Course Catalog Summary
Home > Manage Student Records > Establish Courses > Inquire > Course Catalog Summary
Enter the Subject Area and Catalog Number in the appropriate fields.
Place a checkmark in the Include History checkbox to see history rows.
Choose Search .
If more than one row appears in the Search Results, choose the one at the top of the list. These rows are effective dated so all rows will appear here.
Course Catalog Summary Page ~ “Current”
The Course Catalog Summary page indicates the effective date for the course as well as its status. The illustration above shows an effective date of May 15, 2003 and an Active status.
When the Update Display button in the bottom right corner of the page is “grayed out” it tells you that you will only see “current” information.
“Current” means the information with the effective date prior to or equal to today’s date. Future dated rows are not considered current.
Note: the May 15, 2003 date was used for the row containing the most current information for all of the courses so that the information entered would not affect the conversion.
Course Catalog Summary Page ~ “With History”
When you would like to see all rows pertaining to a course, select the Include History button.
This will enable you to see the “current” row of information as well as all of the history rows and future dated rows.
When you are in “include history” mode the divider bar will indicate the number of rows associated with this particular course. In the example above, there are nine rows.
You will notice that the View All link is active in the divider bar.
You can select this link to show all the rows of the course summary information.
To see each row (one at a time), use the show next row button in the divider bar. You will see the changes to this course that have occurred over time.
University at Albany1