Michelle Martin, M.S.
Room 282
Textbook: Modern Chemistry by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston
Remind App: Text 81010. Enter the following class code for 5th Period: @4e34c
· 3 ring binder
· Scientific or graphing calculator
· Highlighter, pencil, blue/black ink pens
· Paper
· Kleenex and Clorox Wipes
· The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean
Lab Fee and Lab Safety
· Each student will be required to pay a $10 Lab fee and fill out a Lab Safety Contract in order to participate in the lab activities.
· Online payments are encouraged by going to the following link http://osp.osmsinc.com/colliervilletn
· (Link is also available at the school website www.colliervillehs.org
What I expect from you:
· Keep up with reading and book problems every night! No whining!
· Always follow the safety rules and specific guidelines for each lab.
· Turn in work on time.
· Come in class each day on time, prepared, and ready to go!!
What you can expect from me for each unit:
· Notes - I do my very best to present the content in clear, understandable manner, where we will build on previous knowledge. Notes will be posted 1-2 days before the test.
· Lab – Prelab will be due before the lab and final write-ups will be due after the lab. Safety is a primary concern and safe practices are always enforced. Not following the safety rules may result in loss of lab privileges and a reduced lab grade. A safety contract, quiz, and section in each lab will help to remind of this important aspect of lab!
· Quizzes – give you an opportunity to see how well you know the material
· Tests – The tests are meant to prepare you for the EOC.
Grades will be assigned based on total points. The grade will be broken into the following categories: Tests, Quizzes, Labs, Classwork, Projects, Exams, EOC
Make Up Work:
All missed work and assessments are the responsibility of the student when they are absent from school. A student who is absent on the class day before a regularly scheduled assessment will be responsible for completing the assignment on the regularly scheduled day and time. Students who have been absent more than two consecutive days (including the assessment day) will be given five (5) school days to make up the assessment and/or other assignments. This does not include major projects, research papers, etc., where the deadline has been posted in advance. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances.
Chemistry 1st SEMESTER PLAN
· Week 1 - 2: Chap. 1; physical/chemical properties and change; classification of matter; lab practical
· Week 3: Ch. 2; units and metric conversion; accuracy and precision; density lab
· Week 4 - 5: Ch. 3; Atomic theory; basic conversions; flame test
· Week 6 - 7: Ch. 4; Electron configuration and quantum mechanical model; s and p orbitals
· Week 8 - 9: Ch. 5; Periodic table and periodic trends
· EOC Points: accuracy/precision, periodic trends, atomic theories and experiments, physical/chemical properties and change, classification of matter
· Week 1 – 2: Ch. 6; bond types; Lewis structures; Alloy Lab
· Week 3 – 4: Ch. 7; naming compounds
· Week 5 – 8: Ch. 8; Chemical equations; balancing equations; reaction types; Iron Compounds Lab
· Week 9: Exam review and Exam
· EOC Points: Lewis structures, reaction types, balancing equations, naming compounds
· Week 1 (Jan.7 thru 10): Review Ch. 7-8
· Week 2 – 4: Chap. 9; Stoichiometry; grams-moles, moles-grams, grams-grams, grams-liters, liters-grams
· Week 5 – 6: Ch. 10; kinetic theory; arrangement of particles; baking soda/ vinegar lab
· Week 7: Ch. 16; enthalpy; exothermic/endothermic; specific heat; peanut lab
· Week 8 – 9: Ch. 11; gas laws; coke can lab
· EOC Points: Motion of particles in states of matter, phase change diagrams, gas laws, stoichiometry
· Week 1 – 2: Ch. 12 - 13; Solutions; Colligative properties (no calculations); Borax lab
· Week 3 – 4: Ch. 14 - 15; Acid/Base theory; Indicators- litmus and phenolphthalein; Calculate pH/pOH and concentrations; neutralization reactions; Titration and Litmus lab
· Week 5: Ch. 21; Half Life; Radioactive decay
· Week 6: Review and practice for EOC
· Week 7 – 9: State testing; Exam
· EOC Points: Solubility, colligative properties, Indicators, Identifying Acid and Bases, Half Life