 2 – Jennifer Hancock/Anna Klem, Co-Directors
Name: ______
Age as of Jan. 1, 2016 ______Male or Female (circle one) Phone #: ______
Address: ______
City: ______Zip: ______
Email: ______County of membership: ______
How many years have you been in 4-H? _____ How many years have you attended 4-H Camp? _____
How many years have you served as a 4-H Camp Counselor?
CK Camp _____ Members Camp _____
What other previous experience do you have working with younger children, either camp or non-camp?
Explain why you would like to be a Camp Counselor. What skills or strengths do you bring to the 4-H camp program? What are your expectations for this experience?
As a counselor what is the biggest impact you would want to make? Why?
Tell us about a time when you were a part of a successful team. What was the situation? What was your role?
This year’s camp theme is “Hawaii Down on the Farm.” What ideas do you have for activities that will incorporate the theme?
Please answer the following questions if you have served as a 4-H Camp Counselor in prior years.
Looking back over the weeks of camp during which you served in previous years, write about any regrets you have, situations or incidents you would handle differently, any areas in which you would try harder to perform well.
Write about some ways in which you impacted the lives of campers while previously at 4-H Camp.
Write about some way that campers impacted you.
In what ways, if any, are you different or more mature than your previous summer at camp? How will
that impact your work with campers?
If your first choice is to be a counselor at Clover Kids Camp or Member Camp 1
Please return to:
Karla Deaver
P.O. Box 388
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
If your first choice is to be a counselor at Member Camp 2
Please return to:
Jennifer Hancock
Christian County Extension Center
105 N. 2nd Street
Ozark, MO 65721