Kerry Adams

Curriculum Vitae



2009 Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), Baltimore, MD.

Master of Fine Arts, Sculpture/Installation.

Certificate in the College Teaching of Art.

2004Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, RI.

Bachelor of Fine Art, Sculpture.

2000-2002Corcoran College of Art and Design, Washington, DC.

Fine Art Studies with Concentration in Sculpture/Furniture.

Solo Shows:

2009Movements, Moments, Days, Decker Gallery, MICA, Baltimore, MD.

2006 Dining Room, The Arts Council of Princeton, Princeton, NJ.

Selected Exhibitions:

2010Juried Sculpture Exhibition, Marlboro Gallery, Largo, MD. Juried Show.

Juror: Molly Donovan, Associate Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Art

2009Faculty Exhibit, Bryn Mawr, PA. Group Show.

2009The Towson ARTS Collective 2nd Anniversary Exhibit, Towson, MD. Juried Show.

Juror: Doreen Bolger, Director of the Baltimore Museum of Art.

2009Out of Order, Maryland Art Place, Baltimore, MD. Group Show.

2008Juried Fine Arts 2008, Mills Pond House Gallery, St. James, NY. Juried Show.

Juror: Tina Kukieslski, Senior Curatorial Assistant, Whitney Museum of American Art.

20085x5x5, Target Gallery at Torpedo Factory Art Center, Alexandria, VA. Juried show.

Juror: Elaine Levin, Freelance contemporary art curator, writer, lecturer and critic.

2008Second and Third Year, Pinkard Gallery, Baltimore, MD. Group Show.

2008Low End Theories, Lump Gallery, Raleigh, NC. Group Show.

2008Blanket Statements, Load of Fun Gallery, Baltimore, MD. Juried Show.

Juror: Rachel Faller, Fiber Artist.

2008The Towson Arts Collective 1st Anniversary Exhibit, Baltimore, MD. Juried Show.

Jurors: Peter Dubeau, Independent Curator and Tonya Ingersol, Independent Curator.

2008In Home: In Response, Baltimore, MD.Group Show.

2007All Voices: Being Everything, Arts Annex, Dunellen, NJ. Group Show.

2007Second and Third Year, Meyerhoff Gallery, Baltimore, MD. Group Show.

2007Squared,Joe Squared, Baltimore, MD. Group Show.

2007Window Fronts, Union Art Gallery, Milwaukee, WI. Group Show.

2007In: Site, Union Art Gallery, Milwaukee, WI. Group Show.

2007Under Construction, The Arts Council of Princeton, Princeton, NJ. Group Show.

2006The Mountain Art Show, Bernardsville, NJ. Juried Show.

2006Mac Gallery, Pottersville, NJ. Group Show.

2006Small Works, The Arts Council of Princeton, Princeton, NJ. Group Show.

2006The Montgomery Arts Council, Montgomery, NJ. Juried Show.

2004Thesis Exhibition, Woods-Gerry Gallery, Providence, RI, Group Show.

2004Sitings, The RISD Museum, Providence, RI. Juried exhibition for a site-specific installation in the museum.

Juror: Gilbert Vicario, Assistant Curator, Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston.

2003Studio Exhibit, RISD, Providence, RI. Group Show.

2002Ceramics Exhibition, Corcoran College of Art and Design, Washington, DC.

2002White Walls Gallery, CorcoranCollegeof Art, Washington, DC. Juried Show.

2001White Walls Gallery, CorcoranCollegeof Art, Washington, DC. Juried Show.

Public Work/Performances:

2006The Progressive Runway III- The Neo-Lettrist Movement, Providence, RI.

Psy-Geo Provflux. Participatory fashion show around the city based on the ideas of the lettrist movement as it applies to current times and community.

2004The Pants Collection, Providence, RI.

A planned art act using nine people and handmade clothing to comment on the waste left at gallery nights.

2004Tours. Providence, RI.

Psy-Geo Provflux. Group tours of Site Specific installations and abandoned spaces.

2004The Progressive Runway, Providence Place Mall, Providence, RI.

Psy-Geo Provflux. Guerrilla art fashion show, clothes made of trash or recycled materials.

2004Visiting Artist for “March Art Month,”

Providence Public Library, Providence, RI.

Produced and installed permanent work.

2003Our Flags

Recipient of the Community Artwork Grant,created and installed apermanent large-scale installation at the Wanskuck Branch of the Providence Public Library.

2003RISD Riverfront Sculpture Exhibition, Providence, RI

Site-Specific Installations:

2008One Year and Thirty-Six Inches, Hickory Ave., Baltimore, Md.

2007Covered and Enclosed, Row House, Baltimore, Md.

2006Conversation, Building U, Pottersville, NJ.

2006The Quilt, Bank Building, Baltimore, MD.

2004You Said it was My Idea,34 Benefit St., Providence, RI.

2004Of Here,34 Benefit St., Providence, RI.

2004In Hiding, 34 Benefit St., Providence, RI.

2003Inside,34 Benefit St., Providence, RI.

2003Dining Room, 34 Benefit St., Providence, RI.

2003Passage, Doorway,Corcoran College of Art, Washington, DC.

Publications and Curatorial Projects:

2009Juxtopositions, MICA, May – July ’09. Page about MFA Thesis Show published.

2009BMORE Art Blog, Author of published lecture review on


2008Baltimore City Paper, Curated show mentioned in Best Gallery Trend. (

2008There Were Ten Tigers Art Blog, Image and description of work published.


2008Independent Weekly, Review of work published.


2008BMORE Art Blog. Review of curated show and work published.


2008Curator of In Home: In Response. Baltimore, MD.

Ashow of works about the concept of home shown in a home, temporarily turned art gallery. The show was curated from artists rejected from another gallery who all received a group, rather than a personal, rejection e-mail.

2006Time-Off- The Princeton Packet, The Lawrence Ledger, Windsor-Hights Herald, The Cranbury Press, South Brunswick Post, The Manville News, Hillsborough Beacon, Hopewell Valley News, Messenger-Press, Register-News, and Lambertville Beacon, Photograph and article about Dining Room installation published

2005Boston Globe, Photograph of The Progressive Runway Published.

2004RISD 2004-2005 Catalogue, Image of Work Published.

2004Crosswalk Magazine, My Artist Statement and image of work published.

2004The RISD Museum Website, Images and Description of work Published.

2004 Riots (Reacting in Our Traditional Societies-, RI.

Co-founder of Arts Organization.

2003/2004The Providence Public Library Publications, Images of work in Multiple Publications.

2003RISD 2003-2004 Catalogue, Image of work Published.


2009Student Leadership Award, Maryland Institute College of Art.

2009Juror’s Choice Award. The Towson ARTS Collective 2nd Anniversary Exhibit.

Juror: Doreen Bolger, Director of the Baltimore Museum of Art.

2006-2009Graduate Merit Scholarship, Maryland Institute College of Art

Awarded each year, for four years in the low-residency MFA program.

2004International Sculpture Center Award Nominee, nominated by RISD Sculpture.

2004SeniorSculpture Award, RISD.

Given to a graduating senior showing excellence in sculpture.

2004Sitings Award, The RISD Museum, Providence, RI. Juried exhibition for a site-specific installation in the museum.

Juror: Gilbert Vicario, Assistant Curator, Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston.

Winner speaks about their work to the public at Gallery Night in Providence; cash prize and implementation funds awarded.

2003Community Artwork Grant Recipient, RISD, Providence, RI.

2003Best in Show, RISD Riverfront Sculpture Exhibition, Providence, RI.

2002The Berthold Schmutzhart Scholarship, Corcoran College of Art and Design.

Given to student demonstrating excellence in sculpture.

2000The President’s Award, Corcoran College of Art and Design

Merit-based scholarship to support artistically and academically gifted students.

2000Dean’s Merit Writing Scholarship, Corcoran College of Art and Design.

Awarded to recognize the highest level of writing ability among new students.