Goosehill Year 4 Medium Term Planning Summer 2
CurriculumArea / Learning Objectives / Learning Opportunities / Expected Outcomes
Reading /
- Use growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes to read aloud and understand the meaning of new words.
- Read further exception words that don't follow the rules.
- To ask questions to improve the understanding of a text.
- To check that a text makes sense, discussing their understanding and explaining the meaning of words in context
- To read a wider range of books including fiction and non fiction.
- Give opinions on texts they have read and use this to inform their own writing.
- Identify themes and conventions in a wide range of books.
- To read persuasive texts such as letters and adverts.
- To read texts such as ‘Zoo’ by Anthony Browne to use as writing stimulus.
- TO take part in guided reading groups.
- Children will be able to understand new words using their knowledge of root words – ieun meaning not.
- Children will be able to read and analyse features of persuasive text, discuss their effect and apply them into their own writing.
Writing /
- To know the features persuasive pieces of writing including adverts
- Plan their writing using texts similar to that which they are planning to write.
- To include persuasive devices such as emotive language, rhetorical questions and statistics to support argument.
- To develop astronger awareness of purpose and audience to inform decisions when composing a piece of writing.
- Analyse a variety of persuasive texts and know their features.
- Orally rehears their ideas in the form of debates to build confidence.
- Write persuasive pieces linked to current events.
- Use Anthony Browne’s ‘Zoo’ as a stimulus to construct an argument.
- Children will be able to construct opinions in the form of a persuasive argument with precision and clarity.
- Children will be able to deliver an oral debate using clear voices and concise vocabulary.
- Children will write topical argument based around a current theme.
- Children will be able to support their argument using researched statistics and rhetorical questions.
Maths /
- To rehears multiplication and division facts for 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x and 12x tables (as well as previous 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x, 4x, 8x)
- To solve more open ended investigations by working logically and systematically.
- To solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.
- To convert between 12 and 24 hour clocks.
- Identify lines of symmetry in 2D shapes presented in different orientations.
- Use a variety of interactive resources to practise recall of times tables.
- Use written methods to solve real life problems.
- Collect own data on chosen topics.
- Use various devices to display data including ICT programs.
- Children will have increasingly quicker and more accurate recall of times tables.
- Children will be able to use correct method to find differences, totals and comparisonsin data.
- Children will be able to convert times such as 13:00 to 1:00 and vice versa.
- Children will be able to draw lines of symmetry on common 2d shapes.
Computing / Computer science
- Use sequence, selection and repetition in programs.
- Work with variables and various forms of input and output.
- Using Kodu Game lab, children will design, create program and debug their own games.
- Ch will be able to break larger problems into smaller accomplishable steps.
- Ch will be able to plan ahead in order to plan their own game step by step.
- Ch will be able to control systems with more than one command.
Science / You Are What You Eat
- To know the major parts of the digestive system from mouth to anus.
- Children know what happens to our food at each point of its digestions
- To know how different foods are digested differently.
- To know the benefits of different foods.
- To know the names of the different types of teeth and their functions.
- To understand the need for a balanced diet.
- To know the different food groups and their importance to the human body.
- To make models of the digestive system.
- To use everyday objects to imitate the digestion process.
- To create a human digestive system and act out the process.
- To keep and analyse a food diary.
- Children will be able to name the major parts of the digestive system and describe their functions.
- Children will be able to create a balanced meal with all of the necessary food groups.
- Children will be able to write ‘ a day in the life of a chip’ and describe its journey through the body.
History / Na this term
Geography / Marvellous Morpeth- a comparison study with Newcastle.
- To compare significant statistics- population, area, facilities.
- To discuss positive and negative features of living in Morpeth/ Newcastle (cross curricular links to persuasive writing in literacy)
- To understand the difference in industry between each place and understands the reasons for it.
- To use resources such as internet, google maps and census to find data on each town.
- To pan and record a tourist board advert to promote Morpeth/Newcastle
- To write persuasive letters describing benefits of Morpeth/Newcastle
- Children will be able to give facts about each area on different topics.
- Children will be able to describe why Newcastle developed more than Morpeth.
- Children will be able to give benefits and disadvantages to living in rural and urban areas.
Art / Collage –Nancy Standlee / animal collage
- To view and appreciate the work of Nancy Standlee.
- To explore the different collage techniques to create different textures – zig zag, ciol, twist
- To use various materials – paper, create own collages.
- To build tone and shade using different coloured pieces of fabric/paper.
- To plan and design their own collage applying different techniques.
- Children will explore and give opinions on the work of Nancy Standlee.
- Ch choosing appropriate technique to make desired texture – coil for sheep’s fur, quilling for hair, tear for waves, twist for tree barks.
- Ch will develop tone making skills by selecting appropriate coloured piece- make a 3D shape (box)
- Children will create their own collages of animals.
- Children will be able to carry out and explain each collage technique.
- Ch will be able to select the best technique to suit the desired texture.
- Children will be able to create shade and tone using collage materials.
- Children will be able to combine all of their learning to one collage piece.
DT / NA this term
PHSE / Changes
- to talk and write about their opinions, and explain their views, on issues that affect themselves and society
- to face new challenges positively by collecting information, looking for help, making responsible choices and taking action;
- to reflect on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues, using imagination to understand other people’s experiences;
- to take part in circle times where ch can express their feelings.
- To discuss dilemmas and express their advice towards them.
- To create posters and leaflets about change and how to deal with it.
- Children will be able to discuss major changes that have happened to them and how they dealt with them.
- Ch will be able discuss possible changes that may happen in the future and suggest strategies to cope with them.
- Ch with be able to empathise with others using their own experiences.
Music / Leavers performance
- To sing in unison and harmony parts
- To sing with control over dynamics, articulation and presentation.
- To perform to an audience
- Use tuned and unturned instruments.
- To use instruments to support/enhance vocal performance.
- Listen to and copy audio examples.
French / Around Town
- To be able toask where someone lives
- To be able to say where you live
- To name significant places around town.
- To ask and give directions
- Interactive games and tasks to reinforce vocabulary.
- Create maps of Morpeth to apply knowledge and vocabulary.
- Oral experiences by asking classmates questions and replying.
- Matching directions to pictorial directions
- Children will know the question phrase “ou habites tu?’
- Chwillreplyusing‘j'habite’
- Chwill know the names for the school, the church, the library, the park, the shopping centre, the castle
- Ch will know how to ask for directions using ‘où est’
- Ch will know directional language such as left, right, next to, opposite
PE / Dance (cl 10) Striking and fielding games (cl9)
Striking and fielding games.
To use a range of skills, eg throwing, striking, intercepting and stopping a ball, with some control and accuracy;
To develop skills using a variety of equipment.
To develop throwing skills to throw efficiently over various distances.
To use various stimuli to create gestures and movement.
To explore dance from various cultures.
To link gestures together to create a motif
To perform effectively to an audience. / Ch will set up small games; know rules and use them fairly to keep games going; explain what they need to do to get ready to play games
Explore dance from other cultures such as banga .
Create own dance routines with a various of stimuli / Ch can choose and vary skills and tactics to suit the situation in a game and carry out tactics successfully;
Ch carry out warm ups with care and an awareness of what is happening to their bodies; describe what they and others do that is successful; suggest what needs practising
Ch will be able to perform own routines with confidence and fluidity.
Ch will be able to use a variety of shapes, travels, levels and speeds in their routines.
Ch will be able to evaluate and suggest improvements on routines.
RE / St Oswald and the growth of Christianity