1.1Provide as indicated a vertical pressure type water softener system complete with pressure vessel, softening resin, control valve, brine maker and electronic controller. The system will be of an approved design as fabricated by a manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of water treatment equipment. All equipment and material will be supplied in compliance with the specifications as intended for a complete and operational system.

 (Open Bidding Arrangement)

1.2Qualified manufacturers of water treatment equipment of the type specified are Culligan International Company or the Engineer’s approved equal.

 (Closed Bidding Arrangement)

1.2Qualified manufacturers of water softener equipment must be engaged in the manufacture of this equipment for a period of not less than fifteen (15) years. Acceptable manufacturers are Culligan International Company or the Engineer’s approved equal.


(Selection for statement of specific model)

2.1The system specifications are based on Culligan International model ______.

The purpose of the Culligan International Series CSM automatic water softener will be to remove mineral hardness from a known water supply to a level not to exceed ______mg/l, as determined by an accepted ASTM or EDTA test method, when the system is operated at ______gpm and in accordance with the operating instructions. The system will be capable of supplying ______gallons of softened water between regenerations based on the influent water analysis listed in Section 3.1 of this equipment specification.

The systems performance is rated at a design flow rate of ______gpm with a rated pressure drop of ______psi, and will be capable of a peak flow rate of ______gpm for sustained periods of 90 minutes with a pressure drop of ______psi.

There shall be a quantity of ______of the above described systems.

 (Selection for general statement)

2.1The system, in compliance with the equipment specification, is described as an automatic ______water softener system meeting the performance and design data requirements as hereinafter specified.



Calcium, Ca:

Magnesium, Mg:

Total Hardness:

(Constituents above are expressed in ppm or mg/l as CaCO3 or as otherwise specified.)

Iron, Fe:

Manganese, Mn:

Total Dissolved Solids, TDS:

(Constituents above are expressed in ppm or mg/l.)

Turbidity, NTU:




Normal System Flow & Pressure Drop: gpm @ 15 PSI

Maximum System Flow & Pressure Drop: gpm @ 25 PSI

Backwash/Rinse Flow: gpm

Backwash Volume: gallons nominal

Daily Water Usage: gallons per day (gpd)

Daily Hours of Water Demand:

Operating TemperatureRange:40–120F

Operating PressureRange (System):30–100 PSI

Electrical Requirements:24 Volts AC, 50/60 Hz, 1 ph (dedicated receptacle req’d, ref ¶ 4.6)

System Dimension (L x W x H):”L x ”W x ”H

 (ASTM soap test method)


 (Hardness EDTA test method)




Each system shall include _____ tank(s). Each softener tank shall be _____ inches in diameter. The sideshell height shall be _____ inches, sufficient to allow for proper freeboard space above the resin bed for adequate expansion of the resin during backwashing.

4.1.1 Tank Construction

 (Standard vessel)

Tank(s) shall be electrical welded pressure vessel quality low carbon steel construction rated for 100 psi working pressure and a minimum design pressure of 1.2 times the working pressure amount. Additionally, the tank(s) shall be capable of withstanding testing with pressure fluctuations from 0 to 120 psi for a minimum of 30,000 cycles.

(ASME vessel)

Tank(s) shall be electrical welded pressure vessel quality low carbon steel construction rated for 125 psi working pressure and hydrostatically tested at 1.3 times the working pressure rating. Tank construction shall conform to the latest edition of Section VIII for ASME Code pressure vessels and shall be so stamped and certified.

4.1.2 Access Openings

Each tank will be equipped with openings for mineral filling and periodic inspection.

4.1.3 Tank Finish – Exterior

Tank finish on the exterior shall be a high solids polyurethane monochromatic gloss enamel applied to a 1.25 to 1.50 mils DFT over a 1.00 to 1.25 mil DFT prime coat.

4.1.4 Tank Finish – Interior

Tank interior shall have near white sandblast and be coated to 8 to 10 mil DFT with an epoxy phenolic designed specifically as a high chemical resistant, non toxic, odorless protective coating. The lining shall meet the requirements of the US Federal Register, Food and Drug Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 1, Paragraph 175.300.

4.1.5 Tank Supports

Tank supports shall be structural steel strap leg type welded to lower tank head.


4.2.1The upper distribution system shall be of the single point baffle type, constructed of Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe and fittings.

4.2.2The lower distribution system shall be of the hub and radial arm type, constructed of PVC pipe, a hub radial and individual distributors arranged for even flow distribution through the resin bed. No distributor slots will face upwards to minimize the opportunity for channeling. The distribution system shall be embedded in a single layer subfill of washed inorganic material to support the resin bed.


The main operating valve shall be a fully automatic multiport diaphragm type. The multiport design shall incorporate all valves necessary for complete control of the softener service and regeneration steps.

The diaphragm valves shall be slow opening and closing, free of water hammer. The diaphragm assembly shall be fully guided on its perimeter to assure a smooth reliable shut off without sticking. There shall be no dissimilar metals within the valve and no special tools shall be required to service the valve.

The main operating valve shall include a valve mounted automatic self adjusting brine injector to draw brine and control rinse at a constant rate regardless of water pressure in the range of 30 to 100 psi.

The main operating valve shall be designed and manufactured by the same manufacturer as the water softener system and tested prior to shipment.

The valve shall have a soft water sampling cock.

(Single units only – hard water bypass)

The unit shall be supplied so that the valve will allow automatic bypass of untreated water during regeneration. The bypass shall be integral to the main operating valve body and be capable of being easily modified to prevent hard water bypass.

(Single units only – NO hard water bypass)

The unit shall be supplied so that the valve will not allow automatic bypass of untreated water during regeneration. The bypass shall be integral to the main operating valve body and be capable of being easily modified to allow hard water bypass.


The main operating valve and manifold piping shall be factory assembled and shipped attached to the resin tank for ease of installation and start up. Piping shall be Schedule 40 galvanized steel and galvanized fittings shall be standard Class 150 threaded malleable iron.

All system inlet, outlet and drain connections shall be less than 50” in distance from the softener support level to provide ease of installation and service.

4.5Flow Control

The backwash flow controller shall be a pressure-compensating orifice capable of providing and maintaining proper backwash flows over the entire listed operating pressure range of the system. The backwash flow controller shall be easily serviced without special tools and design so that service to the flow controller can be performed without disassembly of the valve body or the sequencing controller and without disconnecting existing inlet and outlet piping connections.


A fully integrated programmable microprocessor driven electronic controller shall be provided to automatically cycle the main operating valve through the regeneration sequence. The electronic controller shall be designed and manufactured by the same manufacturer as the water treatment equipment.

The controller shall be capable of initiating a regeneration by accepting an internal signal from the controller time keeping device; an external Hall-Effect flow sensor, a Culligan Aqua-Sensor®, an external device such as a remote start push-button or any combination of these methods. The controller shall sequence all steps of an automatic regeneration and automatically return the softener to a service or stand-by mode. The initiating time and/or volume setpoints shall automatically reset upon completion of the regeneration sequence.

The controller shall include a sealed keypad, capable of programming all controller functions, located on the face of the controller. The controller display shall be a multi-line OLED display capable of full text readouts of operating status and codes.

An audible alarm beeper capable of emitting a tone of ~70 dBA shall be available but capable of being disabled if so desired.

The controller shall allow for a manual initiation of the automatic regeneration sequence by utilizing a regeneration selection from the controller menu.

The controller shall operate on a low voltage electrical system. The system shall include a UL/CUL listed transformer. The entire electronic control package and its associated inputs/outputs shall require not more than 24 VAC @ 50VA.

The multiported pilot control assembly shall include a dial for visual indication of the system status; the pilot control valve shall also allow manual operation in the event of a power failure.

The controller shall utilize EEPROM to save pertinent programmed data and statistical functions. The controller must retain all functionality for power interruptions of less than 12 hours. A battery backup shall be installed and capable of maintaining the time of day for a minimum of 5 years.

4.6.1 System control options

 (Time Clock, Single Unit)

An operator selected program of a time-initiated regeneration for single units shall be available. The controller shall be capable of being entirely programmed in the field without additional interface devices. The operator shall be able to select regeneration to occur after a specified number of hours or days or specific day of the week. The electronic controller shall indicate various data that includes number of regenerations in the last 14 days, days since last regeneration, total number of regenerations for the life of the unit, current day of the week, time of day and unit in regeneration.

 (Meter Initiated, Single Unit)

An operator selected program of immediate or delayed volume initiated regeneration for single units shall be available. The controller shall be capable of being entirely programmed in the field without additional interface devices. The electronic controller shall indicate various data that includes flow rate, capacity remaining, total flow since installation, number of regenerations in the last 14 days, days since the last regeneration, total number of regenerations for the life of the unit, time of day, and unit in regeneration.

(Time Clock, Alternating Duplex Unit)

An operator selected program of a time-initiated regeneration for alternating twin configurations shall be available. The controller shall be capable of being programmed in the field without additional interface devices. The electronic controller shall indicate various data that includes number of regenerations in the last 14 days, days since last regeneration, total number of regenerations for the life of the unit, time of day, and unit in regeneration.

Multiple Unit Communication input/output shall be type RS485. The communication input/output feature will recognize when another controller within a multiple controller system is in a regeneration sequence, prohibiting the chance of multiple units regenerating simultaneously.

(Meter Initiated, Alternating Duplex Unit)

An operator selected program of immediate volume initiated regeneration for alternating twin configurations shall be available. The controller shall be capable of being programmed in the field without additional interface devices. The controller shall indicate various data that includes flow rate, capacity remaining, total flow since installation, number of regenerations in the last 14 days, days since the last regeneration, total number of regenerations for the life of the unit, time of day, and unit in regeneration.

Multiple Unit Communication input/output shall be type RS485. The communication input/output feature will recognize when another controller within a multiple controller system is in a regeneration sequence, prohibiting the chance of multiple units regenerating simultaneously.

(Time Clock, Parallel Duplex/Triplex Unit)

An operator selected program of a time-initiated regeneration for parallel twin/triple configurations shall be available. The controller shall be capable of being programmed in the field without additional interface devices. The electronic controller shall indicate various data that includes number of regenerations in the last 14 days, days since last regeneration, total number of regenerations for the life of the unit, current day of the week, time of day, and unit in regeneration.

Multiple Unit Communication input/output shall be type RS485. The communication input/output feature will recognize when another controller within a multiple controller system is in a regeneration sequence, prohibiting the chance of multiple units regenerating simultaneously.

(Meter Initiated Duplex, Triplex, Quad Progressive Parallel Unit)

An operator selected program of immediate or delayed volume initiated regeneration for parallel configurations shall be available. The controller shall be capable of being programmed in the field without additional interface devices. The controller shall indicate various data that includes flow rate, capacity remaining, total flow since installation, number of regenerations in the last 14 days, days since the last regeneration, total number of regenerations for the life of the unit, time of day, Progressive Flow Trip Point, and unit in regeneration.

Each control shall have a dedicated flow sensor. Mode of operation shall be as follows:

1)(Parallel) All media tanks are on-line simultaneously. As each media tank’s user specified volume of treated water is reached, it shall immediately be taken off line, regenerated and returned to an on line status.

2)(Duplex Progressive) One controller shall be dedicated as the primary controller. This controller shall be programmed with a Trip Point. The purpose of the Trip Point shall be to bring an additional tank to an on line status from stand by once the treated water flow demand of the facility meets the Trip Point flow rate. The additional tank shall be returned to a standby status once the treated water flow demand is less than the Trip Point flow rate for a minimum of 60 seconds.

Each controller shall allow for a regeneration delay. the purpose of the delay shall be to inhibit consecutive regenerations thereby allowing a suitable amount of time to pass between regenerations for making saturated brine solution.

Multiple Unit Communication input/output shall be type RS485. The communication input/output feature will recognize when another controller within a multiple controller system is in a regeneration sequence, prohibiting the chance of multiple units regenerating simultaneously.

(Triplex Progressive) One controller shall be dedicated as the primary controller. This controller shall be programmed with a Trip Point. The purpose of the Trip Point shall be to bring additional tanks to an on line status from stand by once the treated water flow demand of the facility meets the Trip Point flow rate. Systems having three media tanks will have tanks brought on line as multiples of the Trip Point flow rate are attained. Tanks shall be taken back off line as flow decreases to a level less than the Trip Point multiple for a minimum of 60 seconds.

Each controller shall allow for a regeneration delay. The purpose of the delay shall be to inhibit consecutive regenerations thereby allowing a suitable amount of time to pass between regenerations for making saturated brine solution.

Multiple Unit Communication input/output shall be type RS485. The communication input/output feature will recognize when another controller within a multiple controller system is in a regeneration sequence, prohibiting the chance of multiple units regenerating simultaneously.

(Quad Progressive) One controller shall be dedicated as the primary controller. This controller shall be programmed with a Trip Point. The purpose of the Trip Point shall be to bring additional tanks to an on line status from stand by once the treated water flow demand of the facility meets the Trip Point flow rate. Systems having four media tanks will have tanks brought on line as multiples of the Trip Point flow rate are attained. Tanks shall be taken back off line as flow decreases to a level less than the Trip Point multiple for a minimum of 60 seconds.

Each controller shall allow for a regeneration delay. The purpose of the delay shall be to inhibit consecutive regenerations thereby allowing a suitable amount of time to pass between regenerations for making saturated brine solution.

Multiple Unit Communication input/output shall be type RS485. The communication input/output feature will recognize when another controller within a multiple controller system is in a regeneration sequence, prohibiting the chance of multiple units regenerating simultaneously.

4.6.2 In addition the following functions shall be provided as part of the system controller:

Regeneration sequence timers: The controller shall allow control customization of individual regeneration cycle times, each programmable from 1 - 99 minutes. The regeneration cycle and time of cycle remaining shall be displayed when in regeneration.

Lockout function: The controller shall include a lockout to prevent unauthorized personnel from altering program data.

Regeneration override: The controller shall include a function to direct pre-programmed regeneration after a user determined period of time (hours or 24 hour intervals) without an input signal from another regeneration initiation device.

Alarm Status Indicator: The controller shall monitor operation of internal functions. If a fault is identified, the need for operator intervention will be signaled visually within the controller display.

Two Auxiliary Outputs: Two Auxiliary Outputs shall be integral to the controller circuit board. Each Output shall be capable of being programmed to provide power to a “Normally Open” or “Normally Closed” contact (user choice). These 24VAC outputs shall be used only for the purpose of energizing a relay coil.