JENNIFER BARR, Associate Professor of Marketing, presented “A Framework for Assessing Student Outcomes from the Service-Learning Experience in a Capstone Marketing Course” at the International Academy of Business and Economics 2009 Las Vegas Annual Conference, 17-20 Oct 2009. The paper was also published in the proceedings.
JENNIFER BARR published “Engaging Learners in Distributed Education: Practical Tools for Faculty at the 2009 Summer Faculty Workshop” in the Richard Stockton College Evidence Program Assessment for Continuous Improvement Newsletter, Oct 2009.
JENNIFER BARR presented “Marketing Strategies for Positioning and Differentiating” at the NJ Clean Energy Conference in Atlantic City, 21-22 Oct 2009.
JENNIFER BARR and MICHAEL BUSLER presented “Effective Marketing Strategies for Small Business Owners” at the Philadelphia National Candy Gift & Gourmet Show in Atlantic City on 13-15Sept 2009.
JENNIFER BARR presented “The Service-Learning Experience in a Marketing Research Course- A Framework for Assessing Student Outcomes” at the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines Winter Conference, 3-6 Jan 2010. This paper was also published in the proceedings, and Dr. Barr served as a discussant for the Marketing/International Marketing Session.
MICHAEL BUSLER, Associate Professor of Finance, published an editorial column titled “New Laws Could Help Atlantic City, But More Is Needed” for The Press, 16 June and The Trenton Times, 23 July 2009, Section A.
Michael Busler published an editorial column titled “Candidates Similar On Energy Policies” in The Press, 23 July 2009,Section A.
Michael Busler published an editorial column titled “Which Candidate For Governor Can Fix N.J.’s Economic Mess?” in The Trenton Times, 4 Oct 2009, Section A.
MICHAEL BUSLER published an editorial column titled “Candidates Bring Opposing Ideas” in The Courier Post, 1 Nov 2009.
MICHAEL BUSLER published an editorial column titled “Let Us Count the Ways Christie Can Balance the Budget” in The Trenton Times, 6 Dec 2009.
MICHAEL BUSLER published an editorial column titled “How to Rescue Atlantic City’s Economy” in The Hall Institute for Public Policy, 7 Dec 2009.
MICHAEL BUSLER published an editorial column titled “High Taxes Overshadow State’s Advantages for Business”, in The Press, 13 Dec 2009.
Michael Busler published “New Jersey’s Business Climate”, editorial column, in The Hall Institute of Public Policy,14 Oct,Section A.
MICHAEL BUSLER published “Business Incubators: Findings from a Worldwide Survey and Guidance for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States”, with Hanadi Al-Mubaraki, Seventh International World Association for Sustainable DevelopmentConference, The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, 9-11 Nov 2009, Manama, Bahrain
MICHAEL BUSLER published “Managing Innovation in a Globalized Economy: Defining Open Capital”, with Adli Abouzedan and Thomas Hedner, Seventh International World Association for Sustainable Development Conference, The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, 9-11 Nov 2009, Manama, Bahrain
MICHAEL BUSLER and ADLI ABOUZEDAN published “The Third Revolution: Mass Production of Marketing Information”, Seventh International World Association for Sustainable Development Conference, The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, 9-11 Nov 2009, Manama, Bahrain
JITAMITRA DESAI, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems presented a paper titled “Enhancing LP Relaxations for Polynomial Programs Via V-Semidefinite Cuts” at the INOFRMS conference in San Diego, CA, Oct 2009.
JITAMITRA DESAI presented a paper titled “A Fractional Programming Approach for Determining the Stability Number of a Graph” at the Frontiers of Statistics and Sciences Conference in Hyderabad India, Dec 2009.
JILL GERHARDT Associate Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems and MICHAEL OLAN, Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems, published “Peer Tutoring in Programming: Lessons Learned” in the Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference 2009.
JILL GERHARDT presented “Peer Tutoring in Programming: Lessons Learned,” at the 26th Annual Information Systems Education conference in Washington, DC, Nov 2009.
DIANE M. HOLTZMAN, Assistant Professor of Marketing,and EVONNE KRUGER, Associate Professor of Management,made a presentation to the Women in Engineering (WIE) group of the IEEE in Egg Harbor Township, NJ on the topic of “Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace” on 4 Nov 2009.
DIANE M. HOLTZMAN and AMY HADLEY, Assistant Professor School of Health, made a presentation “The Use of E-Portfolios in the Assessment of Academic & Professional Skills” at the 15th Annual Sloan-C International Conference on Online Learning in Orlando, FL sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in conjunction with The Sloan Consortium, The University of Central Florida, University of Illinois at Springfield, and American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC).
DIANE M. HOLTZMAN presented “Delivering Stellar Customer Service and The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Small Business. Also presenting with Dr. Ellen Kraft “Preparing and Using a Small Business Plan” at the Philadelphia National Candy Gift and Gourmet show held in Atlantic City, NJ on 10 & 11 Jan 2010.
ELAINE INGULLI, Professor of Public Law, was sent by Stockton and presented a paper titled “Faculty Unions: We Need a National Educational Labor Law” at a conference at The Academy of Legal Studies in Business; The paper was accepted for publication in referred proceedings of the conference; also served as a moderator on a panel involving International Business Law. 7 Aug; Denver, Colorado
ROBERT D. KING, Professor of Public Law had his article, “Same-Sex Marriage in New Jersey: A Legal, Business and Social Perspective” published in the 2009 issue of the Business Law Review, volume 42 pages 73-92.
ELLEN KRAFT, Assistant Professor of Management, published an article“Screencasts As A Learning Resource To Enhance A Quantitative Business Methods Course”. Business Education and Accreditation,1(1), 2010.
ELLEN KRAFTpublisheda chapter on “ How Was This Business Model Culpable of Encouraging Harassment on College Campuses?” Truths and Myths of Cyber-bullying: International Perspectives on Stakeholder Responsibility and Children’s Safety (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies), edited by S. Shariff and A. Churchill (Ed.), pp. 65-104, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2010.
ELLEN KRAFT AND DIANE M. HOLTZMAN, published “Skills Needed In Today’s Workplace: Feedback From Undergraduate Business Alumni and Employers The 2010 Global Conference on Business and Finance”3-6 Jan 2010.
ELLEN KRAFT AND A.B FOSBRE, Georgian Court University, AND P.B. FOSBRE,New Jersey University, A Roadblock To US Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is Last In First Out (LIFO) Inventory Valuation, The Global Conference on Business and Finance and won Best Session for the paper, January 3-6, 2010. This paper also received the outstanding research award for this conference.
ELLEN KRAFTreceived the Outstanding Research Award for “Skills Needed in Todays’ Workplace: Feedback From Undergraduate Business Alumni and Employers” paper under a double-blind review process from the Institute for Business and Finance.
AUDREY WOLFSON LATOURETTE, Professor of Public Law, was appointed a University Associate at New York University for the 2009-2010 academic year. The appointment, made by the Faculty Resource Network at NYU, was made on 31 Aug 2009.
Audrey Wolfson Latourette, requested by The Faculty Resource Network (IFRN) of New York University (NYU), appeared in a video created at NYU, which would address the benefits of serving as a scholar in residence at NYU. On September 8, 2009 the video was posted on YouTube by NYU as a submission to the National Council on Writing in a partnership venture with the Faculty Resource Network. Professor LaTourette also had a video produced by the Faculty Resource Network of New York University entitled “FRN Interview”, describing her scholar in residence experience at NYU and was the featured contribution in the National Gallery of Writing the week of November 23, 2009. Itcan be viewed at the link:
AUDREY WOLFSON LATOURETTE presented a paper on the legal implications of academic advising in a presentation entitled “Challenges of Academic Advising for the Millennium Student” with Richard Kido, Professor of Accounting, and Curtis Washburn, Director of Academic Advising, both of Chaminade University of Honolulu, in Atlanta, Georgia on November 21, 2009. The conference, entitled “Challenge as Opportunity: The Academy in the Best and Worst of Times,” was sponsored by New York University, Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College and Spelman College.
AUDREY WOLFSON LATOURETTE had an abstract entitled “Papish v. Board of Curators of University of Missouri,” originally published in the Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States (Macmillan Press 2008) was published in October, 2009 in the Eighth Annual volume of Publications of New Jersey’s Business Faculty, sponsored by the New Jersey Policy Research Organization Foundation and the Stillman School of Business at Seton Hall University.
AUDREY WOLFSON LATOURETTE had a video produced by the Faculty Resource Network of New York University, of Professor LaTourette entitled “FRN Interview,” describing her scholar in residence experience at NYU, and posted on by NYU, was the featured contribution in the National Gallery of Writing the week of 23 Nov 2009.
AAKASH TANEJA, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Information Systems published “The Influence of Personal Response Systems on Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes and Course Satisfaction” in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 25.2. (2009): 5-11.
AAKASH TANEJA andANIL SINGH, University of Texas at Brownsville, and M.K. RAJA, University of Texas at Arlington, published “Computing journals and their emerging roles in knowledge exchange” in Communications of the ACM. 52.11. (2009): 125-131.
AAKASH TANEJA and GEORGE MANGALAJ, Western Illinois University, and ANIL SINGH, University of Texas at Brownsville, presented and published a refereed proceeding “Exploring the intellectual structure of the role of trust in information systems research” at the 40th Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov 2009.
AAKASH TANEJA andALLYNSTOT, presented and published a refereed proceeding “An Evaluation of Multiple Perceptions of Digital Rights Management” at the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, CA, Aug. This article was also selected for publication in the book titled “Value Creation in E-Business Management”, edited by Nelson, Matthew; Shaw, Michaeland Strader, Troy, publisher Springer, page 80-88.
AAKASH TANEJA published “The Influence of Personal Response Systems on Students’ Perceived Learning Outcomes and Course Satisfaction” in Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges.
FRANK THOMAS, Professor of Accounting, wrote an article, "Social Security Strategies to Consider",that was published in the Nov./Dec. New Jersey CPA, the magazine for the New Jersey Society of CPAs,2009.
MARILYN VITO, Associate Professor of Business Studies, presented “Stellar Customer Service,” with Diane Holtzmanand “Preparing and Using an Effective Business Plan” withEllen Kraft, as two public service one-hour workshops, sponsored by The Richard Stockton College School of Business for Philadelphia National Candy, Gift and Gourmet Show at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey, 14 Sept 2009.
MARILYN VITO presented “Innovation in Teaching Techniques: Experimental Learning Assignments Using News Media” at the Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology (NABET), State College, PA, 29-30 Oct 2009. The paper was also published in the proceedings.
JINCHANG WANG, Professor of Business Studies, GURPRIT CHHATWAL, Professor and Director of Masters of Business Administration andS. ZHAO,Associate Professor of Business Management,published “A New Approach for Outcome Assessment of Quantitative Aptitude of College Students”, International Journal of Intercultural Information Management, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010, pp.40-54.
JINCHANG WANG published “Randomly Drawn Lines Are Not Necessarily Random Lines”, Proceeding of DSI 2009 Annual National Conference, New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2009, p.2321-2326.
JINCHANG WANG presented“Randomly Drawn Lines Are Not Necessarily Random Lines”, at the DSI 2009 Annual National Conference, New Orleans, LA; 14 Nov 2009.