Colonial Bottle & Collector Club of WA State Show Schedule2017

Friday July 14th Setting up displays3:00 – 10:00pm
Exhibitors Only
Saturday July 15th Setting up displays – exhibitors only7:00 – 8:30am
Judging of displays8:30 – 10.00am
Opening of Show10:00am
Non-exhibitors & public access10:00am – 4:00pm
Evening function starts6.00pm
Buffet Dinner (Liddelow Pavilion)from 6.30pm
Walking distance from the Fair & Exhibition Centre
Sunday July 16th Show open to public9:00am – 3pm
Dismantle displays3:00pm onwards
Enquires to Peter Lindroth M:0409 882 569 orEmail
Or Lindsay Goldsworthy M: 0417 926 105 /


Please read carefully as your signature on the entry form indicates your compliance with these conditions.

1.There is no limit to the number of exhibits that may be entered by any one person. In the unlikely event that entries exceed hall space, the committee reserves the right to reject entries through discussion with the entrant.

2.No exhibitor may enter section 1 and 2 in the same category, or more than one entry in section 2 in the same category.

3.All items entered must be the property of the exhibitor.

4.Maximum number as specified in each category must be observed as detailed in Notes on the Competition.

5.The decision of the judges is final, subject to 6, and they reserve the right not to award prizes to entries considered substandard in display or for any other reason.

6.PROTEST any legitimate protest a judging decision is to be lodged with the secretary of the Colonial Bottle & Collector Club within two hours of the completion of judging. This is to be in writing and lodged with a $20 deposit. If the Protest is upheld, the deposit will be refunded; if the protest is rejected the deposit will be forfeited. The protest will be considered first by the Show Committee and if they consider the protest has some merit, it will then be considered by a panel of judges plus one adjudicator.

7.Only judges and authorised personnel will be permitted in the exhibition area during the judging period.

8.Once the security barriers are in position, no person may handle any part of the displays without approval from and in the presence of a security officer or member of the Committee.

9.All exhibitors must be a member of a Collectors Club

10.All entries must remain intact until notice is given to commence dismantling and barriers have been removed on Sunday.

11.NO boxes or spare equipment are to be left in view.

12.The Colonial Bottle and Collectors Club of W.A. Inc will take security precautions but accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred to any exhibit.

13.Entries CLOSE on 25thJune 2017and no refunds will be made after that date.

14.No exhibitor will be allowed in the hall from 10pm Friday to 7am Saturday and 10pm Saturday to 8am Sunday except officials.

15.Please make all displays free standing, as wall space is limited. Please inform the Committee if display is extra heavy or tall.

16.Please supply drapes to the floor for swap and sell area and all displays.

17.The Club welcomes non-competitive displays of any collectable item. Please provide details on the entry form including required space which is at a cost of $5 for up to 2 metres.

18.No heaters allowed in pavilion but we suggest you bring a mat for your feet.

19.The pavilion is a NO SMOKING & ALCOHOL FREE venue and fully heated.

20.If setting up Saturday morning, displays must be set up prior to swap and sell being set up.

21.Judging will start promptly at 8:30am on Saturday.

22.All items on display must be on table top unless prior approval is granted.

23.Non-Colonial Bottle & Collectors Club members must arrange their own insurance cover.

AWARDS: 1st, 2nd & 3rdnon-competitive – Rosettes. Best bottle of the Show – primary container only. Best Bottle Display in section 1 or section 2; best Display non-competitive; Best Display collectable; Most successful competitor determined by points (each 1st place gets 6 points; 2nd place = 5 points; 3rd place = 4pts) Award for the most informative display as presented to the public = all cash awards.

JUDGING: The system used is one where all entries in the same category and section are ranked in order of merit. Judges use five criteria of equal rank (except where stated otherwise). These are 1. Quality & rarity; 2. Interest & age; 3. Variety; 4. Condition (see note); 5. Display and information. NOTE: Condition – rarity will be considered when judging condition. Items need not necessarily be mint although this is desirable. If condition ads to the character as an old item, this should not detract from ranking. There will be five judges. In the event of a tied decision, an adjudicating judge will be called in to decide. All judgements will be recorded on sheets and available for perusal on completion of judging. Please read your schedule carefully as mistakes may lead to disqualification.

SPACE ALLOCATION Section1. One metre by table width unless otherwise stated in category details. Section 2 – 70 centimetres by table width unless otherwise stated in category details. All competitive entries must be displayed on the table provided. All displays must be neat from back view, so as not to detract from smaller entries that may be behind them.


1.Judges will be instructed that the expression “&/or” indicates that entries in a category which has this term may consist of one or the other or a combination of all mentioned.

2.“General” where this term applies, the entry must consist of the widest possible range of this category type.

3.“Primary container” – this term means the items in the category must have been originally sold with contents

4.Display space shown against each category is the maximum allowed, any display exceeding this will be disqualified.

5.Number of items shown against each category is the maximum and minimum. Any display exceeding this will be disqualified.

6.Items, which do not comply with the category entered, may lead to disqualification.

7.Items used as GO WITHS must not be able to qualify as an item in the category entered. BE CAREFUL

8.No artificially coloured items (eg zapped) may be entered in any competitive category.

9.Power is available. Exhibitors to supply their own lights, extension cords, double adapters etc.

10.In Collectable section up to three items form a set will be counted as one item i.e. cup, saucer & plate, dressing tray, pots, candlesticks, vases etc.

BENEFITS TO THE EXHIBITOR: Free admission to the Show for self and one other identified person.
Access to swap & sell space at $20 per metre (min 1 metre). Security provided Friday and Saturday nights, but all items left at owner’s risk.

VENUE: Cannington Exhibition Centre at the Canning Showgrounds, Cannington and includes catering facilities for drinks, food and snacks.
Available Saturday and Sunday. Free tea & coffee will be available Friday ONLY for exhibitors.

ENTRY: Forward entries to Vice President “Peter Lindroth” at 4 Excelsum Tce, Mirrabooka WA 6061 or via email to

Entry fees – competitive $5 per display. Non-competitive $5 per metre. CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES – June 25th,2017.

BOTTLE CATEGORIES - Please study category requirements carefully as non-compliance may lead to Disqualification.

Section One / Section Two
No / Description / No of items / Space in CMS / No of items / Space in CMS
1 / Black glass unembossed &/or embossed &/or sealed including shades of olive green / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
2 / Australian beers General can incl hop beer glass &/or ceramic (no ginger beers) / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
3 / Australian Ginger Beer Crown Seal Glass only (incl. Pyro/Ceramic label) / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
4 / Crown seal general Glass and Ceramic / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
5 / Crown seal glass only / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
6 / Spirits Ceramic – can include wines / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
7 / Spirits General, Glass & Ceramic – can include wines / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
8 / Bitters &/or sarsaparillas &/or cures &/or schnapps &/or gins, glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
9 / Aerated Water general glass & ceramic – can include soda syphons / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
10 / Cordial glass – can include essences and concentrates / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
11 / Hamiltons &/or Maughams &/or Skittles – general mixture / 10 / 100 / - / -
12 / Lamonts Patent – general / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
13 / Marble bottles general including hybrids / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
14 / Marble bottles pictorial: Judging includes the 5 criteria plus quality of picture embossing / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
15 / Australian ginger beers &/or Australian brewed drinks ceramic / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
16 / Australian ginger beers &/or Australian brewed drinks pictorial,
Quality of picture & transfer replaces quality & rarity in judging / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
17 / Soda syphons used as such – general / 10 / 100 / - / -
18 / Pickles &/or oils &/or vinegars &/or sauces / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
19 / Produce &/or fruit &/or jam jars. Glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
20 / Pots &/or lids general - can include Pratt type / 20 / 100 / 10 / 70
21 / Australian pot lids / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
22 / Pharmaceuticals (items found in a chemist shop any material – ie – glass, wood, ceramic, metal, paper etc) / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
23 / Branded pharmacy bottles – glass only / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
24 / Perfumes general glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / - / -
25 / Miniatures &/or samples – old pre 1930 – glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
26 / Perth Glass Works with embossed trade mark / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
27 / Household containers-glass &/or ceramic containers NOT to include cool drinks, beers or spirits / 15 / 150 / 8 / 100
28 / Dairy containers glass &/or ceramic. Primary containers only / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
29 / Inks &/or gums, glass &/or ceramic. Primary containers only / 20 / 100 / 10 / 70
30 / Inkwells – any material NO primary containers / 10 / 100 / - / -
31 / Favourite Five – bottles &/or primary containers. Glass &/or ceramic. No rarity judging / 5 / 70 / - / -
32 / Coloured glass bottles &/or jars – mixed colours &/or one colour. Not to include black / 15 / 100 / - / -
33 / General collection old bottles &/or primary containers pre 1930. Glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
34 / Series or set of bottles or primary containers. One factory, one city, town or area – AUSTRALIAN UP TO / 20 / 100 / - / -
35 / Series or set of bottles or primary containers. One factory, one city, town or area – NON AUSTRALIAN but can include Australian items of an international company UP TO / 20 / 100 / -
36 / Largest & smallest of same shape & type – glass or ceramic – no variety vote / 2 / 70 / - / -
37 / WA branded bottles &/or primary containers – glass &/or ceramic branded with name of WA town &/or company / 20 / 150 / 10 / 100
38 / One bottle or container and its written history. Glass or ceramic – Primary only / 1 / 70 / - / -
39 / Oriental bottles &/or containers. Glass &/or ceramic. UP TO / 20 / 150 / - / -
40 / Bottles &/or primary containers with paper labels. Glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / - / -


41 / Bottles &/or primary containers with Pyro/ceramic labels. Glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / - / -
42 / Modern bottles post 1940 – general, miniature &/or full size – glass &/or ceramic / 15 / 100 / - / -
43 / Demijohns – any type / 12 / 150 / 6 / 100
44 / Ceramic/stoneware general – bottle &/or primary containers; can include water filters / 15 / 150 / - / -
45 / Junior 15 years & under general collection of bottles & primary containers – must be owned and displayed by the junior / 15 / 100 / - / -
46 / Qualifying stakes. General collection of old bottles &/or containers.
Open to club members who have not previously won a 1stt prize in a bottle show / 15 / 100 / - / -
47 / Eucalyptus bottles – glass only / 20 / 100 / - / -
48 / Amethyst glass bottles & jars – general collection – no zapped items / 15 / 100 / - / -
49 / Junior 15 years & under collection – must be owned & displayed by the junior / 15 / 100 / - / -
50 / Dolls &/or Teddy bears &/or Golliwogs / 15 / 100 / - / -
51 / Ceramics old, pre 1940. Can include anything of a ceramic nature ie jugs, bowls, mugs, plates, teapots, vases etc. / 15 / 150 / 8 / 100
52 / Old Blue & White china &/or ceramics pre-1940. Can include any items listed for category 51 above. / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
53 / Ceramics modern, post 1940, can include any items listed for category 51 above / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
54 / Glass only, any type, can include any items listed for category 51 above / 15 / 100 / 8 / 70
55 / Old Amethyst coloured glass pre-1940. Non-primary containers. NO zapped items. Can include any items listed for category 51 above / 15 / 150 / 8 / 100
56 / Bar accessories can include bar jugs, match strikers, ashtrays, mirrors, bar figures, trays etc. NO primary containers / 15 / 150 / 8 / 100
57 / Metal general – mixture of any type of old metal items / 15 / 150 / - / -
58 / Metal series or set – old metal items of a type. No enamel signs UP TO / 15 / 150 / - / -
59 / Enamel signs / 10 / 200 / - / -
60 / Old Tools / 20 / 150 / - / -
61 / Ephemera – paper or card / No limit / 150 / - / -
62 / Tins &/or packages old / 20 / 150 / - / -
63 / Kitchenalia, any old items found in a kitchen NO primary containers / 20 / 150 / 8 / 70
64 / Old smoking items – general i.e. pipes, tobacco jars, tins, match strikers, ashtrays etc. Plus, other tobacco items / No limit / 100 / - / -
65 / Old shaving items – general i.e. razors, strops, blades, mugs / No limit / 100 / - / -
66 / Collection of fauna items i.e. animals, birds, insects, fish, frogs etc any material / No limit / 100 / - / -
67 / Series or set of any collectable not listed i.e. one type, one factory, one colour etc. NO bottles, lids or primary containers / No limit / 150 / - / -
68 / Favourite Five collectables – any material NO bottles, lids, or primary containers etc. No rarity judging / 5 / 100 / - / -
69 / Largest and smallest of same shape or type – any material – not to include bottles / 2 / 70 / - / -
70 / WA made china &/or ceramics – NON-primary items i.e. Wembley ware, Derbyshire, Landells, Calyx etc UP TO / 20 / 150 / - / -
71 / Australian made ceramics – NON primary i.e. Remude, etc UP TO / 20 / 150
72 / One Item & Written History – Non-Primary / 1 / 70 / - / -
73 / WA branded non-primary containers and/or items NO bottles, glass or ceramicUP TO / 20 / 150


Forward entries with cheque or money order payable to the Colonial Bottle & Collectors Club of WA
to Peter Lindroth, 4 Excelsum Tce, Mirrabooka WA 6061. Entry enquires via Email to

Entry fees – Competitive $5 per display. Non-competitive $5 per metre.


Pavilion entry during the Fair & Exhibition is $5.00 Adult, $3.00 Pensioner or Concession

Saturday 9am-4pm or Sunday 9am-1pm

Early Bird entry Friday Evening $20.00 (Early bird entry covers Friday Evening (5pm to 10pm) Saturday (8.30am to 4pm) and Sunday (8am to 1pm) entry to the Pavilion).

Colonial Bottle & Collector Club of WA State Show 2017 – supported by

Travis Dunn M:0417 830 939 E: / / Graham Lancaster
GDL Auctions
M:0418 730 904 /

Remember : Entries for the event need to be back to the show committee by the Sunday 25th June 2017.

Colonial Bottle & Collector Club of WA State Show Schedule2017

/ The CBCCState Show
Collectables Fair & Exhibition
July 15th – 16th2017
Cannington Perth W.A.
Colonial Bottle
& Collectors Club of WA
47thyear of collecting

Remember : Entries for the event need to be back to the show committee by the Sunday 25th June 2017.

Colonial Bottle & Collector Club of WA State Show Schedule2017

The CBCC State Show is on again and the committee encourages all avid collectors to support this annual event. The event is held at the Cannington Exhibition Centre, Station Street Cannington.

The Saturday evening dinner is to be held at the Exhibition Centre and will be partly subsidised by the club. During the dinner, there will be annual presentation of the inaugural club trophies. Adult dinner Member pays $15. Children Dinner Member pays $5. Therefore, we encourage all members to attend. To ensure Catering is arranged your intention to attend the dinner is required by the 25th June 2017 on the State Show Entry Form.

Our sponsors for our state show include; Travis Dunn & June Dunn donating a one year subscription to the well-known Australian Publication “Australian Bottle & Collectors Review Magazine” (ABCR) for the winner of Category ‘Favourite Five’; Graham Lancaster GDL Auctioneer has pledged $50 for best Junior Bottle Display and $50 for best Novice Display; and Jem Antiques located in Kelmscott W.A. (John & Everal Miocevich) have pledged $125 for best Bottle display and $125 for best Collectable display. On behalf of the Committee the Club thanks them for their continued contribution and support of our Annual event.


Graham Lancaster GDL Auctions

M:0418 730 904

Travis Dunn M:0417 830 939 E:

Remember : Entries for the event need to be back to the show committee by the Sunday 25th June 2017.

Colonial Bottle & Collector Club of WA State Show Schedule2017

Remember : Entries for the event need to be back to the show committee by the Sunday 25th June 2017.