PST Implementation Plan


Massachusetts’ 2014 Professional Standards for Teachers (PST) reflect heightened expectations for candidates prepared in Massachusetts; expectations that better align with the needs of the PK-12 system. The extent of this shift may vary depending on the current context of each provider in the state. Regardless, in preparing for full alignment with the 2014 PSTs, organizations have the opportunity to ensure that all programs are robustly preparing candidates to enter the classroom.

In support of these expectations, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) is requiring that organizations complete and submit the “PST Implementation Plan” by Friday July 31, 2015.

The Implementation Plan serves to document the work your organization will do in order to ensure that all programs are fully aligned with the 2014 PSTs by the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year.

The Implementation Plan was designed to promote purposeful and constructive conversations within each organization. The plans are not being formally evaluated by ESE. ESE will collect and retain all plans for documentation purposes1. ESE is not making judgments about the information contained within the implementation form; we hope this will allow your organization to present an authentic representation of the work required to effectively implement the 2014 PSTs. The extent to which your organization is successful in

implementing the new standards will ultimately be measured by the readiness and impact of your candidates once employed. As is currently the case, accountability for the outcomes of your completers occurs during a formal or interim review.

Submission of this Implementation Plan is primarily a reporting tool. In order to adequately respond to prompts and effectively prepare for implementation, additional work and planning will need to occur within your organization. It should not be assumed that completing this form will in and of itself be sufficient planning. To this end, ESE has partnered with the National Institute for Excellence in Teaching (NIET) to host a series of Alignment Working Groups that will guide networked providers through activities; provide resources and tools; and facilitate collaboration all in support of developing a solid plan for implementation. Participating in an Alignment Working Group is optional; preparing for full implementation of the 2014 PSTs and submission of this Implementation Plan is required.

In addition to triggering information about your organization’s PST alignment efforts, the prompts below also speak directly to the state’s overall expectations for preparation providers in the Commonwealth. These expectations are listed in the Review Criteria List. Engaging in a thorough and robust alignment effort may be used as evidence in upcoming program evaluations.


I have read and understood the expectations outlined above. By certifying this plan, the sponsoring organization signals a commitment to full implementation of the 2014 PSTs beginning in the 2016-2017 academic year and understands that accountability for outcomes in alignment with these standards will be assessed beginning in 2017-2018.

Sponsoring Organization:
Executive Director/Dean Name:
Executive Director/Dean Signature:

1 ESE reserves the right to review and decline acceptance of plans that are significantly low-quality or out of compliance with regulatory expectations.

2014 PST Implementation Plan

Section 1: Overall Status, Goals, and Milestones

Note: Section 1 serves as a summary of Sections 2-4. As you begin completing this form, it is advised that you complete Section 1 last.


By July 31, 2015, what bests describes the status of the Professional Standard for Teachers (PST) alignment work within your organization? (Check one)

All Programs Fully Aligned

All Programs Partially Aligned Some Programs Fully Aligned Some Programs Partially Aligned

Programs are not yet aligned

Briefly explain the current status of your organization in aligning programs to the 2014 PSTs. / 300 words

Given the status outlined above, as you work towards full or deepening alignment, please articulate at least one goal your organization has in each of the focus areas identified below. If reached, these goals should ensure that your organization is ready to be fully and effectively implementing PSTs by the 2016-2017 academic year.

Focus Area / Goal(s)
Instruction / · 
Field-Based Experiences / · 
Stakeholder Engagement / · 

Please outline the major milestones that will be indicative of progress towards these goals. (add rows as needed)

Milestone / Projected Date for Completion / Evidence of Success
Submit Action Plan to ESE / July 31, 2015
Full implementation of 2014 PSTs / September 1, 2016

2014 PST Implementation Plan

Section 2: Instruction

The chart below is designed to reflect the areas within “Instruction” that could be considered while you work to align your program(s) with the PSTs. Instruction refers mainly to the coursework within a program. You may check multiple options for each criteria. For instance, differentiated content may be a current strength in the program but may also be an area slated for additional focus in the alignment work.

Review Criteria / Current Area of Strength / Area under Review / Current Area of Focus / Planned Area for Focus / None of these
Course descriptions clearly state what candidates will know or be able to do by the end of the course.
Program of study is coherent such that connections between courses are evident.
Program of study is sequenced to support increased depth of skills and knowledge.
Content is differentiated by subject area and level of license
The use and application of MA Curriculum Frameworks is an embedded expectation in coursework
Faculty/instructors model effective pedagogical and content practices
Faculty/instructors use course formative and summative assessment data to target areas of candidate need
Candidates receive targeted feedback linked to the PSTs; this feedback improves their practice.
Candidates at-risk of not meeting standards are identified throughout the program and receive necessary supports and guidance to improve or exit (This criteria is contained in “The Candidate” domain but is included here for its application in coursework)
Professional Standards for Teachers / Current Area of Strength / Area under Review / Current Area of Focus / Planned Area for Focus / None of these
Standard 1: Curriculum, Planning Assessment
Standard 2: Teaching All Students
Standard 3: Family Community Engagement
Standard 4: Professional Culture
What are the major gaps/challenges within the Instruction category that must be addressed in order to ensure effective implementation of the PSTs? (Ex: Sequence of coursework, coursework consistency, faculty familiarity, specific indicator like classroom management or data analysis etc.) / 300 words
Optional: Provide additional context pertaining to the implementation of the 2014 PSTs and the instructional design, delivery or assessment within your organization. / 250 words

Section 3: Field Based Experiences

The chart below is designed to reflect the areas within “Field-Based Experiences” that could be considered while you work to align your program(s) with the PSTs. You may check multiple options for each criteria.

Review Criteria / Current Area of Strength / Area under Review / Current Area of Focus / Planned Area for Focus / None of these
District partners are involved in the design, implementation and assessment of field-based experiences
Responsibilities in field-based experiences build to candidate readiness for full responsibility
Field-based experiences are embedded in coursework
Program supervisors provide consistent guidance, support and feedback to candidates
Supervising practitioners and program supervisors receive training, support and development that directly impacts candidate effectiveness
Candidates at-risk of not meeting standards are identified throughout the program and receive necessary supports and guidance to improve or exit (This criteria is contained in “The Candidate” domain but is included here for its application in field experiences)
Professional Standards for Teachers / Current Area of Strength / Area under Review / Current Area of Focus / Planned Area for Focus / None of these
Standard 1: Curriculum, Planning Assessment
Standard 2: Teaching All Students
Standard 3: Family Community Engagement
Standard 4: Professional Culture
What are the major gaps/challenges within the Field-based experiences category that must be addressed in order to ensure effective implementation of the PSTs? (Ex: gradual release of responsibility, quality of feedback provided to candidates, specific indicator like classroom management, etc.) / 300 words
Optional: Provide additional context pertaining to the implementation of the 2014 PSTs and field-based experiences within your organization. / 250 words

Section 4: Stakeholder Engagement

The prompts below are designed to support your communication and engagement efforts with various stakeholders (partners, faculty/staff, and candidates/completers). You may want to consider the following review criteria in the development of your plans:

·  Partners make contributions that inform Sponsoring Organization’s continuous improvement efforts.

·  Partnerships improve experience for preparation candidates and outcomes for PK-12 students.

·  Faculty/instructors and staff contribute to a Sponsoring Organization’s continuous improvement efforts.

·  SO acts on feedback solicited from internal and external stakeholders (including candidates, graduates, district and school personnel and employers) in continuous improvement efforts.

What are your plans for engaging Pk-12 partners in alignment work? / 200 words
How will faculty/staff within your organization be engaged in these efforts? / 200 words
What are your plans for engaging candidates and recent completers in these efforts? / 200 words
What are the major gaps/challenges with engaging stakeholders in the PST implementation work? / 300 words
Optional: Provide additional context pertaining to the implementation of the 2014 PSTs and your organization’s work to meaningfully engage stakeholders. / 250 words