Thursday 10 May 2012 at 7.30 p.m at 1 Church Walk, Holmes Chapel.
Part I – Public and Press present
1. Attendance / Cllr. JA Clowes in the chairCllr. L Gilbert
Cllr. WN Guthrie
Cllr. J Latham
Cllr RC Parry
Cllr. M Ranger
Cllr. MJ Street
Mr N Clarke – Assistant Clerk
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (ts11/12/69) to receive an apology from Cllr PA Cotton,
3. Declarations of Interest / Cllr Gilbert declared an interest as a Cheshire East Councillor in all planning applications. He indicated that if he made any comment he has expressing an initial view on any applications discussed, and would consider the matter further at Borough level, taking into account all of the relevant information and representations available at Borough level that are not available at this meeting.
4. Minutes / RESOLVED (ts11/12/70) to approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held 22 March 2012.
5. Matters arising / 1. Cllr Street will obtain a written quotation from the bench cleaning business and locate the benches on a street plan of the village.
2. Cllr Street will complete the list of areas of paving in the village centre requiring attention for the next meeting Cllr Gilbert confirmed that the zebra crossing has been removed from the list of potential schemes as it is considered compliant by CEC Highways. The Clerk to ask if the quality of street lighting should be included in the compliance criteria.
3. The Clerk to chase the possibility of repositioning of the bollards removed from outside Barclays Bank to the area near the Pink Garlic.
6. Planning Applications / The Committee considered the applications listed below and RESOLVED (ts/11/12/71) to comment as follows:
12/1506C / Co-op food store, Croco Service Station.
Removal of existing covered area at front and construct covered holding at rear. Alterations to side elevations to form new goods delivery area.
No objection
12/1473C / Co-op food store, Croco Service Station
Instalment of new full height glazed shop front
No objection
12/1156C / 34a London Road, CW4 7AJ
Change of use of first floor only from hairdresser(A1) to flat (C3)
No objection
7. Benchmarking / The Committee considered the report circulated and
RESOLVED (ts11/12/72) that:
· The report be received and noted
· Cllr Guthrie to produce a précis report which will be circulated to businesses in Holmes Chapel. Also a copy to be sent to the Chairman of HCP
8. Village Volunteers / The Committee received a report from Dave Wilcox on activities of the Village Volunteers and the Clean Day on 13 May 2012.
RESOLVED (ts11/12/73) to receive the report.
9. Watering of planters and hanging baskets / The Committee discussed the estimates received for hanging the baskets and
RESOLVED (ts11/12/74) to appoint Fountainhead Horticultural Services at a price of £45.00.
10. Public Toilets / 1. The Chairman reported that the survey of the use of the existing building is currently being undertaken.
2. It has been confirmed that CEC have agreed to pay the costs of the feasibility study on the library toilets and arrangements are being made for this to be implemented
11. Walking routes / Cllr M Ranger reported on progress by the U3A on producing walking route leaflets.
RESOLVED (ts/11/12/75) that
· Cllr M Ranger arranges a meeting with the group to feed back the views of this Committee
· The Council suggest that they should:
o Concentrate on establishing the walks
o Check the feasibility of each walk (e.g. not on private land)
o Find sponsors to assist with printing costs (£500 is allocated in the Parish Council 2012/13 budget)
o The Council is not in support of financing sign posting due to comments from other towns.
12. Parking survey / The Chairman reported that a pupil from the Comprehensive School is carrying out some car park surveys as part of a project. If this proves of value to our records of car park usage it will be reported to the committee..
13. Traffic issues / The Committee considered traffic issues and
RESOLVED (ts11/12/76) that:
1. An update has been listed at Appendix 1
2. The Clerk to check the timescale for work on the traffic lights at Chester Road/London Road in the s.106 document for Sanofi Aventis.
3. Cllr Gilbert will respond to personal complaints regarding Bessancourt and Sandiford Road.
4. A general article will be drafted on highways issues for the newsletter / web site.
5. The Clerk to ask for a Keep Clear marking by Cricketers Way in addition to Bernard Court.
14. Traffic management / 1. Meeting with Goostrey PC - Cllr M Ranger and the Chairman reported on a meeting with Goostrey PC about their programme of SID use in the village over the past three years.
2. Meeting with CEC Highways - The Committee received a report circulated by the Clerk and the Chairman reported verbally on a meeting with CEC Highways on 8 May 2012. The analysis of the data has not been completed; however, CEC considered there was sufficient evidence to justify expenditure on speed detection units similar to those at Goostrey. CEC estimate that the provision of SDUs, completion of the traffic modelling work for the village and the associated public consultation will cost between £30k and £40k. Holmes Chapel PC will be expected to contribute £15k.
RESOLVED (ts11/12/77) that:
· The reports be received
· The Committee recommends that the Full Council approve expenditure of £15,000 (allocated in the budget) as a contribution to the traffic programme by CEC, provided it is at least match funded by CEC.
· The Clerk presses CEC to produce all the information and results in a user friendly form which can be published.
· The Clerk contact and update all interested parties as soon as the necessary information is available.
· In particular the Clerk contact Fiona Bruce MP.
· The Clerk make arrangements with CEC for a further meeting at the end of May.
15. Community Rail Partnership / The Committee considered a revised report and noted the comments
16. Chairman’s and Clerk’s report / 1. The Clerk reminded members of the official opening of the Scout Hut on Saturday 12 May 2012.
2. The Clerk reminded members to complete the Register of Interests forms.
3. The internal audit has been returned without qualification.
4. As this is the last meeting of the Council year, the Chairman thanked the committee for their hard work over the past year.
Meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 10 May 2012. Until approved they are draft minutes
Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:
Appendix 1 – Traffic issues reviewed at this meeting
Issue / Date / Comment / Further actionJunctions Manor Lane (both ends) and Chester Rd / Middlewich Rd / Ongoing / Has been dominated by roundabout included as a condition of planning for Sanofi Aventis site and then application to remove condition / Needs to be part of ongoing discussion with CEC Highways
Excessive HGV’s through village / Ongoing before and since public meeting in July 2011 / Work has been carried out to gather information / Needs to be part of ongoing discussion with CEC Highways
Phasing/Design of traffic signals,
Chester Rd-London Rd / Nov 2011 / No immediate progress / Prospect of progress when Sanofi Aventis site starts. The Clerk to check the s.106 agreement for timings of work
Difficulty of crossing Station Road/ Chester Road at
traffic lights since 'improvements' / Nov 2011 / No immediate progress / Improvement of traffic signals gives opportunity to assist progress
Access to Sanofi Aventis development / No action since planning application made / Planning permission included only one point of access and egress / Needs to be reviewed when Bellway make their application for detailed planning
Access to Victoria Mills development / No action since planning application made / Planning permission included provision for action on highway junction / No immediate prospect of implementation of planning permission