Questions for the participants to send us by email () the answers regarding his/her country until Thursday 22 January 2015 at 12:00.

Name and country:

Panu Muhli (NLS Finland) and Riitta Teiniranta (Finnish Environment Institute), Finland

1- According to your knowledge, is the INSPIRE infrastructure being used to support one or more data flows or monitoring programmes for statutory reporting within your country (at National, regional or local level)?

Yes, already used ☐ Yes, planned ☐ No x

For which Directive(s)?

Which Network Services are being used?

Data interoperability (which themes involved)?

Are any national/thematic registers or the INSPIRE Registry used?


Sharing raw data ☐ Sharing INSPIRE conform data ☐

Which measures were taken to make data and services necessary for statutory reporting discoverable and use by the INSPIRE infrastructure?

Are these implementations reflected in the INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting? Or in the geoportal?

Yes, in the monitoring and reporting ☐ Yes, in the geoportal ☐ No ☐

If No, please explain the main reason(s) why?

Are additional implementation actions already planned?

2- How is coordinated ensured between the implementation of INSPIRE and the other policies of the environmental acquis?

Coherent coordination within the public sector in Finland is yet to emerge. The Inspire Secretariat at the National Land Survey of Finland has initiated discussions with the Finnish Environment Institute which is the key player generating and administering environmental data flows. National coordinated efforts for enhancing the use of national SDI for statutory environmental reporting will be launched when applicable and relevant.

As for the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), its Data center is responsible of implementing INSPIRE , whereas several other departments at SYKE are responsible of reporting according to other environmental directives, like Habitats directive, Water Framework directive, Floods directive, Marine strategy directive, etc. There is a close cooperation between some departments reporting (like Floods and WFD) and yet not that close in some cases (like Habitats…). There is still need to make INSPIRE more known at SYKE and there is a plan to have SYKE’s INSPIRE day later this spring.

Is there an overview of which public authority is in charge of implementing measures regarding the environmental acquis?

Yes. Finnish Environmental Institute is the principal public authority providing the required data flow and services for statutory reporting. Other major public authorities with relevant environmental data and operations regarding environmental acquis are the Finnish Meteorological Institute, National Resources Institute Finland and Finnish Museum of Natural History. At regional level the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) have a key role in environmental monitoring, and at local level also over 300 municipalities are responsible of some monitoring (like bathing waters).

Is there a tentative matching of roadmaps regarding statutory reporting deadlines and the use of INSPIRE implementation measures?

In some cases (like WFD reporting) the data available through Inspire map services are updated more often than the WFD reporting cycle is.

Which are the main difficulties?

E.g. in case of WFD the reporting cycle is once per 6 years. The spatial data can be updated during the cycle. Therefore we might need to have two datasets (and network services?), the one having the features of the last reporting and the one which is more up-to-date.

3- Suggestions for the role of MIG and of MIWP-21 on accelerating and improving the coordination of implementing INSPIRE to support other Directives.

Finland is looking forward to attending the Ispra workshop and anticipates that the discussions will give more insight into the opportunities provided by MIG and MIWP in enhancing the use of INSPIRE for statutory reporting.

One useful deliverable of MIWP-21 work could be a common roadmap to accelerate the implementation of INSPIRE to support other Directives.