2012Instructional Program Review

Program SLOs (PSLO)

Instructions: For each program (D=degree, C=certificate), courses linked to PSLOs are highlighted in yellow. Press on “Ctrl” button and place curser over course and click to open the SLO Addendum with results. The PSLO # is in ( ).* means “assessed.” Additional course SLO assessment results can be downloaded at

FOR DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE (as of 2010) / Course SLO Assessment
(Fall 2010) / Course SLO Assessment (Spring 2011) / Course SLO Assessment ( Fall 2011)
Accounting (A. Moore) / (D) AA in Business Administration: Accounting/General Business / 1. Accumulate, record, and analyze financial data.
2. Prepare accurate reports following generally accepted accounting principles and ethical standards of the profession for decision-making and regulatory compliance.
3. Analyze financial reports and communicate the results to both financial and non-financial stakeholders.
4. Apply accounting and business terminology used in business scenarios, and be proficient with commonly used office software systems.
5. Decode, evaluate and analyze the ethics of an accounting scenario and analyze the scenario through effective written communication. / Acct 1 or Acct 21/22, 2, Bus 1, 5, Econ 1, 2 / Accounting 2 (#1- 5) / Accounting 1 (#1,2, 4), 15, 25 (#4)
Administration of Justice (M. Lewis) / (D) AA in Admin. Of Justice / 1. Analyze the interrelationships between the courts, law enforcement, and corrections.
2. Demonstrate the sequence of events necessary in determining admissibility or suppression of evidence.
3 . Analyze basic legal definitions of criminal justice law.
4 . Compare and contrast information obtained to maintain a balanced perception of law enforcement. / AJ 1 ,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 67, 185 / AJ 1 (#2), 2* (#2), 3* (#2), 4* (#3), 14, 67 (#4)
(D) AA Liberal Arts: AJ / 1. . Analyze the interrelationships between the courts, law enforcement, and corrections.
2. . Demonstrate the sequence of events necessary in determining admissibility or suppression of evidence.
3. . Analyze basic legal definitions of criminal justice law.
4. . Compare and contrast information obtained to maintain a balanced perception of law enforcement. / AJ 1, 2, 3, 5, + (AJ 4, 6, 14, 62, 67, 73, 75—any 2 courses) / same as above
(C) AJ / 1. Analyze and compare the most frequently used investigative techniques, tactics and processes.
2. Identify the crime problems, philosophy and history of enforcing laws, and theories of crime and delinquency.
3. Evaluate, select and explain which investigative procedure would be the most appropriate to employ for a particular crime and/or scene, as described.
4. Write investigative report using the data you are provided from a criminal occurrence. / AJ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 67, 185 / AJ 1 (#4), 3* (#3), 14 (#4)
(C) Fingerprinting / 1. Compare and contrast the differences in various fingerprint characteristics
2. Analyze and describe different fingerprint patterns and how they affect fingerprint classification.
3. Proficiently acquire several clear and accurate sets of fingerprints; compare and classify them according to their patterns / AJ 1, 3, 62 / AJ 62 (#3)
Anthropology (A. Jenks) / (D) AA in Anthropology / 1. Apply a holistic anthropological perspective to the analysis of local, national, and global human issues
2. Analyze the role that culture plays in human behavior, biology, evolution, and ways of life
3. Develop an awareness of and respect for human diversity / Anthro 101, 102, Geography 1, History 1, 2, Sociology 1 / Anthropology 101* (#1,2),
102* (#1,2)
133* (#1, 2)
American Sign Language (P. Jones-Thomas) / 1. Distinguish between deaf and hearing culture. Compare and contrast basic elements of deaf culture to hearing culture and how American sign language is important to the formation and cohesion of deaf culture.
2. Develop basic ASL conversational skills through observation of natural language users to reinforce skills learned during class. The Student will be able to demonstrate functional/notional discourse behavior to convey appropriate expressive use of the language including: conversational openers, greetings, identifying, introductions; use of classifiers, Non-Manual Behaviors (NMB) and character shifting / ASL 1
Biological Sciences
(Anatomy, Biology, Microbiology, Physiology) (T. Roberts) / (D) AA in Biology / 1. Apply the scientific method to solve a problem.
2. Solve problems utilizing the major concepts in cell biology and the experimental approaches taken to address them. / Biology 6, 7, Chemistry 101, 102, Physics 6, 7 / Biology 6* (#2), / Biology 3* (#1), 7 (#1)
(D) AA Liberal Arts: Natural Sciences / 1. Apply the scientific method to solve a problem.
2. Comprehend and evaluate content relating to human body structure, function, and disease. / 18 units from: Biology 3, 5, 6, 7, Anatomy1 and Physiology 1 (or Biology 20), Chemistry 51, 101, 102, Geology 1, 6, Microbiology 1, Physics 6, 7, Physical Science 1, 14 / Biology 20* (#2) / Physiology 1* (#1), Microbiology 1* (#2)
Business (N. Toure and J. Mrava) / (C) Business Administration: General Business / 1. Apply business terminology used in business scenarios, and be proficient with commonly used office software systems.
2. Analyze various economic activities in the context of national and global ramifications. / Acct 1, 2, Bus 1, 5, 38, CAOT 85, Econ 1, 2 / Business 1 (#1), 5 (#1), Economics 1 (#2)
(D) AA in Business Administration: Banking & Finance / 1. Demonstrate skills needed to work in a supervisory capacity in a bank after some initial training.
2. Examine the broad operations of a bank or financial institution.
3. use a spreadsheet for banking needs to analyze data for reporting to senior management.
4. Demonstrate skills needed to supervise 3 to 4 people in a bank or financial institution.
5. Examine the legal implication of various financial transactions. / Acct 1, 2, Bus 1, 5, CAOT 85, Fin 1, 15, Econ 1, 2 / Business 1 (#2), 5 (#2)
(C) Business Administration: Banking & Finance / 1. Inspect the complex system of Banking and how they are divided according to functions.
2. Examine the relationship between banks, customers, Federal Reserve System, and various regulatory agencies.
3. Analyze the risks involved in lending and how to comply with various regulations while earning a profit for the shareholders/ investors
4. Perform any function in a bank or financial institution and will assess the consequences of their actions. / Same as Above
(C) Business Administration: Bookkeeping / 1. Enter basic accounting transactions into an accounting software program.
2. Consolidate accounts on a monthly basis to track business income and expenses.
3. Compare and contrast the financial information prepared for different types of business entities. / Acct 1 or 21/22, Bus 1, 38, CAOT 85, Co-Op Ed
(C) Business Administration: Business & Technology Skills / 1. Solve problems and accomplish tasks through MS Excel and Access.
2. EmployMS Office software to create business documents. / Bus 1, 5, 38, CAOT 82, 85, Co-Op Ed
(C) Business Administration: Finance / 1. Inspect the complex system of Banking and other financial institutions.
2. Examine the relationship between banks, customers, Federal Reserve System, and various regulatory agencies. / Acct 1 or 21/22, CAOT 85, Fin 1, 15, Co-Op Ed
(C) Business Administration: Income Tax Form / 1. Prepare and assemble federal and California individual income tax returns.
2. Research federal and state tax issues.
3. Advise and assist individual clients with federal and state income tax returns and tax planning. / Acct 1, 15, Bus 1, 38, CAOT 85
(D) AA in Business Administration: Economics / 1. Analyze the role of supply and demand in a free market economy and the necessary elements to function efficiently.
2. Evaluate the advantages of a free market economy and the role of competitive pricing in achieving efficiency.
3. Define, analyze, and demonstrate economic problems using statistical methods, figures, and graphs. / Acct 1, 2, Bus 1, CAOT 85, Econ 1, 2, Math 227 / Economics 1 (#1)
(C) Business Administration: Economics / 1. Describe how individual financial transactions affect the national and global economy
2. Analyze various economic activities in the context of national and global ramifications.
3. Examine economic effects of fiscal activities by the government agencies and corporations on society and the country.
4. Analyze international trade and explain how the increased international trade and new treaties affects the United States economy and other countries. / Same as Above / Economics 1 (#2)
(D) AA in Business Administration: Management/Supervision / 1. Examine planning, organizing, scheduling, and controlling management functions.
2. Demonstrate communication and analytical skills on various management issues.
3. Demonstrate supervisory skills and how they operate in practical situations. / Bus 1, 5, CAOT 85, Mgmt 2, 13, 31, 33, Supv 1
(C) Business Administration: Management/Supervision / 1. Demonstrate communication and analytical skills for business management functions as well as case studies.
2. Apply knowledge of the process, practice and theory of management principles. / Same as Above
(C) Business Administration: Management / 1. Apply the process, practice, and theory of management concepts.
2. Interpret, analyze, and communicate management issues with measureable data. / CAOT 82, Mgmt 2, 13, 31, 33
(C) Business Administration: Small Business Entrepreneurship—Level I / 1. Evaluate, and utilize the principles of entrepreneurship.
2. Apply and communicate one’s own entrepreneurial qualities and characteristics. / Bus 1, 5, 38, CAOT 82, Mgmt 13, Co-Op Ed
(C) Business Administration: Small Business Entrepreneurship—Level II / 1. Evaluate, and utilize the principles of entrepreneurship.
2. Apply and communicate one’s own entrepreneurial qualities and characteristics. / Supv 1, Acctg 1, CAOT 85, Market 1, Pub Rel 1
(C) Business Administration: Supervision / 1. Apply management planning, organizing, scheduling, and controlling skills in supervisory functions.
2. Demonstrate effective management skills to prepare for a variety of entry-level supervisory positions. / CAOT 82, Supv 1, Mgmt 2, 33, Co-Op Ed
Chemistry (P. Toure) / 1. Using problem solving skills, solve problems related to chemistry.
2. Interpret, predict and use Chemical reactions
3. Name chemical compounds
4. Perform laboratory methods, follow chemical procedures maintain a laboratory notebook and write a lab report
5. Determine and analyze chemical structures using spectroscopy, and predict physical and chemical properties. / Chemistry 51* (#3), 101 (#1), 211* (#2) / Chemistry 102*(#2), 212*(#5)
Child Development (L. Brinson?) / (D) AA in Child Development / 1. Create developmentally appropriate teaching strategies, techniques, and curriculum incorporating domains of learning, health, safety, nutrition, as well as anti-bias and adaptation principles.
2. Demonstrate developmentally appropriate strategies and positive guidance techniques in a professional early childhood setting.
3. Understand, evaluate, and utilize various environmental rating scales and assessment tools.
4. Understand and utilize various environmental rating scales and assessment tools.
5. Summarize typical and atypical development from birth to adolescence in the following developmental domains: physical, emotional, social, creative, cognitive, and moral.
6. Discuss/summarize the basic theories of child development, family studies as well as historical perspectives of ECE programs.
7. Uphold professional standards (based on NAEYC Code of Ethics) for job seeking; respecting, interacting and communicating with others (parents, staff, children, community members, colleagues, peers).
8. Demonstrate strategies and techniques for building sensitive and respectful family and community. / CD 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 10, 11, 22, 42 + 6 units from CD 12, 14, 15, 23, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 172, F&CS 21 / CD 2* (#3,4), 10* (#1,2), 11* (#1), 12* (#2), 30* (#1,5), 35* (#3), 38* (#1,2,5), 42pdf) (#1,2,5), 45* (#1,2), 46* (#1) / CD 22* (#1,3), 31* (#1,3), 34* (#1,3), 36 (#1), 39* (#2), 44* (#1,2), 47 (#1), 48* (#1,5), 65* (#1,3,4)
(D) AA in Liberal Arts: Child Development / 1. Create developmentally appropriate teaching strategies, techniques, and curriculum incorporating domains of learning, health, safety, nutrition, as well as anti-bias and adaptation principles.
2. Demonstrate developmentally appropriate strategies and positive guidance techniques in a professional early childhood setting.
3. Evaluate, and utilize various environmental rating scales and assessment tools.
4. Utilize various environmental rating scales and assessment tools.
5. Summarize typical and atypical development from birth to adolescence in the following developmental domains: physical, emotional, social, creative, cognitive, and moral.
6. Discuss/summarize the basic theories of child development, family studies as well as historical perspectives of ECE programs.
7. Uphold professional standards (based on NAEYC Code of Ethics) for job seeking; respecting, interacting and communicating with others (parents, staff, children, community members, colleagues, peers).
8. Demonstrate strategies and techniques for building sensitive and respectful family and community. / CD 1, 2, 3 or 4, 10, 11, 42 / Same as above / Same as above
Associate Teacher (C) / 1. Integrate understanding of the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children from birth to age eight as it relates to high quality care and education of young children.
2. Createdevelopmentally appropriate teaching strategies, techniques, and curriculum incorporating domains of learning, health, safety, nutrition, as well as anti-bias and adaptation principles for working with children with special needs.
3. Implement various environmental rating scales and assessment tools.
4. Discuss/summarize the basic theories in child development, family studies as well as historical perspectives of ECE programs.
5. Uphold professional standards (based on NAEYC Code of Ethics) for job seeking; respecting, interacting and communicating with others (parents, staff, children, community members, colleagues and peers).
6. Demonstratestrategies and techniques for building sensitive and respectful family and community relationships as well as maintaining effective team partnerships. / CD 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 / CD 1
Infant & Toddler Studies (C) / 1. Integrate understanding of the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children from birth to age eight as it relates to high quality care and education of young children.
2. Create developmentally appropriate teaching strategies, techniques, and curriculum incorporating domains of learning, health, safety, nutrition, as well as anti-bias and adaptation principles for working with infants and toddlers.
3. Evaluate, and utilize various observation and assessment methods for recording child development and family studies.
4. Implement various environmental rating scales and assessment tools for infant and toddler programs.
5. Demonstratestrategies and techniques for building sensitive and respectful family and community relationships as well as maintaining effective team partnerships. / CD 1, 11, 30, 31, 34 / CD 1
School Age Programs (C) / 1. Integrateunderstanding of the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children from birth to age eight as it relates to high quality care and education of young children.
2. Createdevelopmentally appropriate teaching strategies, techniques, and curriculum incorporating domains of learning, health, safety, nutrition, as well as anti-bias and adaptation principles for working with school-age children with special needs.
3. Analyze and discuss developmentally appropriate strategies and positive guidance techniques.
4. Evaluateand utilize various observation and assessment methods for recording child development and family studies.
5. Implement various environmental rating scales and assessment tools for school-age programs.
6. Uphold professional standards (based on NAEYC Code of Ethics) for job seeking; respecting, interacting and communicating with others (parents, staff, children, community members, colleagues and peers).
7. Demonstratestrategies and techniques for building sensitive and respectful family and community relationships as well as maintaining effective team partnerships. / CD 1, 11, 46, 47, 48 / CD 1, 46
Children With Special Needs (C) / 1. Integrateunderstanding of the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children from birth to age eight as it relates to high quality care and education of young children.
2. Createdevelopmentally appropriate teaching strategies, techniques, and curriculum incorporating domains of learning, health, safety, nutrition, as well as anti-bias and adaptation principles for working with children with special needs.
3. Analyze and discuss developmentally appropriate strategies and positive guidance techniques.
4. Evaluate, and utilize various observation and assessment methods for recording child development and family studies.
5. Discuss/summarize the basic theories in child development, family studies as well as historical perspectives of ECE programs as it relates to early intervention and diverse adaptive programs.
6. Uphold professional standards (based on NAEYC Code of Ethics) for job seeking; respecting, interacting and communicating with others (parents, staff, children, community members, colleagues and peers).
7. Demonstrate strategies and techniques for building sensitive and respectful family and community relationships as well as maintaining effective team partnerships. / CD 1, 11, 42, 44, 45 / CD 1, 45
Computer Applications and Office Technology (CAOT) (C. Magee) / (D) AS in CAOT / 1. Create and demonstrate a PowerPoint presentation as well as a chart to depict data graphically.
2. Write a business letter using standard business format including 7 basic elements and design a newsletter.
3. Compare and contrast web browsers and identify web domains. / CAOT 3, 31, 32, 33, 43, 47, 64, 82, 84, 85, 97, Mgmt 31 / CAOT 31 (#2), 82*(#1), 85 (#1) / CAOT 84* (#2)
(D) AA Liberal Arts: CAOT / 1.Write a business letter using standard business format including 7 basic elements and design a newsletter.
2. Create and demonstrate a PowerPoint presentation as well as a chart to depict data graphically. / CAOT 2, 31 or 32, 43, 82, 84, 85 / CAOT 31 (#1), 82* (#2), 85 (#2) / CAOT 84* (#1)
(C) Advanced Office Technology / 1. Plan, produce, manipulate, format, and modify charts to depict data graphically.
2. Use word processing software to key a timed writing at 50-55 words a minute with less than 6 errors. / CAOT 3, 84, 85, 86, 89. COOP ED / CAOT 85 (#1) / CAOT 3*(#2)
(C) Basic Office Technology / 1. Write a business letter using standard business format including 7 elements and be able to type a minimum of 40 words per minute.
2. Demonstrate correct phonetic pronunciations, parts of speech, definitions, and spelling of business-related words. / CAOT 2, 31, 34, 89, 97, COOP ED / CAOT 2 (#1), 31 (#1) / CAOT 34 (#2)
(C) General Office Assistant / 1. Type a minimum of 40 words per minute.
2. Write a business letter using standard business format including 7 elements.
3. Create and demonstrate a PowerPoint presentation. / CAOT 2, 31, 33, 43, 47, 82 / CAOT 2 (#1), 31 (#2), 82* (#3)
(C) Legal Office Assistant / 1. Create and demonstrate a powerpoint presentation.
2. Write a business letter using standard business format including 7 elements.
3. Evaluate the elements of the role of a legal decision and the legal assistant. / Law 10, 14, CAOT 2, 31, 33, 82 / CAOT 31 (#2), 82* (#1), Law 10* (#3)
(C) Microsoft Excel / 1. Write a business letter using standard business format including 7 elements.
2.Plan, produce, manipulate, format, and modify charts to depict data graphically. . / CAOT 2, 31, 33, 85, COOP ED / CAOT 31 (#1), 85 (#2)
(C) Microsoft Word / 1. Type a minimum of 40 words per minute.
2. Design a newsletter. / CAOT 2, 31, 32, 83, 84 / CAOT 2 (#1), / CAOT 84* (#2)
(C) Receptionist / 1. Type a minimum of 40 words per minute.
2. Write a business letter using standard business format including 7 elements and create and demonstrate a PowerPoint presentation. / CAOT 1D,E, 2, 31, 43, 47, 82 / CAOT 2 (#1), 31 (#2), 82* (#2)
(C) Web Site Designer / 1. Demonstrate a webpage using Dreamweaver and properly edit a flash file based on various parameters.
2. Build a website including graphics, sound, video, links, plug-in applications and analyze and edit a digital image. / CAOT 97, 107, 109, 112, 113, 285 / CAOT 112*(#2) / CAOT 107 (#1), 109* (#1), 113*, (#1)
(C) Word Processor / 1. Typing at a minimum of 40 words per minute, write a business letter using standard business format including 7 elements.
2. Create a newsletter and develop/demonstrate a PowerPoint presentation. / CAOT 2, 31, 43, 47, 82, 84 / CAOT 2 (#1), 31 (#1), 82* (#2) / CAOT 84* (#2)
Computer Science—Information Technology (CO SCI) (J. Hicks, M. Haghoo, and N. El-Khoury) / (D) AS in CO SCI / 1. Perform computational tasks using operating system environments and develop problem solving algorithms for given tasks.
2. Demonstrate application of computer science concepts including the study of the properties of algorithms which includes linguistics, virtual hardware development, and application development. / CO SCI 601, 602, 608, 617, 630, 632, 636, 639, 660 / CO SCI 602* (#2), 608* (#2) / CO SCI 636, 639*