GE - Summary
General Electric (GE) operates a nuclear fuel fabrication facility approximately six miles north of Wilmington in Castle Hayne, N.C. This facility was licensed in January 1969 by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to fabricate uranium fuel for commercial reactors. The results of monitoring activities surrounding the GE facility for 2008 are presented in the following section. Samples of air particulates, surface water, groundwater, sediment, TLDs and treated wastewater were collected around GE during this period. Analysis for all samples began with a gross alpha and gross beta determination. Further analyses using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to detect uranium were then performed if the gross alpha results exceeded the screening levels listed in Appendix C of this report.
There are two RPS air samplers located on the GE site. The indicator location is at Site 20 at the fence near the southern boundary of the site. The control air sampling location, Site 03, is located at the site dock on the Cape Fear River. The mean results for the gross alpha analysis in pCi/m3 are shown below along with the percent difference between RPS and GE results.
Alpha Activity in Air for GE and NCDRPControl and Indicator Locations
Location / NCDRP / GE / Percent Difference
GE-APLV-03 / 1.79 E-03 / 2.58 E-03 / 44.1
GE-APLV-20 / 1.73 E-03 / 2.71 E-03 / 35.9
GE-APLV-11 / 1.98 E-03 / - / -
The mean air activities at the RPS Sites 03 and 20 are both slightly less than those at GE samplers. When the actual RPS results in the data set are examined, they were alternately greater and then less than the GE results. The mean value for NCRPS sample results was calculated by averaging all filters collected during 2008. Monitoring continued at Site GE-APLV-11 at the Horticultural Crops Research Station. The maximum gross alpha value at this site was 5.51 ± 0.43 E-02 pCi/m3 . This maximum value was slightly above the RPS screening level for gross alpha in air (0.01 pCi/m3) as listed in Appendix A.
Surface water samples collected at Sites 03 and 04 were all indicative of no evidence of elevated uranium levels at these sites. The gross alpha and beta results from RPS and GE were generally within two standard deviations at both of these sites during 2008.
Groundwater samples collected near the process lagoons at Site PL3A and WT-6 during 2008 in most instances were well below the 5 pCi/l gross alpha screening level. The Radiation Protection Section results were generally in agreement with those from GE. However, in a few instances there were elevated numbers which are hard to substantiate due to the age, low flow rate and other properties of the well site that make it difficult to discern the difference in analysis results by each lab. Therefore, general deductions were taken into account while looking at results that were deemed to be an anomaly at the time and in comparison to GE’s results. Furthermore, the RPS results for samples from well F-3 near the former fluoride area were well below the 5 pCi/l screening level at 0.00 ± 8.10 E-01 pCi/l and 0.00 ± 8.10 E-01. These were consistent with GE results for the samples as well.
Samples of wastewater collected at Site GE-WW-02 were all above the 5 pCi/l screening level. The section’s results were higher those obtained by GE only on one occasion; however, several sample collections were not analyzed for various reasons, which further makes it difficult to ascertain why this elevated levels occurred. The higher results for the RPS samples are suspected to be the result of different sampling and analytical techniques. The RPS results include the dissolved and suspended activity. Furthermore, the State Lab uses natural uranium as its calibration source for gross alpha in water analyses. The GE contract laboratory, in contrast, uses Am-241 as its calibration isotope. The difference in calibration isotopes can potentially cause a difference in the activity results. Alpha spectroscopy results are unavailable for these samples due to equipment integration problems and personnel turnover in the laboratory analyst position at the State Lab.
All of the soil samples collected at Site 05 (Tinga Farm) and Site 06 (Marathon Road) were below the 15 pCi/g-dry screening level according to RPS or GE results. The State Lab completely ashes the samples and uses the ash weight to calculate the activity.
The RPS gross alpha values for vegetation are higher in some cases than the GE results. This is due to differences in the analysis procedures employed by the State Lab and GE’s contract laboratory. GE uses the dry weight value, which is calculated by multiplying the ash weight by the dry to ash weight ratio. The higher mass calculated for the dry weight would produce the differences in the GE and RPS values.
All sediment samples collected at Sites 03 (site boat dock) and 04 (public boat dock) were below the 15 pCi/g screening level for gross alpha. For this reason, no uranium analyses were done. Sediment samples collected at site 02D, the process lagoon outfall were above the screening level on two occasions.
The average exposure rate during 2008was 40.4 milliRoentgen (mR) per year. There is no evidence of elevated ambient gamma readings in the GE environs, since this result was well below the statewide average of 75 mR per year.
GE - Maps
GE - Maps
GE – Air Particulate
Section 5: Global Nuclear Fuel Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant,
Castle Hayne, North Carolina
Air Particulate - Gross Alpha, (pCi/m3)Indicator (GE-APLV-20)[a] / Control (GE-APLV-03)[b]
All measurements x 10-3 pCi/m3 / All measurements x 10-3 pCi/m3
/ Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error1/7/08 / 2.60 / 0.30 / 5.19 / 1.04 / 2.60 / 0.30 / 5.15 / 1.04
1/14/08 / 0.09 / 0.10 / 1.85 / 0.59 / 0.70 / 0.10 / 1.83 / 0.59
1/21/08 / 1.10 / 0.20 / 1.45 / 0.63 / 0.90 / 0.20 / 2.16 / 0.69
1/28/08 / 2.20 / 0.20 / 3.48 / 0.70 / 2.10 / 0.20 / 3.07 / 0.67
2/4/08 / 1.50 / 0.20 / 1.80 / 0.57 / 1.20 / 0.20 / 2.58 / 0.64
2/11/08 / 1.80 / 0.20 / 3.35 / 0.74 / 1.90 / 0.20 / 3.28 / 0.73
2/18/08 / 1.80 / 0.20 / 3.31 / 0.72 / 1.20 / 0.20 / 3.37 / 0.72
2/25/08 / 1.80 / 0.20 / 2.20 / 0.63 / 1.90 / 0.20 / 2.02 / 0.60
3/3/08 / 2.00 / 0.20 / 2.08 / 0.61 / 2.00 / 0.20 / 2.54 / 0.65
3/10/08 / 0.90 / 0.10 / 3.21 / 0.73 / 1.30 / 0.20 / 2.82 / 0.70
3/17/08 / 1.40 / 0.20 / 3.98 / 0.85 / 2.10 / 0.20 / 5.00 / 0.91
3/24/08 / 1.10 / 0.20 / 2.46 / 0.67 / 1.50 / 0.20 / 2.24 / 0.64
3/31/08 / 1.50 / 0.20 / 3.05 / 0.77 / 1.40 / 0.20 / 2.56 / 0.73
4/7/08 / 0.80 / 0.20 / 1.12 / 0.55 / 0.70 / 0.10 / 1.22 / 0.55
4/14/08 / 0.80 / 0.20 / 9.33 / 0.39 / 1.00 / 0.20 / 1.57 / 0.63
4/21/08 / 0.80 / 0.20 / 2.66 / 0.71 / 1.90 / 0.20 / 2.82 / 0.72
4/28/08 / 0.60 / 0.20 / 2.30 / 0.58 / 1.40 / 0.20 / 2.11 / 0.57
5/5/08 / 1.00 / 0.20 / 2.01 / 0.62 / 1.30 / 0.20 / 2.66 / 0.69
5/12/08 / 1.12 / 0.16 / 2.34 / 0.65 / 0.96 / 0.14 / 1.78 / 0.59
5/19/08 / 1.03 / 0.17 / 1.84 / 0.65 / 0.83 / 0.15 / 1.76 / 0.66
5/26/08 / 1.55 / 0.19 / 2.08 / 0.54 / 1.02 / 0.15 / 1.35 / 0.48
6/2/08 / 0.69 / 0.17 / 1.08 / 0.59 / 0.46 / 0.09 / 1.18 / 0.54
6/9/08 / 2.04 / 0.21 / 2.95 / 0.66 / 1.97 / 0.19 / 2.42 / 0.62
6/16/08 / 1.93 / 0.22 / 2.17 / 0.64 / 1.92 / 0.20 / 2.52 / 0.67
6/23/08 / 1.28 / 0.19 / 2.14 / 0.60 / 1.52 / 0.19 / 2.01 / 0.63
6/30/08 / 1.63 / 0.22 / 2.17 / 0.81 / 1.56 / 0.21 / 3.54 / 0.78
7/7/08 / 1.71 / 0.18 / 2.00 / 0.60 / 2.09 / 0.18 / 2.24 / 0.62
7/14/08 / 1.66 / 0.20 / 2.73 / 0.74 / 1.46 / 0.18 / 3.08 / 0.77
7/21/08 / 1.84 / 0.20 / 2.62 / 0.67 / 1.42 / 0.16 / 2.74 / 0.68
7/28/08 / 1.93 / 0.20 / 2.69 / 0.71 / 1.52 / 0.17 / 3.87 / 0.81
8/4/08 / 1.61 / 0.19 / 1.93 / 0.64 / 1.21 / 0.15 / 2.32 / 0.67
8/11/08 / 2.12 / 0.21 / 4.20 / 0.86 / 1.60 / 0.18 / nc / nc
8/18/08 / 1.63 / 0.19 / 4.41 / 0.84 / 1.30 / 0.16 / 2.82 / 0.74
8/25/08 / 1.39 / 0.18 / 3.35 / 0.70 / 0.88 / 0.13 / 3.53 / 0.73
9/1/08 / 1.20 / 0.18 / 2.28 / 0.65 / 0.80 / 0.14 / 1.67 / 0.69
9/8/08 / 1.65 / 0.21 / 4.24 / 0.83 / 1.59 / 0.26 / 3.14 / 0.74
9/15/08 / 1.31 / 0.21 / 1.39 / 0.70 / 1.31 / 0.20 / 1.22 / 0.68
9/22/08 / 1.74 / 0.23 / 2.74 / 0.71 / 1.38 / 0.19 / 2.13 / 0.66
9/29/08 / 1.22 / 0.19 / 2.15 / 0.68 / 1.35 / 0.18 / 3.12 / 0.76
10/6/08 / 2.43 / 0.26 / 5.36 / 0.90 / 1.97 / 0.22 / 5.62 / 0.91
10/13/08 / 2.15 / 0.22 / 3.37 / 0.66 / 2.35 / 0.39 / 3.91 / 0.71
10/20/08 / 2.18 / 0.26 / 4.26 / 0.88 / 2.41 / 0.26 / 5.10 / 0.95
10/27/08 / 0.90 / 0.18 / 2.14 / 0.64 / 1.85 / 0.20 / 2.18 / 0.63
11/3/08 / 0.95 / 0.18 / 3.37 / 0.72 / 2.34 / 0.23 / 3.07 / 0.69
11/10/08 / 3.72 / 0.31 / 3.56 / 0.79 / 3.76 / 0.29 / 3.33 / 0.76
11/17/08 / 2.78 / 0.27 / 2.43 / 0.65 / 2.33 / 0.23 / 2.64 / 0.66
11/24/08 / 2.89 / 0.27 / 2.80 / 0.70 / 2.32 / 0.19 / 2.69 / 0.69
12/1/08 / 5.42 / 0.38 / 4.00 / 0.80 / 9.56 / 0.64 / 4.12 / 0.80
12/8/08 / 3.79 / 0.32 / 0.47 / 0.83 / 3.55 / 0.28 / 0.63 / 0.09
12/15/08 / 1.75 / 0.22 / 0.32 / 0.75 / 1.60 / 0.19 / 0.27 / 0.07
12/22/08 / 2.21 / 0.24 / 0.25 / 0.69 / 1.81 / 0.20 / 0.30 / 0.07
12/29/08 / 2.53 / 0.25 / 0.30 / 0.74 / 2.23 / 0.22 / 0.26 / 0.07
Average / 1.73 / 2.71 / 1.79 / 2.58
% Diff. / 44.1% / 35.9%
GE - Air Particulate
Air Particulate - Gross Alpha, (pCi/m3)GE-APLV-11[c] / GE-APLV-11iii
All measurements x 10-3 pCi/m3 / All measurements x 10-3 pCi/m3
/ Meas. / Error /Date
/ Error / Meas.1/7/08 / 0.70 / 0.10 / 7/7/08 / 1.40 / 0.13
1/14/08 / 2.70 / 0.20 / 7/14/08 / 1.81 / 0.19
1/21/08 / 1.00 / 0.10 / 7/21/08 / 1.62 / 0.17
1/28/08 / 2.20 / 0.20 / 7/28/08 / 2.58 / 0.25
2/4/08 / 2.00 / 0.20 / 8/4/08 / 1.32 / 0.17
2/11/08 / 2.00 / 0.20 / 8/11/08 / 2.66 / 0.26
2/18/08 / 1.70 / 0.20 / 8/18/08 / 1.40 / 0.16
2/25/08 / 1.00 / 0.20 / 8/25/08 / 2.09 / 0.24
3/3/08 / 1.80 / 0.20 / 9/1/08 / 1.86 / 0.20
3/10/08 / 1.30 / 0.20 / 9/8/08 / 1.66 / 0.23
3/17/08 / 1.90 / 0.20 / 9/15/08 / 2.69 / 0.58
3/24/08 / 1.10 / 0.20 / 9/22/08 / 1.44 / 0.20
3/31/08 / 1.80 / 0.20 / 9/29/08 / 2.32 / 0.37
4/7/08 / 0.90 / 0.20 / 10/6/08 / 2.52 / 0.26
4/14/08 / 0.70 / 0.10 / 10/13/08 / 2.02 / 0.23
4/21/08 / 0.10 / 0.20 / 10/20/08 / 2.20 / 0.30
4/28/08 / 1.90 / 0.20 / 10/27/08 / 1.04 / 0.18
5/5/008 / 1.40 / 0.20 / 11/3/08 / 1.13 / 0.18
5/12/08 / nc / - / 11/10/08 / 4.40 / 0.30
5/19/08 / 0.93 / 0.11 / 11/17/08 / 1.98 / 0.26
5/26/08 / 1.32 / 0.18 / 11/24/08 / 3.46 / 0.29
6/2/08 / 0.76 / 0.17 / 12/1/08 / 5.51 / 0.43
6/9/08 / 2.31 / 0.24 / 12/8/08 / 3.61 / 0.30
6/16/08 / 2.59 / 0.26 / 12/15/08 / 2.06 / 0.20
6/23/08 / 1.65 / 0.22 / 12/22/08 / 4.84 / 0.35
6/30/08 / nc / - / 12/29/08 / 3.41 / 0.38
Average / 1.98
% Diff. / -
GE - Air Particulate
Air Particulate - Isotopic Uranium, (pCi/l)Indicator (GE-APLV-20)[d] / Control (GE-APLV-03)iv
RPS / GE (pCi/L) / RPS / GE (pCi/L)
/ Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / ErrorJanuary / U-234 / nc / - / 4.82E-08 / 1.67E-08 / nc / - / 3.74E-08 / 1.52E-08
U-235 / nc / - / < 2.24E-09 / nc / - / < 6.96E-09
U-238 / nc / - / 2.89E-08 / 1.32E-08 / nc / - / 3.37E-08 / 1.52E-08
February / U-234 / nc / - / 6.62E-08 / 2.13E-08 / nc / - / < 2.46E-08
U-235 / nc / - / 1.28E-08 / nc / - / < 3.72E-08
U-238 / nc / - / 3.31E-08 / 1.67E-08 / nc / - / 3.01E-08
March / U-234 / nc / - / 4.97E-08 / 1.79E-08 / nc / - / 3.06E-08 / 1.54E-08
U-235 / nc / - / <5.02 E-09 / nc / - / 5.41 E-09 / 5.41 E-09
U-238 / nc / - / 4.18E-08 / 1.66E-08 / nc / - / 3.05E-08 / 3.05E-08
April / U-234 / nc / - / 4.61E-08 / 1.61E-08 / nc / - / 3.07E-08 / 1.19E-08
U-235 / nc / - / < 5.85E-08 / nc / - / < 3.49E-08
U-238 / nc / - / 3.80E-08 / 1.46E-08 / nc / - / 2.80E-08 / 1.13E-08
May / U-234 / nc / - / 4.56E-08 / 1.77E-08 / nc / - / 2.92E-08 / 1.14E-08
U-235 / nc / - / < 5.60E-08 / nc / - / < 1.80E-08
U-238 / nc / - / 4.98E-08 / 1.95E-08 / nc / - / 2.92E-08 / 2.92E-08
June / U-234 / nc / - / 3.85E-08 / 1.31E-08 / nc / - / 1.51E-08 / 1.51E-08
U-235 / nc / - / < 5.86E-08 / nc / - / < 7.64E-08
U-238 / nc / - / 3.95E-08 / 1.32E-08 / nc / - / 3.44E-08 / 1.83E-08
July / U-234 / nc / - / 5.03E-08 / 1.93E-08 / nc / - / 1.65E-07 / 3.38E-08
U-235 / nc / - / <1.03E-08 / nc / - / < 4.79E-09
U-238 / nc / - / 3.03E-08 / 1.57E-08 / nc / - / 6.49E-08 / 2.02E-08
August / U-234 / nc / - / <1.98E-08 / nc / - / < 1.44E-08
U-235 / nc / - / < 2.83E-08 / nc / - / < 8.87E-09
U-238 / nc / - / < 2.80E-08 / nc / - / < 1.76E-08
September / U-234 / nc / - / <6.15E-09 / nc / - / 2.41E-08 / 1.47E-08
U-235 / nc / - / <1.52E-08 / nc / - / 9.19E-09 / 9.19E-09
U-238 / nc / - / 3.30E-09 / nc / - / < 7.43E-08
October / U-234 / nc / - / 2.32E-08 / 1.15E-08 / nc / - / < 1.28E-08
U-235 / nc / - / < 6.65E-09 / nc / - / < 6.00E-09
U-238 / nc / - / <1.16E-08 / nc / - / 1.37E-08 / 1.37E-08
November / U-234 / nc / - / <1.73E-08 / nc / - / <1.26E-08
U-235 / nc / - / < 5.04E-09 / nc / - / < 2.53E-09
U-238 / nc / - / < 1.73E-08 / nc / - / < 7.62E-09
December / U-234 / nc / - / 5.50E-09 / 2.04E-09 / nc / - / 3.32E-09 / 1.76E-09
U-235 / nc / - / <7.59E-10 / nc / - / <6.30E-10
U-238 / nc / - / 4.39E-09 / 4.39E-09 / nc / - / 2.21E-09 / 1.43E-09
GE –Surface Water
Surface Water – Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, and Isotopic Uranium, (pCi/l)Indicator (GE-SW-03)[e] / Control (GE-SW-04)[f]
All measurements in pCi/l / All measurements in pCi/l
Date / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
8/04/08 / Alpha / 8.94 / 1.47 / < 3.15
Beta / 9.13 / 1.64 / 3.98 / 2.11
9/9/08 / Alpha / 11.00 / 3.67 / < 16.60
Beta / 28.40 / 1.99 / 50.30 / 5.29
11/17/08 / Alpha / nc / - / < 4.04 / 3.17 / 1.18 / < 1.76
Beta / nc / - / 28.50 / 5.29 / 5.73 / 1.59 / 5.98 / 2.36
GE –Surface Water
Groundwater - Alpha, Beta, and Uranium, pCi/lGE-GW-PL3A[g]
All measurements in pCi/l
Date / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
1/7/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 11.20 / 3.77
Beta / nc / - / 13.40 / 2.92
4/8/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 12.20 / 3.31
Beta / nc / - / 17.80 / 2.98
8/11/08 / Alpha / 17.1 / 1.49 / 7.25 / 2.79
Beta / 9.89 / 1.55 / 15.90 / 2.82
10/1/08 / Alpha / 10.6 / 1.28 / 3.31 / 1.87
Beta / 13.0 / 1.61 / 15.70 / 2.78
Groundwater - Alpha, Beta, and Uranium, pCi/l
All measurements in pCi/l
Date / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
2/4/08 / Alpha / nc / - / < 1.73
Beta / nc / - / 6.31 / 2.38
11/5/08 / Alpha / 4.93 / 1.23 / < 3.07
Beta / 5.23 / 1.57 / 7.07 / 2.06
Groundwater - Alpha, Beta, and Uranium, pCi/l
All measurements in pCi/l
Date / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
2/12/08 / Alpha / nc / - / < 2.97
Beta / nc / - / < 2.60
6/16/08 / Alpha / 3.24 / 1.05 / < 1.60
Beta / 3.22 / 1.47 / 3.81 / 2.06
GE – Waste Water
Waste Water - Alpha, Beta, Radium, and Isotopic Uranium (pCi/l)Indicator (GE-WW-02)[j]
All measurements in pCi/l
Date / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
1/22/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 46.30 / 12.20
Beta / nc / - / 16.10 / 3.66
2/4/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 103.00 / 18.60
Beta / nc / - / 28.20 / 4.40
3/3/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 162.00 / 23.20
Beta / nc / - / 34.30 / 4.64
4/3/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 78.10 / 16.90
Beta / nc / - / 24.20 / 4.20
5/6/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 21.58 / 4.49
Beta / nc / - / 22.30 / 3.24
6/2/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 95.20 / 18.00
Beta / nc / - / 27.00 / 5.50
7/31/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 62.10 / 14.50
Beta / nc / - / 23.00 / 4.04
8/29/08 / Alpha / 94.7 / 4.76 / 55.60 / 13.50
Beta / 19.8 / 1.91 / 23.20 / 4.01
9/30/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 106.00 / 18.00
Beta / nc / - / 35.00 / 4.55
10/20/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 95.40 / 18.20
Beta / nc / - / 32.90 / 4.52
11/3/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 44.60 / 14.70
Beta / nc / - / 27.90 / 4.74
12/3/08 / Alpha / nc / - / 71.50 / 16.30
Beta / nc / - / 23.00 / 4.22
GE - Terrestrial Vegetation
Terrestrial Vegetation - Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, and Isotopic Uranium, pCi/gIndicator (GE-TV-05)[k] / Indicator (GE-TV-06)[l]
RPS (pCi/g-ash) / GE (pCi/g-wet) / RPS (pCi/g-ash) / GE (pCi/g-wet)
Date / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
9/9/08 / Alpha / 1.78 / 0.24 / < 0.08 / 1.25 / 0.19 / < 0.08
Beta / 8.38 / 0.34 / 6.43 / 0.16 / 6.77 / 0.35 / 4.06 / 0.12
GE - Soil
Soil - Alpha, Beta, and Isotopic Uranium, (pCi/gm-dry)Indicator (GE-SS-05)[m] / (GE-SS-06)[n]
All measurements in pCi/g
/All measurements in pCi/g
/ RPS / GEDate / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
9/9/08 / Alpha / 6.40 / 2.55 / < 4.29 / 13.59 / 3.85 / < 4.21
Beta / 5.03 / 1.32 / 9.35 / 1.68 / 8.63 / 1.27 / 6.78 / 1.53
GE - Sediment
Sediment - Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, and Isotopic Uranium (pCi/g-dry)Indicator (GE-SD-02D)[o] / Indicator (GE-SD-03)[p]
All measurements in pCi/g
/All measurements in pCi/g
/ RPS / GEDate / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error
8/4/08 / Alpha / 141.30 / 7.17 / 158.00 / 13.50
Beta / 43.30 / 2.04 / 127.00 / 5.16
9/9/08 / Alpha / nc / nc / < 2.83
Beta / nc / nc / 4.40 / 1.16
12/3/08 / Alpha / 84.39 / 5.38 / 95.90 / 11.0 / 3.18 / 2.69 / < 2.78
Beta / 17.70 / 1.37 / 137.00 / 5.33 / 3.09 / 1.12 / 7.67 / 1.67
Sediment - Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, and Isotopic Uranium (pCi/g-dry)
Control - Upstream (GE-SD-04)[q]
All measurements in pCi/g
Date / Isotope / Meas. / Error / Meas. / Error8/4/08 / Alpha / 7.79 / 2.55 / < 3.46
Beta / 4.15 / 1.10 / 6.04 / 1.48
11/17/08 / Alpha / 28.03 / 4.10 / 8.38 / 3.51
Beta / 10.18 / 1.23 / 13.10 / 1.97
TLD, mR/yearAll readings in mR/year.
1st Qtr / 2nd Qtr / 3rd Qtr / 4th Qtr
Loc # / Location / Meas / Error / Meas / Error / Meas / Error / Meas / Error
1 / Lagoon / 48.9 / 4.6 / 38.6 / 1.4 / 38.8 / 1.7 / 40.3 / 1.7
2 / Site Dam / 44.0 / 4.5 / 39.4 / 2.0 / 46.2 / 3.2 / 42.7 / 3.0
3 / Site Dock / 28.3 / 1.2 / 30.4 / 1.8 / 32.7 / 2.3 / 33.6 / 2.5
4 / Public Dock / 42.2 / 1.9 / 42.7 / 2.2 / 29.0 / 5.0 / 39.9 / 2.4
5 / Tinga Farm / 49.5 / 1.7 / 46.2 / 2.1 / 53.8 / 4.8 / 41.5 / 2.9
Quarterly Average, All Sites / 42.6 / 39.5 / 40.1 / 39.6
Yearly Average, All Sites / 40.4
[a] GE-APLV-20 is located at the South Fence of the FMO Building Air Samples are collected weekly at this site by NCRPS and GE. Filters are composited monthly by GE and quarterly by NCRPS.
[b] GE-APLV-03 is located at the GE dock downstream of the discharge canal. NCRPS and GE collect air samples weekly at this site. Filters are composited monthly by GE and quarterly by NCRPS.
nc Samples were not analyzed by the North Carolina State Public Health Laboratory for one of the following reasons: scheduled samples were not collected, or samples were collected and submitted to the State Lab for analysis but the analysis result was missing from the State Lab database.
[c] GE-APLV-11 is located at the Horticultural Crops Research Station on Hwy. 117 across from GE plant.
nc Samples were not analyzed by the North Carolina State Public Health Laboratory for various and unforeseen reasons.
[d] GE-APLV-20 is located at the South Fence of the FMO Building. GE-APLV-03 is located at the GE dock downstream of the discharge canal. NCRPS and GE collect air Samples weekly at this site. Filters are composited monthly by GE and quarterly by NCRPS.
nc Samples were not analyzed by the North Carolina State Public Health Laboratory for various and unforeseen reasons.
[e] GE-SW-03 is located at the site dam and is sampled on a quarterly basis.
[f] GE-SW-04 is located at the Cape Fear River Public Boat Doc and is sampled on a quarterly basis.
nc Samples were not analyzed by the North Carolina State Public Health Laboratory for various and unforeseen reasons.
[g] Sample was collected at Well 3A near the process lagoons (GE-GW-PL3A).
[h]GE-WT-06 is collected from the waste treatment area. Sampling is done on a semi-annual basis.
[i] GE-GW-F3. It is a shallow well placed in the upper aquifer. Sampling is on a semi-annual basis.
nc Samples were not analyzed by the North Carolina State Public Health Laboratory for various and unforeseen reasons.
[j] Sample of effluent is collected monthly at site dam.
nc Samples were not analyzed by the North Carolina State Public Health Laboratory for various and unforeseen reasons.
[k] GE-TV-05 is located at Tinga Farm and is collected semi-annually.
[l] GE-TV-06 is located near St. Stanislaus Church on Marathon Avenue. Samples are collected semi-annually.
[m] GE-SS-05 is located at Tinga Farm. Samples are collected semi-annually.
[n] GE-SS-06 is located at Saint Stanislaus Catholic Church on Marathon Avenue.
a GE-SD-02D is collected below the process lagoon discharge pipe outfall near the dam site. Sampling done on an annual basis.
[p] GE-SD-03 is located at the site dock.
[q] GE-SD-04 is located at the Castle Hayne Boat Landing.
nc Samples were not analyzed by the North Carolina State Public Health Laboratory for various and unforeseen reasons.