Seventh Grade
United States History from Exploration through Reconstruction
Robert Lewis Magnet School
Ms. Celeste Kinds - -Room 116
Course Syllabus
Course Overview
Seventh grade US History deals with early interactions between Native Americans and European explorers, political ideas that helped to develop the English colonies into the United States, and political and economic conflicts which continued to challenge the United States through the end of Reconstruction in 1877.
Units :
Roots of American History
The Revolutionary Era
The Early Republic
An Era of Expansion
Division and Reunion
Students are expected to consistently:
Be in class on time
Follow all school rules and procedures
Adhere to the classroom social contract and classroom procedures
Come to class prepared to learn every day and immediately go to work upon entering the room Raise his or her hand and receive teacher permission before getting out of his or her desk
Do his or her best on every assignment and do his or her own work
Ask for help when necessary
Make no excuses
Have fun learning the United States’ foundational story through people and events
Grading Scale
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59 and below F
Late Work Deductions for ALL Assignments
1 day late 10% subtracted from grade; 2 days 20% subtracted from grade; 3 days 30% subtracted from grade; 4 or more days late Up to 50% credit.
I want to encourage parents and guardians to contact me for any issue pertaining to their students in any of my classes. Please feel free to contact me by email at or by calling the school office at 601-445-2927 . I am available to meet during 6th period 2:30-3:30 most days. Also, with prior notice, I may be able to make arrangements to meet with parents/guardians at another time during the academic day. .
Bell ringer/ Class starters
The students will complete a bell ringer activity at the beginning of each class. This activity will be a warm-up to the day’s lesson. Each student is expected to promptly arrive to class, have a seat, and begin the bell ringer immediately. The teacher reserves the right to collect any bell ringer activity for a grade announced and unannounced.
Tests and Quizzes
Students will have regular tests and quizzes. Before each test and quiz, I will give students a few minutes to look over their notes and to ask questions prior to handing out a test or quiz. .
Each student will have homework throughout the course to supplement what is covered in the classroom. When homework is assigned, it should be completed individually. I will not assign homework unless it will be turned in for a grade. I expect each student to turn in his or her homework on the date it is due. There will be a 10 percentage point deduction for each day ANY work is late up to three days. Please refer to the Late Work Deduction Chart above.
During this course, we will complete research during class time, but students may need to complete some research outside of class. While we conduct research, class attendance and diligence in class will be vital to student’s success.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______