Main Stories 08 October 2008
- Gates visits Kosovo, guarantees territorial integrity (dailies)
- Vujanovic: Montenegro will recognize Kosovo (Koha Ditore)
- Portugal recognizes independence of Kosovo (dailies)
- Çitaku deputy foreign minister, Krasniqi government spokesperson (dailies)
- If Kosovo partitioned, Preshevo Valley will also be (Zëri)
- UN General Assembly to vote on Serbia’s demand today
(Zëri, Koha Ditore)
Kosovo Media Highlights
Gates visits Kosovo, guarantees territorial integrity (dailies)
All dailies cover on their front pages the visit to Kosovo by U.S. Secretary of Defence Robert Gates, quoting him as saying that the partition of Kosovo is not a solution either now or in the future. "The U.S. supports the territorial integrity of Kosovo," Gates said after a meeting with President Sejdiu, Prime Minister Thaçi and KSF Minister Mujota.
Dailies also highlight Gates’s remarks that there will be no downsizing of U.S. troops in Kosovo and that the Pentagon will help in the creation, training and supplying of the Kosovo Security Force.
Vujanovic: Montenegro will recognize Kosovo (Koha Ditore)
The paper reports that Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic gave indications on Tuesday that his state would recognize the independence of Kosovo despite harsh opposition from its traditional ally Serbia. Vujanovic said the decision would be made soon because Montenegro wants to join the European Union and NATO.
Portugal recognizes independence of Kosovo (dailies)
Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado informed the country’s foreign policy committee that the Government has decided to recognize independence of Kosovo, papers report today. Amado said independence of Kosovo is an irreversible fact and that it is in the interest of the Portuguese state to recognize Kosovo as an independent state. He also noted that the Serbian resolution at the UN General Assembly on the legality of Kosovo’s independence does not help to strengthen international law.
The Government of Kosovo is expected to be officially informed of the recognition today.
Çitaku deputy foreign minister, Krasniqi government spokesperson (dailies)
The Prime Minister of Kosovo reached a decision yesterday to appoint PDK member, Vlora Çitaku, to the post of deputy foreign minister while Memli Krasniqi, also PDK, was appointed as the government spokesperson. “These decisions will complete even further capacities of the government of the Republic of Kosovo and increase its performance and work efficiency,” said the Prime Minister’s Office in a communiqué.
If Kosovo partitioned, Preshevo Valley will also be (Zëri)
The paper quotes representatives of Albanian political parties in Preshevo Valley as saying that the potential partition of Kosovo would lead to the opening of the sensitive border issue thus provoking new conflicts which are now considered over. Naser Haziri from the Civic Group in Preshevo said that if Kosovo partitions, “we should go our way too.”
UN General Assembly to vote on Serbia’s demand today (Zëri, Koha Ditore)
Zëri reports that the UN General Assembly will vote for the draft resolution proposed by Serbia, through which Serbia demands the advisory opinion of the ICJ regarding the legitimacy on Kosovo’s independence declaration. Zëri added that Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic will present the resolution to the members of the UN General Assembly, who will then vote on it.
Koha Ditore quotes Kosovo Foreign Minister Skënder Hyseni as saying that the majority of free nations will abstain from voting for the resolution against Kosovo’s independence in the ICJ, adding that it is very difficult to block any initiative in the General Assembly.
“If the resolution passes, one of the concrete actions that Interior Ministry of Kosovo will do is the establishment of a group of experts to deal exclusively with this issue. It is likely that this group will represent the Republic of Kosovo in the ICJ to set forth the arguments of declaring the new state,” said Minister Hyseni.
Kosovo Press Headlines
Koha Ditore
Front page
- Gates guarantees Kosovo’s territorial integrity
- Deputies can still dream of offices and vehicles
- Portugal recognizes the Republic of Kosovo
- No withdrawal of troops from Kosovo anticipated
- Foreign policy challenges that do not await Kosovo
- Hyseni: We have plans even if the resolution passes
- Vlora Çitaku Deputy Minister, Memli Krasniqi spokesperson
Other headlines
- Vujanovic: Montenegro will recognize Kosovo (3)
- Official London takes the initiative to prevent Serbian resolution (4)
- Interior Minister justifies policemen, criticizes media (6)
- Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture suspended (7)
Front page
- Robert Gates: No partition, American troops remain in Kosovo
- Editorial: A nerve game
- “Government, apply the law,” Kosovo Police demands through a protest
- Portugal recognizes the state of Kosovo
- The name of Macedonia, recognition of Kosovo and invitation for NATO Treaty, in the same package?
- Vlora Çitaku Deputy Foreign Minister, Memli Krasniqi Gvmt spokesperson
- Deputies privileges arouse contradictions among PDK leaders
- If Kosovo partitioned, Preshevo Valley will also be
Other headlines
- Britain wants the UN General Assembly to bear in mind the broad context of Kosovo’s independence (2)
- Refuse Serbia’s demand (2)
- UN General Assembly to vote on Serbia’s demand today (2)
- Medvedev says Kosovo proves the failure of security in the world (3)
- Moore: If Montenegro does not recognize Kosovo, there will be regional instability (4)
- Server: Skopje should move faster towards recognition of Kosovo (5)
- Vujanovic: It is impossible for Montenegro to delay declaration on Kosovo (6)
- Djukanovic: Jeremic has emotional rights (6)
- Kostunica threatens to sue Montenegro if it recognizes Kosovo (6)
Kosova Sot
Front page
- Americans in Kosovo even in 2009
- Editorial: A vote for independence
- UN, voting for anti-independence begins today
- Portugal recognizes the state of Kosovo
Other headlines
- Assembly fight the blame (2)
- Ombudsperson, the fourth time’s a charm (2)
- Vlora Çitaku Deputy Foreign Minister, Memli Krasniqi Gvmt spokesperson (3)
- Hyseni, a report on New York agenda (4)
- Policemen announce a protest (4)
- Assembly, declaration against Serbia (5)
Epoka e Re
Front page
- Portugal also recognises Kosovo
- Friendship with Americans strengthened
- UN, decision today
- Vlora and Memli with new responsibilities
Other headlines
- Moore: Independence of Kosovo, done deal (2)
- Serwer: Skopje to recognise Kosovo as soon as possible (2)
- Kuçi: We call on democratic world not to support logic of violence (3)
- Thaçi does not support them, they leash out to the media [Members of Assembly] (4)
- Police to cancel protest if it finds no support (6)
Front page
- USA confirm integrity
- De Portugal com amor
- Intelligence service stagnates
Other headlines
- Limani: Balkans after Serb domination (3)
- Vlora Çitaku, deputy foreign minister (4)
- Memli Krasniqi, government spokesperson (5)
- Hamiti defends Hyseni (5)
- Serb resolution to be debated (5)
- Assembly Presidency: It was just a proposal (6)
- Police get a dignity boost (8)
- Ombudsperson competition announced (9)
Bota Sot
Front page
- Gates: U.S. is against any kind of partition of Kosovo
- Portugal recognizes Kosovo’s independence
- Serwer: I would like to see Kosovo join the UN
Other headlines
- Criminal elements will be removed from Kosovo police (4)
- Haradinaj offers cooperation to Prishtina municipality (4)
- Vlora Çitaku appointed Deputy Foreign Minister (4)
- Switzerland invests over €500.000 in the water sector in Kosovo (6)
Front page
- Gates guarantees sovereignty
- Portugal recognizes Kosovo
- “Late” reaction by Kosovars
- Vlora deputy minister, Memli spokesperson
- Whose Customs?
Other headlines
- The north with conditions on organized crime (3)
- Kostunica: Serbia to sue Montenegro if it recognizes Kosovo! (3)
- €500.000 for the water sector (6)
Front page
- U.S. guarantees sovereignty
- The voting takes place today!
- Çitaku: First job – lobbying
- They legalize chaos
- KEK brings Serbian MUP to Prishtina
Other headlines
- Netherlands too provides assistance for KSF (4)
- Kostunica: Lawsuit against Montenegro if it recognizes Kosovo (4)
- Bogdanovic: Pressure from powerful countries (4)
- Switzerland invests in the water sector (4)
Belgrade Media Highlights
- EU consultations before the UN General Assembly session (Tanjug)
- Tadic: I hope for a positive outcome in the UN (Tanjug)
- UK submits motion on Serbian initiative (B92/Beta/Tanjug)
- Galucci: UNMIK cooperates with everyone in Kosovo (Beta)
- Gates: US soldiers are staying in Kosovo for another year at least (Tanjug)
- Vujanovic: Jeremic’s statement undiplomatic (Beta)
- Kostunica on Kosovo (Beta)
- Kosovo Albanians destroying signs at the FYROM-Serbian border (Beta)
- Portugal recognizes Kosovo (Beta/Tanjug)
EU consultations before the UN General Assembly session (Tanjug)
The EU still doesn’t have a unified position on the eve of the UN General Assembly session where there will be a vote on the Serbian proposal to have the International Court of Justice assess the legality of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo, said spokesperson of the German Foreign Ministry Andreas Peschke. Stating that consultations were underway in New York of EU member state representatives, Peschke expressed expectations that the EU countries would find a common position. However, he could not specify the position. Stating that even though many EU countries have already recognized Kosovo’s independence considering this in accordance with international law, Peschke added that they respected the independence of institutions such as the ICJ and existing mechanisms based on which an opinion can be sought of this court on some important issues.
Tadic: I hope for a positive outcome in the UN (Tanjug)
Serbian President Boris Tadic said in Evian that he hoped for a positive outcome of the vote in the UN General Assembly on Serbia’s proposal to ask for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo. Tadic did not wish to predict the outcome of the vote in the UN General Assembly but stressed that it was of extreme importance not just for Serbia, but for the international community as well to transfer the issue of Kosovo from the political to the legal sphere. Serbia did everything possible to provide support for its initiative, said Tadic. The Serbian President met with Kenyan PM Raila Amolo Odinga, Mongolian President Nambaryn Enkhbayar and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
UK submits motion on Serbian initiative (B92/Beta/Tanjug)
The UK has sent a motion to the UN GA to the effect that, should Serbia’s ICJ resolution be adopted, its question on Kosovo independence should be more precise. In the event of the adoption of Serbia’s initiative to seek the ICJ opinion on the legality of Kosovo’s independence, London wants the UN General Assembly to take into consideration the broader context of Kosovo Albanians’ proclamation. In a letter to General Assembly Chairman Miguel d’Escoto, British Permanent Representative to the UN John Sawers said that in this instance Kosovo must be allowed to take part in the proceedings and argue its case. However, it is added that Britain does not see the benefit of the proposal to seek the ICJ’s opinion, nor does it feel that certain issues that it considers important are being presented in a suitable manner.
Galucci: UNMIK cooperates with everyone in Kosovo (Beta)
Regional UNMIK Administrator Gerald Gallucci has said today that it is fact that EULEX is not present in Serbian enclaves and the North of Kosovo and it is also fact that Belgrade’s authorities view as if EULEX has not legal mandate.
“Nothing will be done here by force but according to the will of the people”, Gallucci said today speaking to the press in Kosovska Mitrovica.
Gates: US soldiers are staying in Kosovo for another year at least (Tanjug)
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in Pristina that US soldiers will be staying in Kosovo for at least another year in order to support the NATO peace operation. He described US participation in KFOR as important for its European allies and said he has approved the rotation of troops guaranteeing the presence of US forces until October 2009 at least.
Vujanovic: Jeremic’s statement undiplomatic (Beta)
Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic assessed that the statement of Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic about a possible recognition of Kosovo by Montenegro is undiplomatic, as Podgorica has never worked behind one’s back. He told Radio Montenegro that Montenegro has very carefully examined the delicacy of the issue of Kosovo for Belgrade and has shown a high degree of understanding by deferring the decision.
Kostunica on Kosovo (Beta)
The DSS leader Vojislav Kostunica stated that those most guilty for the small number of citizens that had returned to Kosovo were the international military and civil forces in the province since 1999. “The responsibility lies with all of them, given the endless funds pumped into Kosovo and its failed economy. The greatest responsibility lies on those who have failed to guarantee the safety of the Serbs,” said Kostunica told TV Vojvodina. The DSS leader said that all unsolved crimes in Kosovo, as well as the attempts at ethnic cleansing on March 17, 2004, were the responsibility of the international community. “The whole business about Kosovo has nothing to do with the Kosovo Albanians and their interests, but above all the interests of the US to rectify the mistake they made after World War II, which was to be militarily present in South-East Europe and in the Balkans,” he said.
Kosovo Albanians destroying signs at the FYROM-Serbian border (Beta)
Albanians from the Kosovo side of the border between Serbia and the FYROM have destroyed with tractors the border stones that had been recently placed in the process of the demarcation of the border line, the FYROM A2 TV quotes the Albanian Top Channel TV. KPS representatives announced that they don’t official information for the time being, but unofficially confirmed the incident, assessing it was not serious. The FYROM police told Beta that there were no incidents in the border villages on their territory. The demarcation of the border between the FYROM and Serbia in the part towards Kosovo is in the final phase.
Portugal recognizes Kosovo (Beta/Tanjug)
The Portuguese government has recognized independence of Kosovo, agencies report. It is in the interest of the Portuguese state to recognize Kosovo, as the 22nd EU member state that has done so, Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado said in an address to the parliament.
This media summary consists of selected local media articles for the information of UN personnel. The public distribution of this media summary is a courtesy service extended by UNMIK on the understanding that the choice of articles translated is exclusive, and the contents do not represent anything other than a selection of articles likely to be of interest to a United Nations readership. The inclusion of articles in this summary does not imply endorsement by UNMIK.