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Fall 2013: Visiting Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
Spring 2009: Visiting Professor of Political Science, Yale University
1990-1991: Visiting Researcher, Center for the Study of Social Change, New School for
Social Research
Fall, 1989: Visiting Professor, Department of Politics, Princeton University
1972-1989: Associate Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University
1977-1978: Program Officer, Exxon Education Foundation, New York, New York
1968-1972: Assistant Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University
1967-1968: Assistant Professor of Political Science, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo,
1964-1967: Assistant in Research, Grader, and Teaching Assistant, Yale University
Ph.D., Yale University (International Relations), 1968
M.A., Yale University (International Relations), 1964
B.A., Boston University (History-Government), 1963
New Armies From Old: Merging Competing Militaries After Civil Wars. Washington:
Georgetown University Press, 2014.
Living Together After Ethnic Killing: Debating the Kaufmann Thesis (ed. with Mia Bloom). New York: Routledge, 2007 (revised version of special issue of Security Studies, 13, 4, Summer 2004).
Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End (ed.). New York: New York University Press,
Political Power and the Arab Oil Weapon: The Experience of Five Industrial Nations.
Studies in International Political Economy, Stephen D. Krasner, Editor. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1988.
The Private Nuclear Strategists. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1971
“Civil War Outcomes” in Manus I. Midlarsky, Handbook of War Studies III The Intrastate Dimension. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009, pp. 193-225.
“Ethical Advice: Conflict Management vs. Human Rights in Ending Civil Wars,” Journal of Human Rights, 7 (2008), 376-387.
“Democracy and the Renewal of Civil Wars” in Harvey Starr, Approaches, Levels and Methods of Analysis in International Politics: Crossing Boundaries. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, pp. 95-116.
“Comparative Studies of Long Wars” in Chester Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, Grasping the Nettle: Analyzing Cases of Intractability. Washington: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2005, pp. 33-46.
“What’s All the Shouting About?” Security Studies, 13, 4 (Summer 2004), pp. 1-11 (with Mia Bloom).
“Obstacles to Peace Settlements” in Chester A. Crocker, Fen Olser Hampson, and Pamela Aall, Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict. Washington: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2001, pp. 697-718. Reprinted in Graham K. Brown and Arnim Langer, Elgar Handbook on Civil War and Fragile States (London: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2013).
“The American Way of State-Building: Germany, Japan, Panama and Somalia," Small Wars and Insurgencies, 10, 3 (Winter 1999), pp. 82-115.
"Somalia, U.S. Military Involvement in," in John Whiteclay Chambers II, The Oxford Companion to American Military History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p. 664.
“Conflict among Former Allies after Civil War Settlement in Sudan, Zimbabwe, Chad, and
Lebanon” (with Pierre M. Atlas), Journal of Peace Research, 36, 1 (January, 1999), pp. 35-54
“Early Returns: Results of the First Wave of Statistical Studies of Civil War Termination,” Civil Wars, 1, 3 (Autumn, 1998), pp. 120-132
"Oil and World Politics" and "Oil Companies" in Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, volume III, pp. 308-316 and 316-321
"The Consequences of Negotiated Settlements in Civil Wars, 1945-1993," American
Political Science Review, 89 (September, 1995), pp. 681-690; reprinted in Todd Sandler and Keith Hartley (eds), The Economics of Conflict. London: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2003.
“How Do We Know What We Know?” in Edward Rhodes (ed.), International Relations: Introductory Readings. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1992 and 1998, pp. 347- 358.
"How Civil Wars End: Preliminary Results from a Comparative Project" in Stephen J.
Cimbala and Sidney Waldman, Controlling and Ending Conflict: Issues Before and
After the Cold War. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishers, 1992, pp. 219-237.
"The Power of Oil: The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and the United
States," International Studies Quarterly, 32 (June, 1988), pp. 205-226; reprinted in
Mark W. Zacher (ed.), The International Political Economy of Natural Resources.
London: Edward Elgar Publishers, 1993, volume I, pp. 54-75
"The Arab Oil Embargo of 1973-74," in David Leyton-Brown (ed.), The Utility of
International Economic Sanctions. New York: St. Martin's Press and London:
Croom Helm, Ltd., 1987, pp. 155-181.
"Protection in a Democracy," Eastern Economic Journal, 12 (April-June, 1986), pp. 89-93
(with H. Peter Gray).
"Arab Oil and Japanese Foreign Policy," Middle East Review, 18 (Fall, 1985), 23-29;
reprinted in Michael Curtis (ed.), The Middle East Reader. New Brunswick, NJ:
Transaction Press, 1986, pp. 455-462.
"International Trade Warfare: Economic and Political Strategies," European Journal of
Political Economy, 1/4 (1985), pp. 563-583 (with H. Peter Gray).
"The Failure of the Arab Oil Weapon in 1973-1974," Comparative Strategy, 3 (1982), pp.
"A Political Primer for Educational Innovation," Improving College and University
Teaching, 29 (Winter, 1981), pp. 12-14
"Faculty Ethics in an Academic Depression" in Frederick deW. Bolman and Clarence
Walton, Disorders in Higher Education. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1979,
pp. 118-142
"A Skeptic's View of Corporate Jobs and New Academic Programs," P.S. (American Political
Science Association), 12 (Winter 1979), pp. 26-29
"Evaluating Predictions of World Population and Food Supply," Human Ecology, 6 (June,
1978), pp. 165-177
"Soviet Control of Eastern Europe: Morality versus American National Interest" and
discussion, Political Science Quarterly, 91 (Winter, l976-77), pp. 619-624
and 629 and 92 (Summer, 1977), pp. 380-381
"Simulation and the Private Nuclear Strategists," Simulation and Games, 2 (June, 1971),
pp. 163-171
"Policy Scientists and Nuclear Weapons Policy" in Irving L. Horowitz (ed), The Use and Abuse
of Social Science. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1971 and 1975, 23 pp.
"The Missile Gap Controversy," Political Science Quarterly, 85 (December, 1970), pp.
“Merging Competing Militaries After Civil Wars.” Saltzman Working Paper No. 20, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, New York, 2013.
“South Africa.” Saltzman Working Paper No. 21, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies, Columbia University, New York, 2013
“Negotiating An End in Civil Wars: General Findings” in Timothy Sisk (ed), New Approaches to International Negotiation and Mediation: Findings from USIP-Sponsored Research, Peaceworks #30, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, DC, 1999, pp. 24-28.
“Careers in International Relations,” (with Edward Rhodes); revised versions at Drake University and Boise State University
“What Can I Do With Political Science?”
"Civil Wars Stoppable," The News Tribune (New Jersey newspaper), August 15, 1993, p.
"The Impact of Economic Development on Foreign Policy: What Do We Know Now?" in
Manuel J. Pelaez (ed), Ciencia Politica Comparada Y Derecho Y Economia En Las
Relaciones Internactionales: Estudios En Homenaje A Ferran Valls I Taberner.
Barcelona: Catedra de Historia del Derecho, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de
Malaga, 1993, pp. 7019-7038.
"Careers in International Affairs," Foreign Policy Analysis Notes (Foreign Policy Analysis
Section, International Studies Association), XIX (Spring, 1993), pp. 3-8
"Social Science and Nuclear War" [review essay of Philip Tetlock, et. al., Behavior, Society,
and Nuclear War, Volumes I and II], Sociological Forum 7, 1 (March, 1992), pp.
"A New Nuclear Threat," Political Science Review (Rutgers Political Science Association), I
(Spring, 1992), 18-19
"Grading With A Computer," Newsletter, Computer User's Section, American Political
Science Association, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1989), pp. 5-6 and "Computer Techniques for
Giving Students Feedback," The Teaching Professor, 5 (December, 1991), p. 2
"Henty and Flashman: Old and New Historical Novels," The Henty Society Bulletin: "The
First Afghan War," VI, 42 (Winter 1988), pp. 8-13; "The Crimean War," VI, 43
(Spring 1988), pp. 6-9; "The Indian Mutiny," VI, 45 (Autumn 1988), pp. 3-9;
"Conclusions," VI, 46 (Winter 1988-1989), pp. 4-8
"The United Nations as a Political Force," NATO's Sixteen Nations, 29 (June-July, 1984),
pp. 42-46
"Was Comparative Foreign Policy A Passing Fad?" Comparative Foreign Policy Notes
(Comparative Foreign Policy Section, International Studies Association), 7 (Winter
1980), pp. 2-4
"Neo-Marxism and Comparative Foreign Policy Education," Comparative Foreign Policy
Notes, 6 (November, 1978), pp. 2-3
"Books for Comparative Foreign Policy Courses," Leads and Lags (Comparative Foreign
Policy Section, International Studies Association), 3 (October, 1975), pp. 5-7
“New Armies From Old: Merging Competing Militaries After Civil Wars,” 2012 Minerva Meeting, Department of Defense, Arlington VA, September 2012 and The Thomas Ohlson Memorial Conference: From Civil War to Strong Peace in Africa, Uppsala, Sweden, April 2013
“New Armies From Old: Merging Competing Military Forces After Civil Wars—A Research
Project In Mid-Course,” Working Group on Security Sector Workshop, Folke Bernadotte Academy, Geneva, September 2010; earlier versions given at the Program in Conflict Resolution, Department of Government/ Georgetown University International Theory and Research Seminar, March 2010 and the Working Group on Security Sector Reform Workshop, Folke Bernadotte Academy, Stockholm, October 2009.
“Merging Militaries after Civil War: Bosnia, South Africa, and the Search for Theory,” Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Chicago, 2009; earlier versions given at International Studies Association, New York, NY, 2009; International Relations Workshop, Yale University, 2009; American Political Science Association, Boston, MA, September 2008; and Workshop on Contentious Politics, Columbia University, November 2007
“Tilly's Rules of (seminar) Engagement,” , 2008.
“The Ethics of Advice: Conflict Management versus Human Rights in Ending Civil Wars,” Saltzman Working Paper #4, Columbia University, January 2008; (see PUBLICATIONS)
“The Consequences of Civil Wars,” American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, September 2003
"Memory and Reconciliation After Civil War: The U.S. and Nigerian Cases,” Workshop on Contentious Politics, Columbia University, March 2003; earlier versions given at Center for Historical Analysis, Rutgers University, February, 1994, and Proseminar
on Political Mobilization and Conflict, New School for Social Research, New York,
February, 1995;
“False Hopes? Democracy and the Resumption of Civil War,” presented at the American Political Science Association, Boston, September 2002; earlier versions given at The Economics and Politics of Civil War: Launching A Case Study Project, sponsored by the International Peace Research Institute, the World Bank, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo, Norway, June 2001; Olin Center for Strategic Studies, Harvard University, March 12, 2001; Contentious Politics Workshop, Columbia University, January 2001; Durable Settlements Conference, Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, University of California, San Diego, CA, May, 1999
“Comparative Studies of Long Wars,” Experts Committee on Intractable Conflicts, U. S. Institute of Peace, Washington, DC, May 2002.
“Creating the Civil War Termination Dataset," Identifying War: Conflict Research and Its Utility in Conflict Resolution and Prevention, sponsored by Uppsala University, the International Peace Research Institute, and the World Bank; Uppsala, Sweden, June 2001
“Cases and Theory in Civil War Settlements” (with Pierre M. Atlas), Workshop on Contentious Politics, Columbia University, September 23, 1997; Case Study Workshop, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, October 17-19, 1997
“Conflict among Former Allies after Civil War Settlement In Sudan, Zimbabwe, Chad, and
Lebanon” (with Pierre M. Atlas), American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, September, 1997 (see PUBLICATIONS)
"Patterns in Internal War: Some Tentative Findings From Statistical Studies," Internal War and
Peacekeeping/Peacemaking Operations Conference, University of California at Irvine,
February, 1997 (see PUBLICATIONS--”Early Returns”)
"State-Building After Invasion: Germany, Japan, Panama and Somalia," International Studies Association-South, Roanoke, Virginia, October, 1996; earlier versions given at International Studies Association, San Diego, CA, April, 1996; Conference on Engagement and Disengagement, University of Maryland, November, 1995 and Proseminar on Political Mobilization and Conflict, New School for Social Research, New York, October, 1995 (see PUBLICATIONS)
"Negotiated Settlements in Civil Wars Since 1945," American Political Science Association,
Washington, September, 1993; earlier version given at Proseminar on State
Formation and Collective Action, New School for Social Research, November,
1992; CNCR Working Paper, Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution,
Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, 1995 (see PUBLICATIONS)
"Alternate Strategies for State Formation After Civil Wars: Making Peace Pay,"
International Studies Association, April, 1992; earlier version given at the Proseminar on State Formation and Collective Action, New School for Social Research
"Japan and the Kuwaiti Crisis: What Can We Learn From History?" 1991
"How Civil Wars End: Preliminary Results from a Comparative Project," American
Political Science Association, September 1990; earlier versions given at City
University of New York Political Science Conference, March, 1990, Conflict
Termination conference, Haverford College, April, 1990, and CNCR Working Paper
#10, Center for Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Rutgers University, 1990 (see
"Civil Violence and Conflict Resolution: A Framework for Analysis," International
Studies Association, March, 1988
"Careers in International Affairs," 1986, revised 1989 and 1993, (see PUBLICATIONS)
"The Arab Oil Weapon in Theoretical Context," International Studies Association, March,
"How Do We Know What We Know?" 1985, paper used in courses at Georgetown
University and Rutgers
"The Arab Oil Embargo of 1973-1974," Conference on the Utility of Economic Sanctions,
York University, Toronto, March 24-25, 1983 (see PUBLICATIONS)
"The Arab Oil Embargo as Economic Coercive Bargaining," International Studies
Association, March, 1982
"Political and Economic Impediments to Energy Policy Implementation," co-authored with
H. Peter Gray (Economics Department, Rutgers University) for "Energy: A
Multidisciplinary Colloquium," Douglass College, Rutgers University, November,
"What Every International Management Student Should Know About Politics," Academy
of International Business, October, 1980
Introduction and chapters on systemic variables, external influences, size and power
capabilities, economic development and modernization, and bureaucracy for
proposed comparative foreign policy text "Explanations of Foreign Policy," 1979
"Faculty Ethics in an Academic Depression," paper for American Assembly "The Integrity