For each unit, you will need to produce flashcards, either by hand or using If you create the flashcards by hand, use the following format.

On one side of the card, write the word and the part of speech.


On the reverse side, please write the definition. Do NOT write out the whole definition. Shorten it and put it in your own words. Also write the FIRST TWO synonyms.


If you use print out the flashcards, follow cut and paste directions, and ADD THE SYNONYMS.

B DAY: EXERCISES--Choose one of the following:

  1. ON LINE: Go to and do the “Test Your Vocabulary” activity in the GAMES section of the website. Print and hand in the results of this test. (Look immediately below the orange heading that looks like the hard copy of the book.) You should also download the words to a mobile device, and complete ONE other activity. (Check the UNITS section, too.)
  1. MNEMONIC SQUARES: Using the page with all the boxes, choose any sixteen words from the list. (In other words, you will NOT use four of the words here.) For these sixteen words, create a mnemonic (or memory) device for each word. This might be a simple sketch, an example of how the word is used, or a word that sounds like the vocab word. If you know (or even think you know) a Greek or Latin root for the word, you can use that.These should be simple, quick images or words that will help you remember the word.
  1. Complete the synonyms, antonyms, and complete the sentence sections in your book.


For each vocabulary unit, you will need to produce a picture for a given word. For each unit, you will have the same number. In other words, if you have word #2, you will create a picture for the second word in each unit. The picture must be at least two colors. If you cannot get to a color printer, use markers or crayons. (Using colors will help you remember it better, according to brain research.) The picture will be used to play a form of Pictionary, so it should hint at what the word means without being too obvious. The picture will be due the day before the unit quiz.