Guidelines for Applicants
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Bulgaria
European Agency for Reconstruction in Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Neighborhood Programme
Bulgaria – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2004
Grant Scheme for Nature Protection, Valorization of Cultural Heritage and Co-operation among Public Institutions at Regional/Local Level
for grant applicants
corresponding to the call for proposals for 2004
Open Call for Proposals
Budget line: 2004/016-786
Reference:2004/016-786.01.01/Grants – 04MAC03/02/002
Deadline for receipt of applications: September 21st2006
The evaluation of your application will only be performed if your concept note is provisionally selected. Your application will then undergo the evaluation. The eligibility conformity check will only be performed for the proposals that have been provisionally selected according to the score obtained after the final evaluation, on the basis of the supporting documents which will be requested by the Joint Evaluation Committee and the Declaration by the applicant signed and sent together with the application.
Table of Content
1.Grant Scheme for Nature Protection, Valorisation of Cultural Heritage and Cooperation among Public Institutions at Regional/Local Level
2.Rules OF thIS call for proposalS
2.1Eligibility criteria......
2.2.1Application form
2.2.2Where and how to send the applications
2.2.3Deadline for receipt of applications
2.2.4 Further Information
2.5 Notification of the Contracting Authority’s decision......
2.5.1 Content of the decision
2.5.2 Indicative time table......
2.6Conditions applicable to implementation of the action following the Contracting Authority's decision to award a grant
3.LIST OF annexes
- Grant Scheme for Nature Protection, Valorisation of Cultural Heritage and Cooperation among Public Institutions at Regional/Local Level
The Neighborhood Programme between the Republic of Bulgariaand the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniais the result of a joint programming effort of the relevant national authorities and various regional partners involved in the programme. The priorities defined within the Joint Programming Document (JPD) under the Neighborhood Programme (2004-2006) aim at achieving economic, social, cultural and ecological sustainability in the programme area, thus ensuring integration into the wider European cooperation.
The border area between the two countries is homogeneous from natural, geographical and environmental point of view and similarities can be highlighted also from the economical and cultural points of view. In this framework, and especially in the current process of EU integration, the setting up of integrated and coordinated interventions on both sides of the border are crucial for strengthening the links between institutions and people, increasing the sustainability of economic and social activities, and provision of a real basis for their further development.Furthermore, existing potentials and resources are not yet sufficiently exploited and in this context,one of the main development challenges facing both countries is the need to ensure a balanced path towards socio-economic development, while preserving their outstanding natural and cultural heritage and meeting the EU environmental requirements.
Biodiversity and nature protection are considered as one of the priority areas in the national policies of theRepublic of Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Both countries have adopted relevant legislative framework: Protected Areas Act (SG No 133/1998 and Biological Diversity Act (SG, No 77/2002) in Bulgaria; Nature Protection Act (SG No 67/2004) in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The goals and priorities for biodiversity protection, conservation and maintenance are stipulated in the “National Biological Diversity Protection Plan 2005-2010” of Bulgaria and in several strategic documents as follows: the Second National Environmental Action Plan (2006),the National Framework for Biosafety (2005), the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Macedonia (2004),the National Strategy and Action Plan for Biological Diversity Protection (2004) and Country Study for Biodiversity of the Republic of Macedonia (First National Report)(2003).The World Conservation Union (IUCN)categorization of the nature protected territories has been incorporated into the national legislations and programmes by both countries, including the following categories: nature reserves, national parks, nature landmarks, maintained reserves, nature parks and protected areas.
A specific regime for conservation and use has been established for each of the categories of protected territories (areas). The construction, maintenance and use of sites are taking place in correspondence with that regime and according to the relevant managementplans. The regulations of the laws are relevant to all of the protected areas regardless of the ownership/ the users of the forests, lands and water areas in them: the national parks and the reserves are exclusive state property, whereas the other categories of protected territories can be property of a municipality or private property.
In Bulgaria, the Ministry of Environment and Waters (MEW) and its local units organize and administer the assignment of tasks for maintenance and rehabilitation, control the conservation and economic activitieswithin the protected areas– exclusive state property. Specific Directorates are established for the administration of the national parks,which are self-dependent legal entities, financed by the state budget and are under the direct sub ordinance of MEW. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF), as well as the physical persons, the legal entities or the municipalities – owners of forests, lands and water areas in the protected areas (outside the exclusive state property),are managing their property in conformity with the regulations of the laws.
For the purposes of the present grant scheme the definition of a "protected area" adopted by The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is used: “an area especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed through legal or other effective means”. Furthermore, IUCN recognizes that although all protected areas meet the general purposes contained in this definition, in practice the precise purposes, for which protected areas are managed, differ greatly. The following are the main purposes of management: Scientific research, Wilderness protection, Preservation of species and genetic diversity, Maintenance of environmental services, Protection of specific natural and cultural features, Tourism and recreation, Education, Sustainable use of resources from natural ecosystems, Maintenance of cultural and traditional attributes.
An extension of the protected areas network is planned in both countries, including the cross-border region, with view to the EU accession process and in the framework of “NATURA 2000”, which is the integrated unified European eco-network of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA), being developed by the member states of the European Union. This network consists of regions, covering nature formations as well as the habitats of flora and fauna species of interest to the European Community. The network must guarantee their further existence or the eventual recovery to favorable conservation status of these natural locations and of the species.
The preparation of the sites according to the Habitats and the Bird Directives (Directive 92/43/EEC and Directive 79/409/EEC) is already going on at the national levels. The potential “NATURA 2000” sites are mostly within the already protected (or planned protected) areas according to the national legislations. Apart from government, municipalities also play a crucial role by designation of nature protected areas, thus the “bottom-up” approach and the public awareness of the different stakeholders and the land owners have to be in place in order to reach the consensus. Therefore, the implementation of this grant scheme will also support the “NATURA 2000” process.
Until the end of 2005, forty “NATURA 2000” protected areas have been identified within the border region of Bulgaria, which cover a territory of 330 000 he. The Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is in a process of establishing an ecological network “Balkan Green Belt”. The “Balkan Green Belt” passes along the border of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia with Albania, Greece and Bulgaria and ranges from one to several decades of kilometers. The borders of the “Balkan Green Belt” in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are defined, and there is a follow-up action programme, which covers inventory of biodiversity and natural landmarks and specifics, mapping and developing of plans for their protection. Information about the protected areas and the “Balkan Green Belt” will be available on the website of the Neighborhood Programme:
The present Grant Scheme for Nature Protection, Valorization of Cultural Heritage and Cooperation among Public Institutions at Regional/Local Level will play a key part in the process of preparation of Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for accession, in particular through the management of natural and cultural heritage and future investment actions, by means of institutional building for the preparation of projects and adoption of participative approach in the decision making process. Thus, the present Grant scheme represents an important element in the preparations for implementation of EU regional policy and co-ordination of structural instruments. In addition, it supports the social and economic integration of the eligible cross-border region not only within the national space, but also within the enlarged Europe.
This Call for Proposals is implemented jointly on both sides of the border.For the Republic of Bulgaria the Contracting Authority is the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works; for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia the Contracting Authority is theEuropean Agency for Reconstruction.
The Applicants and partners from both sides of the border will be financed from different sources, Bulgarian from PHARE and National Budget funds and Macedonian from CARDS funds. In case of integrated projects one single project will be financed from two sources.
The 2004 Grant Scheme for Nature ProtectionValorization of Cultural Heritage and Cooperation among Public Institutions at Regional/Local Level is related to Priorities 1 and 2, measures 1.1 (“Management and valorization of natural and cultural heritage”) and 2.1 (“Co-operation among public institutions at regional and local level”) of the Joint Programming Document (JPD) for PHARE CBC/CARDS Neighborhood Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for the period 2004-2006 (JPD can be found on the web-site of the Bulgarian Ministry for Regional Development and Public Works: and on the web-site of the programme: namely:
Measure 1.1 Management and Valorization of Natural and Cultural Heritage - This measure focuses on the cross-border landscape, nature and culture protection, thus improving theconditions for positive development in the fields of agriculture, forestry and tourism, as well as for thedevelopment of business sites. Cooperation in these fields is supplemented by improvement of theenvironment encompassing all environmental areas (water, air and soil, and the use of energy).Furthermore, this measure involves the biodiversity and cultural landmarks conservation, managementand awareness rising with regard to natural and cultural resources, as well as general requirements ofenvironmental protection: i.e. feasibility studies, monitoring systems, analysis of the environment andenergy situation etc.
Measure 2.1 Co-operation among public institutions at regional/ local level - The main purpose of the measure is to stimulate regional cooperation and establishment of localcapacity and networks. Activities eligible for support under this measure include, among others:exchange of experiences on different levels and of information needed to build up institutional capacitiesfor the preparation of projects and adoption of participative approach in the decision making process;development of spatial and regional development strategies; development and use of sustainable cross-borderinformation systems (databases, geographical information systems etc.); joint research projects,studies and concepts for nature and landscape protection.
1.2.1. The overall objective of the programme for 2004 to be implemented through this Grant Scheme is to:
- Promote protection and valorization of the biodiversity and cultural resources with the aim ofensuring sustainable development of the eligible cross-border region.
1.2.2. The specific objectivesof the Grant Scheme are to:
- Increase the efficiency of the integrated management and the sustainable use of natural and cultural resources;
- Stimulate regional cooperation and establishment of local capacity and networks.
1.2.3. The Grant Scheme will finance projects in the following priority areas:
- Preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development in protected areas, and agricultural and forestry areas;
- Sustainable development through eco-, cultural tourism and valorisation of the cultural heritage.
Protected areas are the areas identified and registered as protected areas according to the Bulgarian and Macedonian legislations. The potential protected zones listed in “NATURA 2000” in Bulgaria and the “Balkan Green Belt” in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are also eligible for support under Priority area 1.
Buffer zones are the zones surrounding the natural reserves. The territories of the municipalities including agricultural and forest areas and settlements surrounding the protected areasare recognized as adjacent zones and are eligible for support under Priority area 2.
IMPORTANTPlease notethat each project that apply for financial support under the present Call for Proposals shall relate to only one of the above priority areas!
1.3.1.Financial provision for the Republic of Bulgaria
The overall indicative total grants amount made available under this Call for Proposals for the Republic of Bulgaria is 1 800000 Euro [PHARE support is at the amount1500000 Euro and national Co-financing amounts to the total of 300000 Euro].
The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
Size of grants
Any grant awarded under this call for proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
For investment activities:Minimum amount: 50000 Euro
Maximum amount: 200000 Euro
For institutional activities:Minimum amount: 50000 Euro
Maximum amount: 100000 Euro
ImportantEach action proposed should include one or more of the investment activities presented in section 2.1.3. Component 1-A or Component 2-A. This is a mandatory requirement.
In addition, institutional activities(presented in section 2.1.3. Component 1-B or Component 2-B) may also be included as complementary and directly related to the purpose of the action proposed.
In case the action proposed comprises both investment and institutional activities, TWO SEPARATE BUDGETS SHOULD BE FILLED IN. (Please, refer to the attached Budget A and Budget B).Please note, that in this case the total amount of an action will be calculated through a sum of the total amounts of the Budget A and Budget B. In this manner the following minimum and maximum amounts per grant will be:
Minimum amount: 100000 Euro
Maximum amount: 300000 Euro
In case the action proposed comprises only investment activities, ONE BUDGET SHOULD BE FILLED IN. (Please, refer to the attached Budget A).
In addition, no grant may exceed 90 % of the total eligible costs of the action [please refer also to section 2.1.4. below]. The balance must be financed from the applicant’s or partners’ own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget or the European Development Fund.
IMPORTANTMinimum co-financing required is 10% of the total cost of the action. Co-financing is to be provided by the Applicants in order to demonstrate local commitment.
Contribution in kind is not allowed.
1.3.2.Financial provision for theformer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The overall indicative total grants amount made available under this Call for Proposals is for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is 750000 Euro [CARDS support is at the amount750000 Euro].
The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
Size of grants
Any grant awarded under this call must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
For investment activities:Minimum amount: 50000 Euro
Maximum amount: 200000 Euro
For institutional activities:Minimum amount: 50000 Euro
Maximum amount: 100000 Euro
ImportantEach action proposed should include one or more of the investment activities presented in section 2.1.3. Component 1-A, Component 2- A. This is a mandatory requirement.
In addition, institutional activities (presented in section 2.1.3. Component 1-B, Component 2-B) may also be included as complementary and directly related to the purpose of the action proposed.
In case the action proposed comprises both investment and institutional activities, TWO SEPARATE BUDGETS SHOULD BE FILLED IN. (Please, refer to the attached Budget A and Budget B). Please note, that in this case the total amount of an action will be calculated through a sum of the total amounts of the Budget A and Budget B. In this manner the following minimum and maximum amounts per grant will be:
Minimum amount: 100000 Euro
Maximum amount: 300000 Euro
In case the action proposed comprises only investment activities, ONE BUDGET SHOULD BE FILLED IN. (Please, refer to the attached Budget A).
In addition, no grant may exceed 90 % of the total eligible costs of the action [please refer also to section 2.1.4. below]. The balance must be financed from the applicant’s or partners’ own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget or the European Development Fund.