TheodoreRooseveltHigh school
Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students at RooseveltHigh School. A student is considered tardy upon arrival to any class after the tardy bell. The needs of physically disabled students are taken into consideration.
School-Wide Tardy Sweeps
- Are coordinated by the PSA Tardy Program Coordinator
- Take place for 1st period and after lunch only
- Take place across the entire campus
- Are announced over the PA system.
Tardy Sweep Procedures
- Supervision aides, deans, support staff, and administrators escort tardy students to the TardyProcessingCenter
- 1st period and after lunch tardies are recorded in the Innovative School Software Tardy Sweep Program
- One hour of detention is assigned every time a student is caught in a tardy sweep
- Tardies and detention hours are monitored by the PSA Tardy Program Coordinator for appropriate consequences and interventions
- Teachers record student attendance and tardies in ISIS
- Teachers assign classroom consequences for tardies other than 1st period and after lunch
Serving Detention Hours
- Reporting to the cafeteria, or covered eating area, after school and working on school assignments
- Attending RHS’s Tutoring Program
- Completing community service hours (requires pre-approval by AP of Attendance)
- Participating in a school-sponsored event/activity (require pre-approval by AP of Attendance)
Tardy # 1 – 3
- Student is warned and counseled by processing center personnel and teacher
- 1 hour of detention is assigned
Tardy # 4 – 6
- Phone call to parent/guardian by PSA Counselor/Ed Aides/Community Reps to inform of tardies, detention hours, and future consequences
- Letter to parent/guardian mailed home
Tardy # 7 – 9
- Parent conference held by PSA Counselors
- Referrals to school resources, or outside resources, if appropriate
- Continue phone calls to parent/guardian
- Continue mailing letters home
Tardy # 10
- Dean intervention
- Student is placed on a Daily Check
- Student is placed on an Attendance Contract
Tardy # 10+
- Continue with counseling, detention, conferences, phone calls, letters, referrals, daily checks, home visits, etc.
- Intervention by SLC Lead and SLC Administrator
- Intervention by Administrator in charge of Attendance
- Review Daily Checks
- Review Attendance Contract
- Conference with student and parent/guardian
- Set-up and conduct Tardy Workshops for students and parents
- Monthly monitoring of Tardy Police implementation and effectiveness
- Reports and updates to stakeholders
Additional Tardy Program Support
- Deans
- Conduct Interventions after Tardy # 10
- Assist in Tardy Processing Center
- Assist with Unannounced Tardy Sweeps
- Teachers
- Record student tardies on ISIS
- Assign classroom consequences for tardies other than 1st period or after lunch
- Contact parents
- Keep students in the classroom for the first and last ten minutes of class
- Issues official hall pass to any student who leaves the classroom
- Educational Aides and Community Reps
- Assist with entering tardies in software program
- Assist with interventions after tardy # 3, including phone calls home, scheduling parent conferences, and mailing letters home
- Assist with Tardy Workshops