Franciscan University Catholic Charismatic Conference
June 6-8, 2014
Culture of Relativism by Paul George
- On College campus, after coming to know Christ, Paul grew this burden for young people.
- A friend said to him one time: “If you follow your tears, you’ll find your mission.” What burdens you?
- Statistics: 31% of college kids use alcohol regularly; 44% of women in America ages 18-24 years old seek abortions; 80% of young men already looked at porn before they hit college; 55% report being lonely, yet 100% post pictures on Facebook every day; 6% consider committing suicide; and 70%-80% of high school graduates within 3 to 4 years after graduation no longer attend church.
- George from there launched into his “isms” to show how they affect the culture. First, he told the story of his encounter with Haitian Cardinal, where George asked: How can we help serve the poor in this country? “It is not the poor in my country who need God. It is the rich, the wealthy, who think they no longer need God. That is who I need help with.”
- People are not in touch with Poverty of the Heart.
- With 20 years of working in college, theses are George’s isms:
“Relativism is my truth and your truth can co-exist. There is no absolute truth. These kids grow up and believe what they believe is true.”
- Tolerance is taking the place of Truth. If you are not tolerant of someone’s beliefs, then you are a bigot. But, the reality is that you can love someone and disagree. Tolerance is the absence of Truth. But, eventually the truth has to collide with the heart.
- The secular world is becoming a god. It is religion of secularism. They get what they need and never get in touch with the loneliness of the heart. Just fill it with junk.
- Idealism. Kids are uncommitted. Average college kid changes major seven times. It is a disease of “option-it-is.” One can keep doing a bunch of things, seeking the ideal world and the ideal life. There is always something better out there, so opt out.
- Narcissism. Look at me: “self”! The world is about me and about what I want. It is anti-Gospel. The Gospel is not about me; it is about others.There is a tendency to be narcissistic, but it is really about a disease.
- Foolism. They know what they are doing is wrong, but choose to do it anyway… No big deal, I don’t care. Yeah, I know it is wrong…
- So, how do we deal with this culture? People do not know who they are!
- Help people get to the core of their identity and who God is. Almost have to preach a pre-gospel message. Almost a Post-Christian society. Identity: who are you? They don’t even know they need a savior to fix it. Provide opportunities for conversion and encounter.
- Commitment. They can’t even commit to class. Idea of Truth and Reality come in here. They think the older you get; the easier life is. Teach them the greatest lessons are in failure. Life gets harder. Are you ready? How do we help them live in reality?
- Joy. Teach them what real joy is like. Joy is a way of life not an emotion. True joy overshadows happiness every day. Teach the culture how to have relationship with each other. Human interaction. Old can mentor the young on life. They need to be given intellect. Teach them that tolerance does not equal truth; but Love is Truth. How to give to someone else other than themselves. There is a longing for something greater and they need to meet Jesus Christ. They need mentoring not just programs, long-term mentoring.
- Families feed their kids:isms. Families live a culture where they want everything perfect for their children. Kids need to know they can live in this culture and be free.
- Culture can be seen not as an enemy, but an opportunity to teach. Teach college kids that they can live free out there.
- Your life is the Gospel.
- Greatest ministries in the church are those who turn outward into the world alive, fresh and go out! This needs to happen.
- Be more inviting! So, maybe not Mass, but your house for dinner. Long-term goal is to plug them into church, but start where they are.
- “Follow your tears and you’ll find your mission.”
- Authentic relationships in LOVE. Be consistent, especially with tough family members.