Step in the technology lifecycle / Type of Uncertainty
Clinical Benefit / Value for Money / Affordability / Adoption/Diffusion
Pre-clinical phase /
- Fund research [70;71;73;76;80;81;87;138]
- Initiate clinical and research partnerships[74;75]
- Establish biotechnology/biopharmaceutical companies [80]
- Initiate pre-clinical research [80]
- Develop patient registries and on-line patient communities [70;81;85;86;90;93]
- Collaborate:
- In creating biobanks [70;86;87]
- With researchers and physicians [70;72;74;80;138]
- Participate:
- In the executive or scientific committees of research institutions/networks [70;137]
- In the development of disease specific outcome measures[88]
- The steering committees of biotechnology companies [138]
- The development of genetic research policy
- The prioritization of treatments on the basis of benefits to and needs of the patient before clinical trial design [92]
- In projects to coordinate rare disease research [70]
- In clinical practice guideline development[86]
- Provide:
- Samples to biobanks [70;86;87]
- Potential participants for studies through registries[72;81;82]
- Information on potential/available treatments and their effects to other patients and physicians [71]
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Information to online patient communities [70;90]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies[136;138]
Clinical trials /
- Fund research [70;71;73;76;80;81;87;138]
- Initiate clinical and research partnerships[74;75]
- Design and conduct clinical trials [70;87;90]
- Develop patient registries and online patient communities [70;81;85;86;90;93]
- Establish biotechnology/biopharmaceutical companies [80]
- Recruit participants for clinical trials [70;93;137;138]
- Create information registries to guide clinical trial design [86]
- Participate in the development of disease specific outcome measures[88]
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Identify motivations to participate in clinical trials [94]
- Identify and validate relevant patient-reported outcomes [70;86]
- Establish agreements on collaboration between clinical trial sponsors and patient organizations
- Collaborate:
- In creating biobanks [70;86;87]
- With researchers and physicians [70;72;74;80;138]
- Provide:
- Samples to biobanks [70;86;87]
- Potential participants for studies through registries[72;81;82]
- Information on potential/available treatments and their effects to other patients and physicians [71]
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Information to online patient communities [70;90]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies [136;138]
- The prioritization of treatments on the basis of benefits to and needs of the patient before clinical trial design [92]
- Information and counselling to trial participants [70]
- Information to contact registries for clinical trial participation
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Fund research [70;71;73;80;87;138]
- Design and conduct clinical trials [70;87;90]
- Develop patient registries and online patient communities [70;81;85;86;90;93]
- Establish biotechnology/biopharmaceutical companies [80]
- Recruit participants for clinical trials [70;137;138]
- Create information registries to guide clinical trial design [86]
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Identify and validate relevant patient-reported outcomes [70;86]
- Establish agreements on collaboration between clinical trial sponsors and patient organizations
- Collaborate:
- In creating biobanks [70;86;87]
- With researchers and physicians [70;72;74;80;138]
- Provide:
- Samples to biobanks [70;86;87]
- Information on potential/available treatments and their effects to other patients and physicians [71]
- Data to patient registries [71;81;84-86;93]
- Information to online patient communities [70;90]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies; [136;138]
- The prioritization of treatments on the basis of benefits to and needs of the patient before clinical trial design [92]
- Information and counselling to trial participants [70]
- Information to contact registries for clinical trial participation
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Develop patient registries [81;85;86;93]
- Provide data to registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Develop patient registries and online patient communities [70;81;85;86;90;93]
- Participate in contact registries for clinical trial participation
- Provide:
- Information on potential/available treatments and their effects to other patients and physicians [71]
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Information to online patient communities [70;71;84;90]
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
Regulatory approval /
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Develop patient registries [81;85;86;93]
- Participate in:
- Advisory committees [21;22;27;34;37;38;70;70;90;136-139]
- In clinical practice guideline development[86]
- In decision-making committees [21;30;40]
- The establishment of orphan drug regulations [137]
- Provide:
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Input on proposed regulatory decision or preparation of guidelines [27;30;36;39-42]
- Input in protocol assistance [21;43;99]
- Input in benefit-harm assessment [21;25;27;43;44]
- Input on the assessment of a risk management plan [21;43]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies; [71;136;138]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Develop patient registries [81;85;86;93]
- Participate in:
- Advisory committees [21;22;27;34;37;38;70;137-139]
- The establishment of orphan drug regulations [137]
- Provide:
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;85;86;93]
- Input on proposed regulatory decision or preparation of guidelines [27;30;36;39-42]
- Input in protocol assistance [21;43;99]
- Input in benefit-harm assessment [21;25;27;43;44]
- Input on the assessment of a risk management plan [21;43]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies; [136;138].
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Develop patient registries [81;85;86;93]
- Provide data to registries [81;85;86;93] [71;82;84]
- Develop patient registries [81;85;86;93]
- Provide:
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
Post-marketing/real world studies /
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93]
- Collaborate with researchers and physicians [70;72;74;75;80;138]
- Participate In clinical practice guideline development[86]
- Provide:
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies [136;138]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Input to post-marketing surveillance [26;27;33;35;43;45-49]
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93]
- Collaborate with researchers and physicians [70;72;74;75;80;138]
- Provide:
- Data to patient registries [71;81;82;84-86;93]
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies [136;138]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93]
- Provide data to registries [81;82;84-86;93]
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93]
- Provide:
- Data to patient registries [81;82;84-86;93]
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
Reimbursement decision-making /
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Submit application for consideration [50;52;63-66;68;117]
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93]
- Participate:
- In advisory or decision-making committees [50-60;62;70;136]
- In clinical practice guideline development[86]
- Provide:
- Additional comments/evidence on evaluation report and/or recommendations [51-53;57;67-69]
- Patient views during committee/board meetings [52]
- Input into evaluations [57;69]
- Data to patient registries [81;82;84-86;93]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies [136;138]
- Input on the relative importance of different criteria for decision-making[95]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Run training programs for patient representatives [70]
- Submit application for consideration
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93;140]
- Participate in advisory or decision-making committees[70;136]
- Provide:
- Additional comments/evidence on evaluation report and/or recommendations [51-53;57;67-69]
- Patient views during committee/board meetings [52]
- Consultation for evaluations [57;69]
- Data to patient registries [81;82;84-86;93]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies [136;138]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93]
- Provide data to registries [81;82;84-86;93]
- Develop patient registries [81;84-86;93]
- Provide:
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Data to patient registries [81;82;84-86;93]
Introduced as insured service/ use in routine clinical practice /
- Develop patient registries and online patient communities [70;81;85;86;90;93]
- Design patient route maps [89]
- Collaborate with researchers and physicians [70;72;74;75;80;138]
- Participate in online patient communities [70;71;90]
- Provide:
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies [136;138]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Develop patient registries and online patient communities [70;81;85;86;90;93]
- Design patient route maps [89]
- Collaborate with researchers and physicians [70;72;74;80;138]
- Participate in online patient communities [70;90]
- Provide:
- Input into web-based clinical records [83]
- Input on topics such as: disease impact; treatment benefits that are important; adequacy, side effects and optimum doses of available therapies [136;138]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet [138]
- Develop patient registries [81;85;86;93]
- Provide data to registries [81;82;85;86;93]
- Develop patient registries and online patient communities[81;85;86;93]
- Provide:
- Data to patient registries [81;82;85;86;93]
- Information to online patient communities[70;90]
- Input into web-based clinical records[83]
- Accurate information to professionals via the internet[138]