Pre-launch Email 1 (Mail on April 21th, 22th or Early on 23th)
[FREE Report] Businesses would pay anything for this information!
[FREE Special Report] PLR Shocking facts!
[FREE Report] DO NOT USE PLR Content without reading this!
[FREE Report Download] “PLR Money Made Easy”!
Hi {{first_name}},
I’m so excited to share something with you knowing that any business would go to any measure in order to get access to it.
The Special FREE Report will show proven, tested tips and tricks to properly use PLR Content for online or offline businesses!
The report will expose a few strategies that can be tested and you will see results right away.
==> Click here to download the report 100% free
Let me show you what this cool and revealing report will uncover about how to grow the success of any business with the use of PLR:
· What is a PLR?
· Why PLR?
· Different ways to use PLR Content
· My 7 Steps Secret Formula to PLR Success
· Track your Success
These topics will blow you away. Knowledge is power, and there is a lot of power in this report.
==> You easily can get access to it by clicking here
It’s 100% FREE until April 23th, so grab it now!
P.S.: You need to take action and download this report quickly, the report may not be available for very long. This type of information is vital for any business nowadays.
Pre-Launch Email 2: (Mail on March 17th, 18th or Early on 19th)
[FREE Special Report] Businesses would kill for getting access to this information!
[FREE Report] $4,000+ value, do you want it for 7 bucks?
[FREE Report] Get access to the complete “PLR Money” Training for dirt cheap!
I hope you have enjoyed the awesome Special Free Report you have received from me about “PLR Content”. If you haven’t downloaded it yet:
==> Get it now 100% FREE (until April 23th, 11 AM EST).
Let me tell you, businesses and online marketers would pay anything to get access to information like that.
Now, I would like to present you with something any business or marketer would “kill” to have.
What you have seen is just a small piece of the whole pie.
I know you would love to get access to the complete training.
Dr. Amit Pareek is about to launch an awesome and complete PLR Training System that will uncover the latest tricks on using PLR Content the correct way and in the shortest time ever.
$4,000 is what Dr. Amit actually charges his private clients for a package like this. However, he has just launched a really hot offer today.
Dr. Amit Pareek is actually giving PLR for the product as well. Yeah, you read right! This means you will have access to all the source files, edit them however you want, claim the product as your own and make as much money as you want by selling it.
Maybe you are thinking this could easily cost at least $1,000 but it won’t. It will not even cost you the $97, which is the actual price to the public.
Your cost will be the ridiculously low amount of $7. Yeah, seven bucks only…which is just insane.
However, Dr. Amit will only allow this incredibly low price to be available for the next 7 days…99% off for early bird takers.
==> So get ready! It’s coming on Wednesday, April 23th at 11 AM EST.
An extremely high-quality product for such a low price surely must be a trick. But let me tell you it is not a trick, it’s real. Well, the only trick is that the price will only be guaranteed for 7 days, then the price will rise to $97 automatically.
Do you know how volcanic-hot PLR Content for Businesses is nowadays?
Our brand new PLR Training is what all these businesses would kill to gain access to. Now you will have privileged access to this information so you can make as much money as you want by simply slapping your name to the product.
Stay Tuned! I will let you know when it’s going live for early bird takers.
P.S.: You really need to be aware of this. The offered price is $7. But, that price will go up after every single sale made. In 7 days, the price will be returned to its original price ($97) automatically (No joking). So, you better act quickly once the product is launched.