Meeting of the Bovingdon Parish Council
Bovingdon Memorial Hall
5 November 2012 starting at 7.30 p.m.
Councillor Tony Trigg (Chairman)
Councillor Kathy Banks
Councillor Richard Briden
Councillor Jim Dolan
Councillor Vera Hackett
Councillor Diana Smart
Councillor Julie Steer
Councillor Emma Stevens
Councillor Richard Taylor
Also Present:
Mike Kember, Parish Clerk
Borough Councillors
Councillor Gbola Adeleke
Councillor Gill Chapman
Councillor Jack Organ
County Councillor
Councillor Richard Roberts
Representatives from the Village:
50+ villagers
12. / Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Povey due to family circumstances.
Declarations of Interest linked to any of the resolutions
To receive any declarations of interest
Public Question Time - Public participation at meetings
There were no matters raised.
Minutes – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2012
It was agreed by all those present that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2012 were a true representation of the meeting and the minutes were signed by Councillor Trigg.
Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2012
Highways Issues
Councillor Steer reported that the manhole cover in the pavement on the Chesham Road was still cordoned off and Councillor Richard Roberts undertook to investigate this.
Crime Report
PCSO Bardhyl Agallili reported that there had been seven less crimes than in September. He also commented that he was dealing with the parking issues in the High Street and had been working in conjunction with the Bovingdon Academy to try and resolve the acute problems caused at times when parents are ‘dropping off’ and ‘picking up’ their children.
Councillor Steer asked whether the police had used the speed cameras in the village recently and PCSO Agillili replied that they hadn’t.
A villager commented on the problems of speeding vehicles in Long Lane and commented that she will be writing to Herts County Council.
Presentation of findings of Community Transport Research – Mark Mitchell, Chief Executive, Community Action Dacorum
Mark Mitchell gave a presentation on the findings of the research and commented that community car schemes are being used to ‘plug’ gaps in the bus services, such as services to Stoke Manderville Hospital. In Bovingdon, a mini bus is talking children to JFK and Cavendish schools as public transport is not available.
The Chairman agreed to bring forward item 9.4.2 as the majority of people attending the meeting had come for this:
Planning Application No. 4/01817/12/FUL – Royal Oak, Bovingdon Green – Change of use of vacant Public House (Use Class A4) to dwelling house (Use Class C3) – To consider the Royal Oak Public House as a community asset under the Localism Act 2011
The majority of villagers spoke against the proposed change of use and raised the following issues:
· Loss of social and community facility
· The Royal Oak closed on 18 April 2012 and since then no effort has been made to run it as a pub
· Business has been marketed at an unrealistic rent and marketing has been poor
· Previously been run as a successful business – well supported
· Concern about the field behind the pub and will it be used for housing in the future
· Petition with 102 signatures handed into to DBC
· Present owner has not really tried to run it as a going concern. The owner has in the past tried to dispose of The Cock in Sarratt and planning permission was refused and now he runs it as a very successful pub and why can’t he do this with the Royal Oak
· Possibility in the future of registering it as a community asset with DBC under Section 88 of the Localism Act, 2011.
The Parish Council agreed to Object to the proposal on the following grounds:
1. That the Royal Oak pub is a social and communityfacility within the village and particularly for those living onBovingdon Green and the surrounding area;
2. That it is the responsibility of the applicant to prove that the Royal Oak is not a viable option as a puband provide such audited accounts information as appropriate to support this;
3. That the applicant has notsufficientlymarketed the Royal Oak as a going concern.
Councillor Jack Organ said that he would contact the Jackie Ambrose, Planning Officer and ask her to ensure that the applicant provides robust and comprehensive information.
Kevin Allen asked for the residents present to provide their contact details and he undertook to act as a co-ordinator for an action group if it was the wish of villagers for one to be formed.
Parish Clerk’s Report
Town & Parish Councils Conference
This annual event is taking place on Friday 30 November 2012 in the Civic Centre, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead starting at 9.30 a.m.
To receive the following Committee Reports:
Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting held on 23 August 2012
Resolved that the minutes of this meeting as circulated, be received and adopted.
Feedback from Chairman of Finance & General Purposes Committee
There was no report.
Resolutions to be considered from the Finance & General Purposes Committee
That the Council notes the successful completion of the Internal and External Audits for the Parish Council and the Memorial Hall for the year ending 31 March 2011.
It was proposed by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Briden and resolved that the Council notes the successful completion of the Internal and External Audits for the Parish Council and the Memorial Hall for the year ending 31 March 2011.
Minutes of the Memorial Hall Management Committee Meeting held on 26 June 2012
Resolved that the minutes of this meeting as circulated, be received and adopted.
Feedback from the Chairman of the Memorial Hall Management Committee
There was no report.
That the Council approves the recommendation from the Memorial Hall Management Committee to increase the Hall hire charges with effect from 1 April 2013 as per the attached schedule.
It was proposed by Councillor Briden and seconded by Councillor Taylor and resolved that the Council approves the recommendation from the Memorial Hall Management Committee to increase the Hall hire charges with effect from 1 April 2013 as per the attached schedule.
Minutes of the Outdoors Committee Meeting held on 26 June 2012
Resolved that the minutes of this meeting as circulated, be received and adopted.
Feedback from the Chairman of the Outdoors Committee
The Bovingdon & District Horticultural Society are seeking volunteers to help them do a ‘one-off’ clean of the pond on Bovingdon Green on Saturday 17 November 2012 starting at 9.30 a.m.
Councillor Taylor reported that the council is looking at a scheme to improve / enhance the High Street and a drawing showing a vision for the High Street was available for people to look at in the Hall. Two drawings showing the existing High Street and the proposed improvements will be displayed outside the Memorial Hall and residents were invited to let the council have their comments and encouraged to attend the Parish Council meeting to be held on 14 January 2013 when this project would be discussed.
Agreed that Councillor Richard Roberts, Councillor Taylor and the Parish Clerk should meet to discuss this project prior to the next parish Council meeting.
Minutes of the Planning Committee Meetings held on 13 August, 3 September and 24 September 2012
Resolved that the minutes of these meetings as circulated, be received and adopted.
Feedback from Chairman of Planning Committee
There was no report.
Feedback from the Councillor Representative on Bovingdon Primary Academy
Councillor Stevens reported that Mr Mangan had invited all councillors to visit the School on Friday 18 January 2013 and had offered two sessions at 9.30 and 1.30 p.m.
Any other business
Co-op, High Street
PCSO Agallili introduced Dawn from the store and Gavin Jones from the Co-op Central & Eastern area to discuss issues raised by villagers. Agreed that there had been some progress since the Co-op had taken on board villagers comments but there is still room for improvement. There are 19 deliveries per week and this will be reducing over time to 12 per week. Difficulty is that there is very little storage.
Agreed that a possible solution to the problem of vehicles unloading, would be to create a loading bay in Old Dean and both the Co-op and Councillor Richard Roberts may be prepared to contribute to the cost of providing this.
Parking at Archway
PCSO Agallili reported that there have been problems with vehicles parking at the entrance to the flats / surgery and he had met with the residents to discuss this. Councillor Stevens said that a letter had been sent to all parents asking them not to park there. If vehicles are causing an obstruction, then it was agreed that enforcement measures should be taken.
Councillor Richard Roberts reported that the potholes outside the Co-op, Parishes and the flower shop will be repaired.
Planning applications
Councillor Trigg reported that there was insufficient information on certain planning applications received from DBC about the 130% rule. He said that clarification is needed on the use of Green Belt land unless it is permitted development and asked if the Borough Councillors could raise this with the appropriate officers.
Transport for PCSO
In reply to a question, PCSO Agallili confirmed that he was travelling to the village by public transport and had a bike stored at HMP The Mount now that there was no car available to PCSO’s.
Councillor Richard Roberts reported that Tesco has not satisfied the planning requirements to start the development. The original 3-year planning permission is due to expire in January 2013 and, therefore, they will need to apply for a continuation of the existing permission. In light of this, he will arrange for the roundabout at the top of the High Street to have some maintenance work carried out to it as it is in a very poor state. This will be carried out early in the New Year.
Village Festivities Day to celebrate Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – 4 June 2012
Councillor Jack Organ congratulated the Parish Council on organising a very successful event.
Date of next meeting – Monday 14 January 2013 at 7.30 p.m. in The Memorial Hall
Meeting closed at 9.30 p.m. / Councillor Roberts
Parish Clerk
All to note
Councillor Richard Roberts / Co-op
Councillor Gbola Adeleke
Councillor Richard Roberts
Minutes of the Bovingdon Parish Council Meeting held on 5 November 2012
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