Carers group leads forum (CGLF) Meeting

Date: 02.12.2015

Time: 10 – 12.00

Venue: Carers Service, Kingsway

Members of the group

Isma Sajid – Asian Carers group

Diana lillistone – Parent carers group (STEPS)

Jessica Iliffe and Irene Moss – Carers support group

Nan Goodhall – Chair Trustee

Lori Hamayon-Jones - Parents in Partnership (PIP)

Yasmin Khalil – Carers adviser – LD specialisms

Clare Hobley – Drugs and Alcohol carers adviser

Kevin Blackbhurst and Alison Atherton – Men’s carers group and walking group

Waqas Arshad – Mental health carers adviser

Alan Pickup – Volunteer – 20 years experience in the NHS

Dan Duxbury – Social work student on placement and now Group lead for the men’s group

Karen Walker – BwD carers service centre manager

Apologies: DL, DD, YK

Present: IS, JI, NG, CH, WA, AWP, KW


1. Minutes of the last meeting

2. A/P outcomes from last meeting

3. Kevin Blackhurst – Thank you

4 New housing development for people with LD - YK

5. Carers needing to be directed to the groups at assessment stage – KB

6 Ideas on the best way for non-carers to get their information on BwD carers website - KW

7. Carers Survey results - KW

8. Events to raise money for individual groups – KW

9. Group leads to remind carers of supporting events – KW

10. Small group grants

11. Christmas market 5th December –KW

12. Five top issues for carers

13. Discussion on templates information including any feedback, issues or concerns arising from the groups – groups to identify any agenda items for the next meetings.

14 . Group round robin – plans for the next three months for the website/newsletters? Leads to pass info to KS

15. Any Other Business

16. Next meeting date – 24th Feb 10-12 Rainbow Room


1. / Minutes of the last meeting
2. / A/P outcomes from last meeting
AP1 KW - Information still not received from CC for the National Autistic society (for the website)
AP2 KW - Q&A for the website will be completed by the next meeting
AP3 KW – The groups are to continue as they have always run at this time – however, after christmas KC (staff member) will lead the working aspect on each group.
AP4KW – meeting taken place with Pam Lally and we advised that information is not clear enough on the BwD website in regards to Direct payments and Respite vouchers – she has said she will look at this. However an ‘easy read’ will be on the Carers Service website within the next two weeks.
AP5 KW – The carers survey is now completed and has been analysed. KW to discuss with the group at the next CGLF meeting
AP6 KW – KW to still do the examples of what constitutes a red, amber and green carer. Info will be discussed with staff as a team but leads will also undertake with carers in their groups.
AP7 KW – Karen looked at information WA provided but more than we want to collect for reporting services at this time
AP8 KW – Information now on this agenda
AP9 KW – Not had any contact with LH to check what abbreviations were in regards to her update last quarter
AP10 and 12 KW – Agenda items not discussed last quarter now in this meetings agenda
AP11 ALL – Group members are now letting KW know if they cannot attend the meetings. / AP1 KW to check with CC again
AP6 KW and all groups
3. / Kevin Blackhurst –
Kevin is no longer able to run the men’s group as he is now in full time work – this is great news for Kevin and we wish him well in his new employment. Thanks were given in Kevin’s absence for the support he has given to group.
Dan Duxbury (student social worker on placement with the Carers Service) is now the temporary lead for this group.
4. / New housing development for people with LD -YK
Although Yasmin could not be in the meeting she wanted to share the following information: A new housing project specifically designed for people with Autism and learning disabilities for 16+ years old is being developed in Garden Street Blackburn. The new flats will have 12, 1 bedroom flats with 24 hour care provided by lifeways.
The borough had asked for carers input of which Yasmin has discussed with her LD group and passed back.
5. / Carers needing to be directed to the groups at assessment stage – KB
We discussed that carers are given a lot of information at the assessment stage so do not want to be directing to the groups at that stage – the carers are asked about several things that they may be interested in in the future (of which includes the groups). If they tick yes to this, KC will ring the carers.
6. / Ideas on the best way for non-carers to get their information on BwD carers website
All leads have now agreed to write an update/report of their project for each quarter and pass these to KW prior to the CGLF. These will be utilised for the meetings, the newsletters and website. The original templates for the meetings will still be utilised, however a decision was made that KC would attend each group (twice each quarter) to share any information just after any meetings, and also just before the next meeting, as this way feedback can be gathered in regards to the previous meeting and highlight any new issues/concerns that have been raised between meetings.
7. / Carers Survey results
K W advised the group that the carers survey has now finished. Once analysed the information will be provided to the group (will definitely be completed for the next meeting).
8. / Events to raise money for individual groups
Several of the groups have been raising money for their individual projects, which has been providing them with extra monies to do extra activities/events as a group. The money raising events have been undertaken in the name of the carers service through activities within and out of the centre. The only issue with this is that monies raised in the carers service name have to be transparent and accountable – therefore KW has suggested that all monies raised come into the centre. Any amounts raised however will be available to the individual groups that have raised them. KW also suggested that groups book onto events being held in the service such as the Christmas party, whereby the can raise some of these funds for their groups.
9. / Group leads to remind carers of supporting events
KW asked the group leads to remind carers about supporting the activities/events that are put on by the service. Although we always get a great turn out for events, information is changing all the time, and events like carers rights day is very important, especially with changes to local and national policies and procedures.
10. / Small group grants
KW advised the group that these grants are still available and although each group has been able to apply for up to £200 per year, this may need to be looked at again. This is mainly due to the fact that some groups are very small and others large groups – KW will look at several other options and present back to the group at the next meeting. KW asked if any of the leads have any suggestions how to do this to let her know.
11. / Christmas market 5th December 10-12
Group leads to remind their groups of the Christmas market
12. / Five top issues for carers
KW advised that the service will be meeting twice a year with Healthwatch and providing them with the top 5 issues or concerns that carers have or are experiencing. KW will be talking to staff about this but has also asked that group leads also ask their group members. Information to be received by the next CGLF meeting. / AP7 KW and ALL group leads
13. / Discussion on templates information including any feedback, issues or concerns arising from the groups – groups to identify any agenda items for the next meetings.
Thanks was given to those who have provided updates, however, these are still not working as they were intended – for further information please see item no 6 above.
All group updates will be put onto the website by Monday 14th December.
14. / Group round robin – plans for the next three months (Jan – March 2016) for the website/newsletters? Leads to pass info to KS
Only three received from the group and somewhat incomplete – As of No 6 above – this should change and support the group leades (KC attending the groups).
Information that has been provided will be passed to admin to update on the website. / AP8 KW
15. / Any Other Business
  • Parking issues – several of the groups said parking seems to be becoming a bigger issue – we have discussed that on the whole the carers service has outgrown Kingsway, and that, again, if funding is secured, we will hopefully be looking for new premises.
  • The carers support group has said that they have had several items go missing from their container (clearly marked for the carers support group). I have said will pass to KC to have a word with the other craft groups
  • KW said would update the group on Lottery and local authorities funding as soon as the service knows anything
/ AP9 KW
16. / 24th Feb 10-12 Rainbow Room