Stage 2 – Full Application Form
Please complete this form, expanding the boxes if you need to
Your application should be no longer than eight sides of A4 (no smaller than 12 point type) including budget information but excluding any appendices.
It should include a clear description of your project covering the following points:
- Your Project Aims
What are the aims of your project? Please summarise the aims of your project and tell us how it matches the overall aims and priorities of CfA
- The Need for the Work
How does the project meet a need or stimulate demand? Please tell us how you know that there is a need or demand for the work. You might for example refer to the findings of any consultation or research that you have undertaken about the proposal with schools, pupils and other relevant stakeholders, including regional Classics Associations and existing CFA-funded hubs.
- The Proposed Activities
What are you going to do? Please describe what you want to do. Give timescales, a description of proposed activities, the names and job titles of those leading activities. Also tell us who will benefit from the work and how e.g. pupils, teachers, the school(s).
- What will be achieved by the Project?
What will be achieved by the project? What measures will you use to assess impact? Please refer both to hard measures (for example the numbers of pupils participating), as well as impact that might be more difficult to measure (e.g. increased enthusiasm for Latin).
Once you have completed questions 3 and 4, please summarise your aims, proposed activities and success measures in the work plan in the Appendix.
- Monitoring and Evaluation
How you will monitor and evaluate your project?Please tell us how you will i) oversee day to day project progress to make sure work runs smoothly (monitoring) and ii) evaluate the work. Your evaluation plans should set out clearly how you will assess your performance against the success measures in your work plan, for example through questionnaires, interviews, tests etc.
- Project Leadership and Management
Who will carry out the work and how are the applicant and others are qualified to do so?
- Give us the name and job title of the main person or people leading the work
- Tell us about the experience and/or relevant qualifications of the main person or people involved in delivering the work
- Please tell us how the project will be managed. What are the respective roles and responsibilities of the project partners for project delivery? (if appropriate)
- What support does the project have from senior staff in participating schools?
- Added Value
How does your proposal add value to the work that you or others already undertake? We do not support the continuation of existing work so here you should help us to understand how your proposal offers something new or builds on previous activities
- Sustainability
How you will sustain the work at the end of the project? Tellus how the work will help to strengthen Classics provision for beneficiaries in the longer term.
- A Budget for the Project
Please specify:
- The total costs of the project
- A breakdown of the main project costs (Please itemise carefully, for example tutor costs 5 days @ £x per day)
- The amount of money you are requesting from Classics for All
- List contributions from other sources including cash and in-kind support
- An Endorsement
Please provide contact details for someone who will vouch for your proposal
- If you are a school or FE college, this should be your Head Teacher.
- If you are a university, this should be your head of department or other senior staff member responsible for budget
- If you are a charity or other body which is not a school, FE college or university, please provide someone who can vouch for the quality and impact of your work
Job Title ______
- Before submitting your application please check that you have completed all sections of the application form and budget and sent us your annual accounts (if appropriate)
- Please make sure that you send all the information we ask for at the same time. If your annual accounts are not available as a PDF, please send hard copies to Classics for All Grant Programme, 51 Achilles Road, London NW6 1DZ
- You may submit your application at any time, but the latest date for receipt of applications is 15 January 2016
- Your application will be acknowledged within two weeks of receipt, and we will let you the outcome of your application by email in mid-February 2016
- If you have any further queries, please email