Carla Parola
This third book must embody a significant assistance in understanding and penetrating the cosmic world that is within and around you.
You are a cell that is part of a "cellular culture," unique, but at the same time equal, or the same as, the universal "cellular culture".
The human being who lives on Earth, is similar to other biological beings disseminated throughout the cosmos, but he has his own specific vibration that makes him different from all others.
The frequency of these vibrations vary from one individual to another, but basically - is the same for all human beings, just as it is for minerals, plants and animals.
The same basic vibration, but each individual has different frequencies.
Cosmic harmony is "upside down" on Earth, because the right way to live has been ignored or made subordinate.
You cram yourselves with theories, programs, and expectations... and in doing this, you suffocate what is important: to live in harmony with yourselves and the whole cosmos.
Your energetic frequency should be the most important thing for you, and not those frequencies that come from others or from external disturbance.
The Earth throbs, is alive and its resonance is not "in time" with yours.
More precisely, through your thoughts and intentions, you produce positive or negative forces, which tend to group together and form extensive masses with specific vibration frequencies. These are attracted by other masses with similar vibrations of the same type and frequency. The Earth, which has its own vibrations, must necessarily absorb these masses when they permeate it, therefore modifying its own vibrations.
It is important that each of you becomes aware of these mechanisms, so as not to be caught in traps set up for you, by occult manipulators of cosmic forces.
The chapters of this book are necessary journeys into cosmic knowledge and must be assimilated with humility, faith and the unconditional awareness of one's instinct.
Never challenge what your instinct recognizes as authentic and wants to follow, but your reasoning refuses.
To make these energetic "principles" your own means to raise yourself to the divine dimension, living and "being" as God imposes from chosen sons.
Theaccumulation of "acute" and destructive vibration forces provoke a conflict between different frequencies. Conflict in this context, means a lack of harmony, the impossibility of different vibration frequencies, to "accept" each other, because they are incompatible and cannot be assimilated.
To take part in these "storms" or to collide with them causes problems for the single energy, which finds itself inevitably exposed to consequences.
The storms are always a outcome of these masses: a single energy can only endure a storm, not cause it.
The individual caught up in this, senses within himself an impulse, unrelated to his being. He feels possessed by an exaggerated euphoria or pensiveness, or by a noticeable rejection of anything challenging.
The only solution to this situation is complete isolation from the external world, and to stop searching for answers either within ones self or in others.
Your desire to define your own feelings will be rendered useless, by the instinctive rejection that governs the storm.
Futile efforts can be avoided if you understand this, and also the danger of exposing your energy to incompatible frequencies.
*God "really" wants you to understand how you are structured. True (= Truth) - Mind (= Intellect).
*Untranslatable pun: in italian “really” “veramente”
Vera= true - mente = mind.
You must therefore know and understand yourselves, through truth - accessible through the intellect, from the knowledge of what you are, (body, soul, energetic spirit) and how you "function" (or more precisely, how the various elements of your being, interact together.)
Self, meaning knowledge of both the personal and collective mechanism:
To have a Self
To listen to ones Self
To suffocate the Self
These statements make you speak about the Self as if you know it, and understand what you are talking about.
Unfortunately it is not like that.
The Self is a personal vibration not separate but united to a collective vibration that modifies itself continuously.
Referring to your "own" Self, without taking into consideration the "external" influence that the Self endures, will make you reason in an incomplete and erroneous way.
If my Self is just mine, then only I can influence it (for bad or for good), but if there are also other influences gravitating around this Self, then I am not the only "manipulator", and I must to take into consideration other "manipulators" who can affect what I consider, is MY SELF.
It is difficult to have a profound knowledge of yourselves if you cannot decide how many, and which, are the influences, gravitating around you.
There are those of the environment, those that are occult, and obvious ones, but above all, our influence on another person, which returns to us tainted and manipulated from that same person.
These are the exchanging influences that more than any others, "attack" our energy, obliging it to react.
When it "reacts", or better still, it re-acts, after it has already expressed itself, the vibrations given out in the first place, are modified and accumulated.
By consciously "modifying", we modify our unconscious Self, which can be both in a positive and negative sense.
Modify, means to change our way of doing things, our actions, and even before that, our way of seeing people, facts, environment and situations generally.
As we have already said, the Self is constantly being bombarded and invaded with information, which continuously modifies the Self, but its reaction is not as obvious as we would think:
to the right information→ positive reaction
to the wrong information → negative reaction
The Self, acts and reacts on the basis of it's own instinct, selecting information and keeping only that which is suitable for the evolution of its energy.
The rest stay at a more superficial level and - simplifying - nourish the individual's personality.
The true Self is nothing but the manifestation of the energy, and it uses the false Self to provide information necessary to its own evolution.
When the individual only chooses convenient information, superficially, or his actions become confused through fear, or personal advantage, the true Self withdraws, it defends itself, it does not react, and by doing this, the individual feels he is lacking support, is without stability, at the mercy of events which confuse him instead of enriching him; disturb him instead of lightening and enlightening his way.
To accept the true Self, and make it the guiding light of your life, is the only way for you to become aware of the purpose of life on earth:
a journey towards other dimensions.
To search within you for the true Self, is a false problem,
because when we act and react, the true and false Self
(the one that matches our personality) continually come
together and clash.
One cannot be eliminated to privilege the other; both must be accepted, taking care that the exchange of information between the two is always positive.
The consequence of living with the divine activated in you, is that the human being does not indulge in convenient behavior because even if it is gratifying on an earthly level, it is unsatisfactory regarding the true Self's feelings.
That is why the most amazing earthly success and the best results can leave bitterness in one's soul.
To be constantly absent, to refuse life, avoid emotions, and not engage in feelings of any kind....means:
to be abulic[*]
This situation is not dangerous when the vibration is transitory, it may well be a just pause, enforced by the energy, to absorb within itself the information and experiences assimilated up to then.
Therefore it must not overburden itself with other information needing to be elaborated. However, when the abulic vibration persists, it is dangerous and deadly. It is the energy refusing to absorb what the mind is offering, that is, the experience developed by the human being. In other words, to refuse (on the part of the energy) behavior and ways of thinking that are the antithesis of cosmic logic.
The person who, that is constantly committed to "doing", and acts without listening to is internal voice, or tries to understand the implications of the situations he finds himself in, striving only to get immediate results personally advantageous, can suddenly find himself exhausted, unable to act or think or conclude, as he was used to doing.
Here, a new kind of behavior will replace the other: remote, lethargic, unheeding to every incentive, struggling to ignore everything, committed to removing any sign of being involved in something, whether emotional or practical.
At this stage, the individual cannot ignore the condition that has taken hold of him, because it is totally different to his usual behavior.
If he doesn’t ignore it, he has the chance to understand and to modify it, but those who refuse to recognize the condition, hiding behind trivial and banal excuses such as, “I’m tired, I’m worn out”, etc., will not be given this opportunity.
Fatigue doesn't cause persistent abulia, it is the energy that calls a halt, because it is overloaded with useless and damaging information.
The human being that does not understand this and refuses to be involved in life and in his self. Consequently, he is left in the grip of alien vibrations that can also be dangerous and destabilizing for daily earthly life. Many kinds of what you call schizophrenia, can be found in those individuals who have long periods of abulia in their past.
Therefore, the human being must take great care to always listen to his energy, without letting him be distracted by impositions or indoctrinations that are not appropriate for him.
The individual faces very few situations, only aided by mental reasoning: always - or almost always - a "prod", or something is felt, that insinuates itself in his reasoning, (not always accepted by the deepest part within him), and it will not go away.
It is the instinct that is attentive, that makes itself felt and will not resign to be restricted by a completely logical behavior format.
It is wise, and above all useful, to listen and not ignore, this guideline.
The instinct knows, absorbs all our way of living:
it knows what will happen to us tomorrow,
it knows what were our yesterdays,
it concentrates on our life's goal, and the way to get there.
That is why, simply by listening to it, we are in harmony with Life.
The constant refusal to listen to our instinct is the choice of those individuals who must always have the leading role.
They want to regulate Life with their minds, and control events to their needs.
Poor, miserable beings, they spend their Lives running away from themselves, from their true and authentic Self. There is no hope that they will consent to a more harmonious and authentic way of life: the absurd and threatening Self, dominates them, assimilates them, makes them "deaf" to every intimate pulsation.
Only fear, panic, terror from events beyond their strength and capacity to control can help them to change their way of being.
Fear is a powerful block that lowers natural defenses, destroys reasoning and, together with panic, totally destabilizes mental judgment. It "forces" the human being to appeal to an invisible "something", unknown, but always present in him, the instinctive, emotional part, that refuses ascendancy over logic when logic, is unable to control fear and panic.
To learn to do what you FEEL is right, and so privilege the instinct, is helps the human being not to break away from the cosmos, and not disregard the energies' expectations.
The energy wants, and must, flow freely within the circle of the energetic program that it has chosen for its earthly journey. However, this is impossible when different circumstance and arrangements interfere and block this flow.
The main energetic obstructions always come from external events, from conditioning, and the rules that society inflicts. They are not however, decisive, and neither do they have a definite and extensive impact on the same energy.
Only when the energy is held hostage by the Mind, will there be an obstruction.
To remain convinced about certain ways of thinking and being, which do not correspond to cosmic logic, means to be in the grip of very strong and destabilizing earthly vibrations.
There are no risks that the energy is not able to overcome, but when it becomes a hostage of the Mind, it loses its positive force and is crushed in a morass of vibrations, that does not allow it to "listen" to the individual.
That is why, many who cannot perceive their instinct, are convinced that they are in the right, but at the same time they are ambiguously involved in living, without joy or certainties. Few are those, who rationally regret this situation, and search for a remedy.
Most animatedly defend their vision of life, and their choices, without ever questioning their decisions.
The energy's salvation, the freedom that it needs, to be able to flow, can only happen when the mind is no longer hostage, but free.
The sadness that surrounds those beings that are not free is caused by the "silence" from the instinct. Without an internal guide and supportive pulsations, the individual feels alone, separated from the Divine source, and of no avail are the attempts to establish certainties, based on earthly logic.
When the Mind suffocates the energy, and this blocks the instinct, a great mental activity takes place, to compensate: thoughts overlap ceaselessly, and the person who finds himself in this situation, often produces an unstoppable frenzy, all focused on doing, realizing, giving to others what should be kept for himself: LOVE.
Therefore, do not fall into the trap of judging: don't admire those who lavish attention on others, neglecting themselves. Do not glorify those who appear to deserve, because they are altruistic or generous.
You must observe more carefully: without judging, but serenely and calmly, look for joy, serenity and coherence in these beings. Often you will find out that they are devoid of them, and are simply slaves to the protagonism that inspires their actions.
Observing others is important, because it allows us to understand energy mechanisms common to many people, and to ourselves.
There is only one conclusion: the individual must take great care that his energy is not taken in hostage, and must be even more committed, to free himself from every restriction, that instinctively is not acceptable.
The energy that continuously emits vibrations of Love, reaches the highest vibration level granted to energy that is "hosted" by matter.
To be so perfectly accepted in divine frequencies becomes natural to those who always adhere to loving thoughts and actions.
Few are those who succeed in this, but many try, making an effort to not deviate from life's Highway.
Every time, vibrations of Love are emitted, the individual responsible will always receive positive results.
When the vibration is "expelled" from the energy, the latter asks for an immediate retrieval of what it has emitted, and this happens through the input of divine energy coming directly from the Cosmos (consequently having a cosmic, not earthly frequency).
To be aware of this mechanism, must lead to an ongoing and rigorous control of ones thoughts and actions. Only Divine Will can take action: in exchange for the output of Love, there will never be negative consequences.
Who understands this, who is convinced that only Love can give us Eternal Life, can only abandon themselves to the conscious acceptance of others and of events.
It is useless to judge, it is dangerous to rebel against what Life offers us: it is wiser to accept the events and try and understand them, even more praiseworthy is to accept those people near us and love them as part of a perfect and unchangeable Whole.
Rarely Life fully corresponds to our expectations, but this is no reason for us to refuse it or crush it; instead we must love and accept it, and be aware, that only in this way can we really UNDERSTAND IT.
How can Life be opposed to what we need?
How can it refuse us what is right for us?
It is up to you, and your capacity to understand, your desire for evolution, to move towards the acceptance of all that happens to you.
Life is Love: let us learn to always and only give out LOVE, and we will be safe from every suffering.
The energy that becomes compact manages to "accumulate" positivism in a continuous and "constructive" manner.