Under embargo until Friday, 12 March 2010, at 00:01
Secondary English PGCEs:
different courses ask for different qualifications
Criteria for admission to PGCE secondary English courses vary across education departments in English universities, and it’s not always clear how admission choices are made, a report on a recent survey of course providers points out. Students applying to PGCE English courses often can’t tell which first degrees are considered suitable by a given course provider. PGCE courses need to be clearer about what they consider an appropriate background for an English PGCE candidate, says the report, ‘especially in the context where those students may have incurred substantial levels of debt in order to complete their first degree’.
Students may also be surprised to find that their first degree, whatever it was, hasn’t given them all the knowledge they need to teach school English. ‘It is not a case of any student beginning their PGCE course with all the necessary content knowledge and spending the year learning how to teach; rather, all students need to spend the year both supplementing their content knowledge and learning how to teach’. The report recommends that the government and course providers make this clearer.
The report, Who’s prepared to teach school English?, was carried out by Julie Blake and Tim Shortis of King’s College London, and commissioned by the Committee for Linguistics in Education (CLIE), a grouping of UK associations interested in the place of language and languages in education. Blake and Shortis surveyed tutors from 35 of the 54 English PGCE courses in England and did in-depth interviews of the leaders of nine courses.
While all courses recruit graduates with good degrees – 88% of students had at least an upper second class in their first degree – preferred first degrees are not always the same from one PGCE English course to another. 37% of English PGCE students have English Literature degrees. Most tutors consider that this prepares aspiring teachers to teach English Literature to A level. However, not a single tutor in the survey considered that English Literature graduates are adequately prepared to teach A level English Language topics. Student teachers with English Language or combined English Literature and Language degrees are considered better equipped to teach language topics, but they need support in some areas of literature, and in media and drama.
Tutors report that many beginning student teachers themselves are anxious about teaching language topics. The report also found that ‘students with a lack of experience of poetry (including some with Literature degrees) are anxious about teaching poetry’.
PGCE courses supplement students’ subject knowledge in ways ranging from pre-course teaching through peer support to online work, but time pressure means that tutors seldom have time to network and share practices. The report calls for ‘a project to pool ideas and resources for content knowledge support, and to make them available to the community of PGCE English providers’.
The full report, Who’s Prepared to Teach School English?, is available at
For more information, contact:
Dr Catherine Walter (Hon. Secretary, Committee on Linguistics in Education)
Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Department of Education, University of Oxford
01865-274010 07801-292590 (no reception from 01235 area) 01235-832454