Name______Period ______

AP World History Ch 10 Reading Study Guide Pg. 224-230

1.  According to legend, why did Russian King Vladimir choose Orthodox Christianity for his kingdom? Pg. 224

2.  Where did the Byzantine Empire spread its cultural and political influence? Pg. 226

3.  In what ways was the Byzantine Empire a major agent of international trade? What was being traded and with whom? Pg. 226

(Timeline Pg. 226)

4.  When did Justinian rule? ______

5.  When did Russia convert to Christianity? ______

6.  When did Yaroslav “the wise” rule? ______

7.  What happened to Christianity in 1054? ______

8.  In what year did Constantinople finally fall? ______

9.  In what ways were the civilizations that developed in the East and West similar? In what ways were they different? Pg. 226-227 Draw a Venn Diagram

10.  What territories comprised the Eastern Roman Empire? Pg. 227

11.  Describe the shifting culture in Constantinople. Pg. 227

12.  How did the “new empire” reorganize itself? Pg. 227

a.  New Blood:

b.  Administration:

c.  Military:

13.  Describe Justinian as a person and a leader. Pg. 227

14.  How did his wife Theodora figure in the success of his rule? Pg. 227

15.  Describe Justinian’s contributions to the Byzantine Empire. Pg. 227-228

a.  Rebuilding Constantinople:

b.  Hagia Sophia:

c.  Codification of Roman Law:

d.  Military Exploits:

16.  How did his general Belisarius figure in the success of his rule? Pg. 228

17.  Describe the Byzantine Empire’s relationship (diplomacy) with: Pg. 228-229

a.  Groups in the Middle East:

b.  Arab Muslims:

18.  What is Greek Fire? Pg. 229

19.  What economic burdens did the Muslims add to the Byzantine empire? Pg. 229

(Read Visualizing the Past: Women & Power in Byzantium. Pg. 229)

20.  What evidence does this mosaic provide about the political relationship between Zoe & her husband? Reading Pg. 229

21.  What does it suggest about the relationship between church & state in Byzantium? Reading Pg. 229

22.  Describe the rivalry between Zoe and Theodora (a much later one NOT Justinian’s wife). Pg. 230

23.  How was The Byzantine Empire similar to China in the selection of government officials? BE SPECIFIC AND THOROUGH Pg. 230

24.  Fill in the SPICE chart on the next page. Pg. 230-231

25.  What were some of the luxury items produced in the Byzantine Empire? Pg. 231

26.  What was the only other major civilization capable of rivaling these Byzantine products? Pg. 231

27.  What was Byzantine cultural life centered on? Pg. 231

28.  Describe the art and architecture of the Byzantine empire. How was this an exception to Byzantine cultural life? Pg. 231

Byzantine Empire
Family & Kinship
Gender Roles & Relations Social & Economic Classes Inequalities
Life Styles
Political Structures
Forms of Governance
Nations & Nationalism
Revolts & Revolutions
Wars, Diplomacy & Treaties
Courts & Laws
Demography & Disease Patterns of settlement Migration
Belief systems, philosophies, & ideologies
Math, Science & Technology The arts & architecture Writing & Literature
Type of System
Labor Systems
Technology & Industry
Trade & Commerce Capital/Money
Types of Businesses