Connect the RED wire from the # 781 to 12 v constant, then connect the WHITE wire from the # 781 to GROUND, measure across the BLUE wire and the YELLOW wire from the #781 harness making sure that the resistance you have the DIPSWITCHES set for is reading across these (2) wires, then remove the WHITE wire from the #781 from GROUND and the resistance should GO AWAY, if it DOES move on to STEP 2: IF the RESISTANCE is of different value than you have the DIPSWITCHES set for OR when you remove the WHITE wire from GROUND and the resistance is still present then the unit must be serviced......


With the # 781 installed as stated in the manual, make sure that the RED wire from the # 781 harness is on 12 v constant, and the WHITE wire from the #781 harness is connected to the WHITE (thin) 16ga. wire on the 3 pin harnness comming from the relay pack.The GREEN wire from the #781 harness, must be connected to the KEY SIDE of the cut in half (YELLOW) wire from the factory PASSLOCK I system harness and the YELLOW wire from the #781 harness, must be connected to the UNDER DASH SIDE of the (YELLOW) cut wire of the PASSLOCK I system. The ORANGE wire from the #781 gets its GROUND from the (BLACK) wire in the PASSLOCK I harness at the ignition switch.


When the START button is press on the remote, and the vehicle is cranking make sure that the PURPLE wire from the #781 is throwing a GROUND to the BULB CHECK(BLACK) wire, this wire opens a window on the PASSLOCK I COMPUTER so that it will learn the RESISTANCE CODE from the #781 module right after the starter is released. The YELLOW/BLACK wire from the #781 harness, MUST be connected to the YELLOW/BLACK (heavy) 12ga. wire from the relay harness that ties into the starter CRANKING wire at the ignition switch harness this is VERY IMPORTANT when installing for PASSLOCK I, the YELLOW/BLACK wire from the # 781 MUST get 12volts during the CRANKING cycle. After the CRANKING CYCLE make sure that the YELLOW wire and the ORANGE wire from the #781 has the RESISTANCE VALUE on them that you set the DIPSWITCHES for, if the resistance is not there, double check the connections on the YELLOW/BLACK wire from the #781(must see 12VOLTS during CRANKING) and the WHITE wire from the #781(must see GROUND from the WHITE(thin) 16ga. wire on the 3 pin harness) when the remote starter is actavated. If the unit is not operating as stated have the unit serviced......