Probert, A., Palmer, F., & Leberman, S. (2007). The fine line: An insight into ‘risky’ practices of male and female competitive bodybuilders. Annals of Leisure Research, 10(3/4), 272-290.
Probert, A., Leberman, S., & Palmer, F. (2007). New Zealand bodybuilder identities: Beyond homogeneity. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 42(1),
Palmer, F. (2007). Body image, hauora and identity: Experiences of Māori girls in sport. Childrenz Issues: Journal of the Children’s Issues Centre, 11 (2), 12-19.
Leberman, S.I. & Palmer, F.R. (2007). Mothers realising choices as leaders in elite sport. In S. Thompson, C. Obel, & T. Bruce (eds.). Women and sport in New Zealand (pp. TBA). Hamilton, New Zealand: WaikatoUniversity Press.
Palmer, F. (2007). Treaty principles and Māori sport: Contemporary issues. In Collins, C., & Jackson, S. (eds.). Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand society (2nd ed.).Melbourne: Thomson Dunmore Press
Palmer, F. (2007). Mauri tu, mauri ora; mauri noho, mauri mate: Whānau engagement in the sport sector. Report for Te Puni Kōkiri. Palmerston North: Te Au Rangahau (Management Department, MasseyUniversity).
Palmer, F. (2007). Review and strategic plan for women’s rugby, May 22, Report for New Zealand Rugby Union,Wellington.
Palmer, F. (2006). Māori sport and its management. In Leberman, S., Collins, C., & Trenberth, L. (eds.). Sport Business Management in Aotearoa/New Zealand (2nd ed.).Melbourne: Thomson Dunmore Press.
Palmer, F. (2006). State of Māori sport. In Mulholland, M. (Ed). State of the Maori nation. Twenty-first-century issues in Aotearoa (pp261-275 ).Auckland, New Zealand: Reed Publishing.
Palmer, F. (2006) Tama tū, tama ora – tama noho, tama mate (Central): A report on the health and physical activity status of a sample of ngāti raukawa, muaūpoko and rangitaane iwi, April 7, Report for Te Puni Kōkiri in association with Sport Manawatu.
Palmer, F. (2006). Ebony Espresso Bar (Fat Daddys Ltd). In M. Mulholland (Ed.), He Wairere Pakihi Māori Business Case Studies (pp 14-22). Palmerston North: Te Au Rangahau, Māori Business Research Centre, Department of Management, College of Business, MasseyUniversity.
Palmer, F. (2006). IHI Wear Ltd. In M. Mulholland (Ed.), He Wairere Pakihi Māori Business Case Studies (pp 29-40). Palmerston North: Te Au Rangahau, Māori Business Research Centre, Department of Management, College of Business, MasseyUniversity.
Palmer, F. (2006). Māori Touch New Zealand. In M. Mulholland (Ed.), He Wairere Pakihi Māori Business Case Studies (pp 97-101). Palmerston North: Te Au Rangahau, Māori Business Research Centre, Department of Management, College of Business, MasseyUniversity.
Palmer, F. (2006). New ZealandSportsAcademy. In M. Mulholland (Ed.), He Wairere Pakihi Māori Business Case Studies (pp 43-53). Palmerston North: Te Au Rangahau, Māori Business Research Centre, Department of Management, College of Business, MasseyUniversity.
Palmer, F. (2006). Treaty Principles and Maori Sport: Contemporary Issues. In C. Collins & S. Jackson (Eds.) Sport in Aotearoa/New Zealand Society (2nd ed.), (pp 307-334). Auckland NZ: Thomson New House.
Palmer, F. (2005). Maori sport and its management. In Leberman, S., Collins, C. & Trenberth, L. (eds.). Sport Business Management in Aotearoa/New Zealand (pp. ??). Place of publication: Thomson.
Palmer, F. (2005). Cultural Awareness. Workshop presentation at the Activate Conference (for key decision makers in secondary school sport) 19-20May, Auckland, New Zealand.
Palmer, F. (2005). Human rights, the Treaty of Waitangi: My story. Presentation at the Human Rights & The Treaty of Waitangi Symposium, 5 May, MasseyUniversity, Palmerston North.
Palmer, F. (2005). A multidimensional perspective. Presentation at the Leadership in Complex Environments Conference 24-25 November, MasseyUniversity, Palmerston North.
Palmer, F. (2005). Sport policy makers – advocates or investigators of the sport sector? Presentation at the International Sport Research Forum, 13-15 April, Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra, Australia.
Palmer, F. (2005). Whanau engagement in sport and recreation. Matariki Lecture on behalf of Te Mata o te Tau on the 15th June, MasseyUniversity, Palmerston North.
Palmer, F., & Leberman, S. (2005). Mothers leading the way: A valued resource in New Zealand elite sport. Presentation at the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW) Learning and Leadership Congress, August 10-13th, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.