ART 101 Drawing 1, Fall Semester 2016
Great Basin College at PVC
Room 107
Instructor:Donna Yarrell
Credit Hours: 3
Days/Times: Mondays/Wednesdays (1:00-2:15)
Classroom:PVC Room 107
Course Description: A disciplined foundation in drawing concepts based on visual observation skills. (A Fine Arts Course satisfying a general education requirement.)
Supply List:
You will need to have the following items for class:
18”24” bond paper drawing pads (not newsprint)
9”x12” sketchbook
masonite drawing board to fit paper size
charcoal:(vine and compressed)
2B,3B, 6B drawing pencils
black Sharpie, med or fine
white rubber eraser
kneaded eraser
chamois cloth (from automotive section at a dept store)
blending stick (large)
masking tape or painters tape
Pad of Tracing Paper
Portfolio or flat folding box made from cardboard for storing work
Methods of Instruction:
Students will be using paper, drawing boards, tables, and/oreasels in a classroom. All of the class work will be started by the students under the Instructor’s guidance and completed for homework. In addition to the work in class there will also be, classroom discussions, group critiques and a final project due at the end of the semester.
Grades and Evaluations:
Student drawings will be graded on being able to follow the directions and objectives of the lesson, sincere efforts to do the best of one’s ability, and craftsmanship.
If you don’t complete the course, and fail to withdraw by the “drop” deadline, you will automatically be assigned an “F.” Grades of Incomplete are only assigned for medical reasons.
Should you have concern or complaint about the way grading is handled in this class the student should follow the steps of the official review process as stated in the GBC General Catalog. Note that the first step is to meet with the instructor.
Grades are based on the following percentages:
Participation and Attendance: 10%
Exercises (class work and home work): 75%
Essay: 5%
Final Project drawings: 10%
Grading Scale:
90-100 =A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
Below 60 is failing.
You will receive a separate handout at the beginning of class with a breakdown of points assigned to each grade and a description of what is expected to achieve an A in this class.
Student Conduct
Be nice, bad attitudes towards others will not be tolerated.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If it is determined that you are turning in the work of another student and not your own you will receive an F on the assignment.
Class Work
Students should keep all of the work done in this class until the end the semester. I will be reviewing each student’s work in a final portfolio review.
Some exercises will be done in class and others for homework. All work will be graded in class. Please write the assignment number and date on the back of each drawing lightly in pencil. Late assignments will not be accepted unless there is a medical reason.
Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory and is taken every week. Participation in class discussion and attendance is part of your grade in this class. Poor attendance will lead to the lowering of your grade. Three consecutive unexcused absences will result in one grade lower. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the class if the student cannot complete the class. Students who cannot/do not complete the class and have not withdrawn from the class will be given an F.
Children, friends and pets are not allowed in the classroom during class time.
Please be on time.
I will give a brief lecture and description of the assignments for the week promptly at the beginning of class. There will be a class discussion with Q & A’s about the assignment immediately after the lecture.
Being late is disruptive and disrespectful to the other students and to me.
If you have to be late or miss a class for medical reasons please email or see me about itahead of time.
Please set your cell phones to the “silent mode” before the class begins, and put your phone in your pocket or purse.If you have an emergency phone call you have to take or make during class, please step outside the classroom to take the call.(Phone calls and/or texting during class will not be allowed.)
Also no Facebooking or Instagram during class, AFTER the class has ended it is okay if you take photos of your ownwork to post or share with your friends.
Clean up
This is the responsibility of everyone in the classroom, not only for your individual work area but also the floor, sink area, and supply cabinets.
Safety instructions must be followed in the art room. If needed, there will be a first aid kit available. I will discuss the locations of the fire extinguisher the first day of class and how to use it. If an event calls for evacuation of the building we will exit the through the door at the back of the classroom,.
If you have chemical sensitivities to cleaning products that might be used on tables or floors please let me know.
GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention programs for violence on campus under the Jeanne Clery Act as well as the Campus SaVE (Sexual Violence Elimination Act) and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), which are amendments to Clery. Acts ofviolence include butarenotlimitedto,sexualassault,domesticviolence,datingviolence,andstalking. Actsof violence can occur on the physical campus or centers of GBC in addition to field placement sites, clinical practice settings, and other places where college or class activities occur. As well, the online environment at GBC is considered a GBC site. If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or violated, or you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to me, any center director, faculty, or staff member, or directly to the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security(775.753.2115)
Disability Statement
TC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. Let me know if you have a disability at your earliest convenience to request appropriate accommodations. If you have a hearing disability please find seating close to the front of the room and let me know if you need a printed assignment.
Throughout the semester selected assignments completed by students in the class might be put up on display case in the classroom. If this causes you concern please convey to me in writing that you do not want your work displayed.
Class Schedule
The schedule below may be modified to meet the needs of the class. Homework is due the following Wednesday or the following Monday after it is assigned unless told otherwise. Students will be prepared for a brief discussion after each lecture.
The requirements for this course include a written essay on the drawings of a professional artist that is Nationally or internationally recognized.
We will have an informal “Mid Term Review” of portfolios at the mid point of the semester.
All work should be signed and dated on back of your drawings lightly in pencil. Please do not sign your work with a large dark signature on the front until the semester has ended and the drawings have already been graded. Even though friends and family maywant the fabulous drawings that you will do in this class, please do not give them away until after the final portfolio review! (Don’t throw them away either.)
Class 1/Unit 1:
Introduction, Syllabus review, review of supplies, introduction of instructor and
First in-class assignment: Exploration of Drawing Tools
Homework: Continuation of “Exploration of Drawing Tools,” Making a simple
Drawing utilizing pencil and charcoal. Finish Drawing for homework, must
Have completed work at the beginning of class on Wednesday.
Unit 2: LINE/Gesture Drawings: TimedIn class gesture drawings, homework
assignment to be announced in class. Continuing exercises in the Line unit will
include contour, blind contour, structural and expressive line drawings.
Homework to be announced in class.
Unit 3: SHAPE AND VALUE:Still life exercises, Positive and Negative Space
Drawings, homework to be announced in class.
Drawing from a still life/Drawing from a photograph with and without a grid
Homework to be announced in class.
Unit 5: LINEAR PROSPECTIVE: One and two point perspective, demonstration of
multiple point perspective with or without film.
Exercises and homework to be announced in class.
Unit 6:Drawing the Human Face and Form, Drawings from photographs.
Drawing Animals/from photographs
Unit 7: Working from Your Imagination, assignments and exercises to be announced
in Class. Options for Final Drawing Project to be announced. Work on Final
Drawing Projects in class and at home.
This list provides learning objectives, learning outcomes and measurements for Art 101. Completing Art 101 fulfills the Fine Arts General Education requirement:
Objective 1: Communication skills - Communicate clearly and effectively in written and oral form, i.e. discussion, reading, listening, and accessing information. - Strong
Student will be able to: Have weekly verbal discussion on work assignments in class and homework projects. The student will create drawings with a written critique and have weekly discussions of art theories, methods and practice in class.
Measurement: Students will be able to present their work to the class and communicate clearly in written and oral form. They will be able to explain their art work to the class. The grade for the drawing and writing assignment are determined through a rubric.
Objective 2: Critical Thinking - Integrate creativity, logic, quantitative reasoning, and the hierarchy of inquiry and knowing in social and scientific understanding. - Moderate
Quantitative Ability - To some degreeCreate a grid enlargement – demonstrating drawing to scale Exhibit an understanding of size relationships of angles, and proportion. Execute one point and two point perspective drawings
Reasoning and Independent thought - Significant: Integrate problem solving within a drawing Draw representation, symbolic and expressive images that meet the requirements of an assignment. Identify the vocabulary and mechanics of a visual language. Become familiar with a variety of drawing implements and drawing papers Be able to identify and show proficiency with various art media. Analyze the elements of art and learn how to apply the principles of good design Create a realistic interpretation of an object, create depth and practice the art of illusion. Become familiar with colors, its applications and theories Become familiar with value designation including tonal and ink work.
Describe the affects of light on form and its mood enhancing properties. Illustrate the theories of “right-side brain” training including upside down drawings, negative shapes, sighting, etc.
Scientific Understanding - To some degree
Have an understanding of color and be able to compare additive and subtractive use of color. Develop connections between math, science, psychology and art by studying the anatomy of plants and animals and personal characteristics exhibited by these.
Measurement: Students will create drawings using still life, portraits, landscapes and animals as subject matter.
Students will be familiarized with different drawing media,their understanding of this knowledge will be demonstrated in their class work, class discussions and homework assignments.
Objective 3: Personal and Cultural Awareness – Understand the roles of individuals in society, the development of human societies and the significance of creativity in the human experience. - Strong
Sense of the Individual in Society – Significant
Create drawings from plaster busts that demonstrate differences in facial features. Correlate cultural events to the expression of art Identify particular artists in his/her cultural context and explain differences in drawing styles
Recognize and cultivate individual differences between artist personalities through video, discussion from text and class reports. Demonstrate craftsmanship and the value it has in our society and other world societies Recognize that practicing the arts require a level of commitment of self-discipline and perseverance but enhances self-worth
Students will be able to create a self-portrait based on the style of a recognized artist.
Sense of the Past – Significant: Encourage tradition of sketching as a continuous source for ideas and motifs Relate to the history of drawing through textbook, class discussion and video Make reference to historical artists identified with each of the elements of art Make a connection of the cultural and historical heritage of contemporary society to the visual expression of the artists of the past
Explain the divergence of attitudes, values and beliefs within a society as expressed through the visual arts, and how it has evolved through history. Sense of Accountability - Moderate Have an awareness of individual artists who exemplify the idea of self-expression and pursuing personal art goals.
Have an understanding of copyright laws and how they pertain to students and artists. Understand the use of photography in original art work.
Sense of Accountability–Moderate: Have an awareness of individual artists who exemplify the idea of self-expression and pursuing personal art goals.
Have an understanding of copyright laws and how they pertain to students and artists. Understand the use of photography in original art work.
Appreciation of Fine Arts–Significant:Have an understanding of the criteria of Fine Art Comprehend drawing as a basis for all artistic modes. Have an understanding of traditional subject matter such as still-life, landscape, figure drawing and the portrait Define art as a language. Be able to see the craftsmanship in Fine Art.