DATE: Wednesday 22February 2012
LOCATION:Board Room, 1st Floor, Pegwell Building
Present: Patrick Hollis - Chair Governor
Sue Kendall-SeatterGovernor
Carol SilkStaff Governor
Pauline SolleyStaff Governor
Semih OzyurtStudent Governor
Graham RazeyPrincipal
In attendance:Anne LeeseDeputy Principal
Andrew GowerVice Principal
Sandy FosterClerk to Governing Body
Nick Holbrook-Sutcliffe Director of BASE (Agenda item 2 only)
Governors had previously received copies of all supporting papers.
1.Apologies:All welcomed by the Chair. Apologies from Stephanie Martin, Tim Kent, Kate Greig and Nicky Stevenson. / ACTION
2. Curriculum Update
In order to facilitate the early departure of one of the presenters, the Chair allowed this agenda item to be taken first.
NHS introduced BASE and explained about the challenges facing the area with recruitment and what curriculum strategies and development plans are being put in place to address this.
Questions were then invited from Governors. There was discussion on what measures are in place to improve the curriculum experience in these areas using a student, community and employer focused approach. This was agreed as a work in progress but with ownership and accountability for quality development taking place. The Chair advised that the Committee was looking forward to the year-end progress report.
The Chair thanked NHS for hisinformative presentation and commended his enthusiasm. The Chair also commented on how good it was to hear about the progress in curriculum quality improvements.
NOTED: The work and initiatives being carried out by the BASE curriculum
[SKS joined the meeting at 5.45pm]
[NHS left the meeting 5.55pm]
3. Standard Item – Declaration of Interests:
Standing declaration –Sue Kendall-Seatter
4. Membership
The Clerk advised that, due to personal reasons, the recently elected Student Governor, Dieta Richards,had elected to defer her course for one year thereby losing her eligibility to be a Student Governor. Elections were underway and a newly elected Student Governor will be announced in the next week or so. The response has been pleasing in respect to nominations.
5. Minutes of the Meeting held 7 June 2011
The minutes of the Education Committee meeting held on 23 November 2011 were approved by the Committee and signed by the Chair apart from a correction at page 2 where the word ‘OUSTED’ should be replaced with ‘OFSTED’. / Deputy Clerk
6. Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
7. Quality Assurance Update
Governors were guided through the report by the Deputy Principal.Student retention and attendance were discussed. The Chair asked the Student Governor what would attract more students to the College and the reply indicated course choice and better facilities such as the Student Centre, environment being important. It was agreed that quality teaching and learning would enhance the reputation of the College and therefore attract more students.
An independent consultant has been engaged to review different areas of the curriculum. So far two areas had been reviewed which had presented a pleasing outcome on the teaching and learning profile and identified areas for further improvement. Further reports will follow from this review process.
Questions were invited from Governors. There was discussion on how teaching and learning is a key focus for improvement and on learner and employer outcomes.
There was discussion on the KS5 results and Governors commended the fact that the College had achieved a higher average point score per examination entry than the local grammar schools for A Level or equivalent entries.
There was discussion around the newly formed Peter Jones Enterprise Academy and the fact that Thanet College had worked hard to secure the contract and now had the Thanet area designated to them for this venture which is a unique selling point for the College.
Further questions were invited from Governors. None were forthcoming and the Chair thanked the Deputy Principal for her report.
NOTED: The progress with the continuing curriculum improvements, the
achievements of the College in examination grades and in winning
the PJEA contract.
8. Curriculum Development
The Vice Principal gave the Committee an overview of developments and guided Governors through the supporting paper in relation to the curriculum strategy and development.
Questions were invited and there was discussion on how the structure of the curriculum must be informed by industry which would ultimately provide mutual benefits to both the employer and to the College as training provider. It was agreed that up-skilling staff in response to industry needs was also key.
The HNC curriculum developments are being monitored for impact, and since the launch in December 2011, 100 applications have been received for courses commencing in September 2012, which is positive.
Student facilities have benefited from a £290,000 capital investment for the present and future student body. The planned ETC will of course provide a comprehensive range of provision based on the Green Deal. There was discussion on staffing this resource and the HR challenge in recruiting specialist staff who can deliver industry requirements and therefore establish credibility with industry for training employees.
The part time course offer has been refreshed and will benefit from more focus in 2012/13 once the HNC offer has been established. There was discussion on the generalist nature of the part time provision and the need to focus on a targeted profile. In addition it was agreed that investment needs to be made on facilities to support this delivery.
The Chair thanked the Vice Principal for his informative reports.
NOTED The Curriculum Strategy and Curriculum Update information.
9. Key Performance Indicators
The Principal updated the Committee on the Key Performance Indicators currently being produced and commented on how the extraction of relevant data to inform the KPI’s continues to be a challenge but does provide a true sense of the College’s position. All agreed that the format was informative and immediately useful as a benchmarking tool on progress.
Questions were invited from Governors and there was some discussion on the format of the reporting and the need to discuss the red and amber defined areas to provide challenge to the Executive to focus on required adjustments and therefore improvements.
There was discussion on confidential data analysis including the recording of staff absences, further discussion on the progression from level 1 to 2 and the tracking of assets (computers). The one area identified as missing was confirmed as funding target achievements which will follow when available as reportable data. It was agreed that the KPI’s should be linked with the Risk Register and have the Strategic Plan embedded into the analysis to provide a comprehensive report on where the College is against it. There was discussion on the omission of care leavers within the data and the fact that the number represents such a small percentage that, as an indicator, it would have a disproportionate effect on whole College indicators.
The Chair thanked the Principal for his report and commented that the document reflected meaningful progression within the College.
NOTED: The update on Key Performance Indicators
10. Student Union Constitution Amendment
The Student Governor updated the Committee with the necessary amendments to the Student Union Constitution which were as follows:
- a further post of Cultural Officer had been added
- the SU President voting rights had been amended to a tie only situation
- the opt out of the SU had been introduced into student induction
AGREED: The Committee agreed the amendments and recommended that
the Governing Body ratify the document as revised at their next
meeting. / Deputy Clerk
11. AOB
There was no other business.
12 Matters deemed confidential
13. Dates of Future Meetings:
At 5.30pm in the Board Room, 1st Floor, Pegwell Building
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 6.50pm.The Chair commented that the meeting had been very informative for Governors.
Approved by the Education Committee and signed by:
K:\Governance\MINUTES AGENDAS\ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012\EDUCATION COMMITTEE\Minutes\Education Committee Minutes 22 February 2012.doc