Astleitner, H. (in preparation). Multidimensional engagement in learning - an instructional design approach.
Astleitner, H. & Ortner, C. (in preparation). Relationship education with adolescents.
Astleitner, H. & Ortner, C. (2017). Interpersonal Competence Development of University Students -Exploring a Social Problem-Solving Measurement Approach (Research Report). Salzburg: University.
Astleitner, H. & Baumgartner, T. (2015). Affecting implicit theories about how love can be developed. Paper presented at the 8th SELF Biennial International Conference, 20.-24.8.2015, Kiel (Germany).
Astleitner, H. (2013). An instructional design theory on fostering humanity. Searching for balance in postmodern classrooms. Invited paper at the 14th International Conference on Educational Research (ICER), 17.-18.10.2013, Seoul (Korea). also: Invited paper XLI. Seminario di StudiItalo-Tedeschi, 28.-29.10.2013, Merano (Italy).
Astleitner, H. (2013). A systematic approach on the theoretical quality of educational intervention research: The Interventions Theory Questions (ITQ). Paper presented at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), 11.-15.9.2013, Istanbul (Turkey).
Astleitner, H. (2011). Decision support for aggression risk assessment and management in schools. Paper presented at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), 12.-16.9.2011, Berlin (Germany).
Astleitner, H. (2010). Handling cultural differences in e-Learning – An instructional design framework on affective diversity. Paper presented at ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), 25.-27.8.2010, Helsinki (Finland).
Astleitner, H. (2009). Theoretical models on teaching with educational standards - Guidelines for designing goal- and evidence-based instruction. Paper presented at the ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), 28.-30.9.2009, Vienna (Austria).
Astleitner, H., Kriegseisen, J. & Riffert, F. (2009). Using A Multiple Evidence Model (MUEMO)for Testing the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions. Paper presented at the ECER (European Conference on Educational Research), 28.-30.9.2009, Vienna (Austria).
Astleitner, H. (2007). An Aptitude-Treatment-Interaction-approach on motivation and student´s self-regulated hypermedia-based learning. Paper presented at EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) - conference. 28.8.-1.9., Budapest (Hungary).
Astleitner, H. & Herber, H.-J. (Eds.). (2007). Task- and standard-based learning. An instructionalpsychologyperspective. Frankfurt/M.: Lang. (ISBN 3-631-55135-5)
Astleitner, H., Nussbaum, M. E. & Hofer, M. (2007). Stimulating the generation of counterarguments during writing. Paper presented at EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) - conference. 28.8.-1.9., Budapest (Hungary).
Astleitner, H. & Koller, M. (2006). An aptitude-treatment-interaction-approach on motivation and student's self-regulated multimedia-based learning. Interactive Educational Multimedia, 13, 11-23. (ISSN 1576-4990, Barcelona, Spain)
Sztejnberg, A., Hurek, J., & Astleitner, H. (2006). FEASP-related emotions of Polish secondary school teachers and students. Journal ofInstructionalPsychology, 33, 63-65. (ISSN 0094-1956, Mobile, USA)
Astleitner, H. (2005). Principles of effective instruction - General standards for teachers and instructional designers. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 32, 3-8. (ISSN 0094-1956, Mobile, USA)
Astleitner, H. (Ed.). (2005). School development. Focusing on emotional factors and general skills. Frankfurt/M.: Lang. (ISBN 3-631-52865-3, US-ISBN 0-8204-7338-3)
Astleitner, H. & Steinberg, R. (2005). Are there gender differences in web-based learning? An integrated model and related effect sizes. AACE Journal. International Forum on Information Technology and Education, 13, 47-63. (ISSN 1065-6901, Norfolk, USA)
Astleitner, H. (2004). Multimedia, stories, and emotion. An integrated model for research and design. E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 7, 2. (ISSN 1324-0781, University of Southern Queensland, Australia)
Astleitner, H. & Lintner, P. (2004). The effects of ARCS-strategies on self-regulated learning with instructional texts. E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 7, 1. (ISSN 1324-0781, University of Southern Queensland, Australia)
Astleitner, H. & Wiesner, C. (2004). An integrated model of multimedia learning and motivation. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 13, 3-21. (ISSN 1055-8896, Norfolk, USA)
Zander, S., Astleitner, H., Leutner, D. & Brünken, R. (2004). Motivational design for multimedia learning. First empirical results on motivation and knowledge acquisition. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA (American Educational Research Association), 12.4.-16.4.2004, San Diego, USA.
Astleitner, H. (2003). Web-basedinstructionandlearning. In N. Nistor, S. English & S. Wheeler (Eds.), Towards the virtual university - International on-line learning perspectives (pp. 37-63). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. (ISBN 1-931576-92-0)
Astleitner, H. (2003). Designing Emotionally sound instruction - An empirical validation of the FEASP-approach. Paper presented at EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) - conference. 26.8.-30.8., Padua, Italy.
Astleitner, H. & Hufnagl, M. (2003). The effects of situation-outcome-expectancies and of ARCS-strategies on self-regulated learning with web-lectures. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 12, 361-376. (ISSN 1055-8896, Norfolk, USA)
Astleitner, H., Brünken, R. & Leutner, D. (2003). The quality of instructional materials for argumentative knowledge construction. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 30, 3-11. (ISSN 0094-1956, Mobile, USA)
Astleitner, H. (2002).Teaching critical thinking online. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 29, 53-76. (ISSN 0094-1956, Mobile, USA); also: Teaching critical thinking online. Concepts, projects, and research findings. Invited Paper of SIG Knowledge Management. EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) Conference. 28.8.-1.9.2001, Fribourg (Switzerland).
Astleitner, H. (2001). Web-based distance education from a social-emotional perspective. In Frindte, W., Köhler, T., Marquet, P. & Nissen, E. (Eds), Internet-based teaching and learning (IN-TELE) 99 (pp. 164-179). Frankfurt/M.: Lang. (ISBN 3-631-37540-9)
Astleitner, H. (2001). Quality assurance as the next major goal for web-based distance education. In M. R. Syed & V. Tareski (Eds.), Advances in educational technologies. Multimedia, WWW and distance education (pp. 71-79). New York: Wiley. (ISBN 0-471-20473-0)
Astleitner, H. (2001). Designing emotionally sound instruction. An empirical validation of the FEASP-approach. Journal ofInstructionalPsychology, 28, 209-219. (ISSN 0094-1956, Mobile, USA)
Rahouma, K. H., Zinterhof, P. & Astleitner, H. (2000). Hypertext: Some general aspects and considerations. In G. E. Lasker (Ed.), Advances in Computer Cybernetics, Volume VIII (pp. 1-9). Windsor, Canada: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. (ISBN 0-921836-98-8)
Astleitner, H. (2000). Web-based distance education from a social/emotional perspective. In A. Voiskounsky (Ed.), Research on the Internet: Humanitarian and social aspects (pp. 333-366). Moscow: Moscow State University. (Reprint, in Russian language, ISBN 5-7542-0074-9)
Astleitner, H. (2000). Designing emotionally sound instruction: The FEASP-approach. Instructional Science, 28, 169-198. (ISSN 0020-4277, Dordrecht, The Netherlands)
Astleitner, H. (2000). A review of motivational and emotional strategies to reduce dropout in web-based distance education. In D. Leutner & R. Brünken (Hrsg.), Neue Medien in Unterricht, Aus- und Weiterbildung (S. 17-24). Münster: Waxmann. (ISBN 3-89325-847-7)
Astleitner, H. & Leutner, D. (2000). Designing instructional technology from an emotional perspective. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 32, 497-510. (ISSN 0888-6504, New York, USA)
Astleitner, H. (1999). Web-based distance education from a social-emotional perspective. Some thoughts on "humanizing" strategies. Invited Paper of the 2nd In-Tele Conference: A European Conference on Educational Uses of the Internet. 16.9.-18.9.1999, Jena (Germany).
Rahouma, K., Astleitner, H. & Zinterhof, P. (1999). Developing a hypertext tutorial platform for microcomputer maintenance and troubleshooting. In M. R. Syed, O. R. Baiocchi & G. E. Lasker (Eds.), Advances in multimedia and distance education (pp. 29-40). Windsor, Canada: The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. (ISBN 0-921836-82-1)
Astleitner, H. & Sams, J. (1998). Ways of supporting teachers in web-based instruction. In G. Davis (Ed.), Teleteaching ´98, Distance learning, training and instruction (pp. 85-94). Vienna: International Federation for Information Processing. (ISBN 3-85403-120-3)
Astleitner, H. (1997). Effects of external learning aids on learning in ill-structured hypertext. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17, 1-18. (ISSN 0735-6331, Amityville, New York, USA) ; also: Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA (American Educational Research Association), 24.3.-28.3.1997, Chicago, USA.
Astleitner, H. & Leutner, D. (1996). Applying standard network analysis to hypermedia systems: Implications for learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 14, 285-303. (ISSN 0735-6331, Amityville, New York, USA)
Astleitner, H. & Keller, J. M. (1995). A model for motivationally adaptive computer-assisted instruction. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 27, 270-280. (ISSN 0888-6504, Eugene, USA)
Astleitner, H. & Leutner, D. (1995). Learning Strategies for Unstructured Hypermedia: A Framework for Theory, Research, and Practice. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 13, 387-400. (ISSN 0735-6331, Amityville, New York, USA)
Herber, H.-J., Astleitner, H. et al. (1995). Situation specificity in didactics. The use of analogies and different task difficulties in teaching mathematics. Paper presented at EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) conference. 26.8.-31.8.1995, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Krumm, V., Astleitner, H. et al. (1991). Parent involvement or teacher involvement? Results of a comparative study in Austria, Taiwan and the USA. Paper presented at the AERA (American Educational Research Association)-Meeting. 3.4.-7.4.1991, Chicago, USA.
Krumm, V., Astleitner, H. et al. (1990). Parent-involvement in the USA and in Austria. Paper presented at the AERA (American Educational Research Association) - Meeting. 16.4.-20.4.1990, Boston. ERIC-Paper No. ED330023.