
The purpose of the progress report is to provide the foundation with a written record of grant-related activities, accomplishments, and challenges that have been faced during the reporting period. We use this report for grant management. Submitting the report provides you an opportunity to give us a candid assessment about how the project is progressing, where there are challenges, and where course corrections seem necessary. The report should include justification for any proposed revisions in the project objectives, activities, outputs, outcomes, and key milestones, as well as budget line items.

The progress report also provides you with an opportunity to update administrative information, such as addresses or phone numbers. This written report is in addition to the more informal interactions that you may have with your program officer. For purposes of this report, please rely on the definitions and terminology that are included in the Proposal Guidelines Glossary and Terminology.

The report form has been designed for use by all Global Development Program grantees. As a result, it may be used in different ways, depending on the nature of the grant.

Note: If your program officer asks you for additional information, please follow those instructions.

Please make every effort to submit your report on time. As stated in your grant agreement, payments will be made after we have received, reviewed, and accepted the progress report as satisfactory. Submitting your report on time will help us make your next payment according to the agreed schedule.


The completed report form is typically no more than 5 to 10 pages excluding appendices, attachments, and financial report templates.

Please use U.S. letter page formatting (8.5 x 11.0 inches), 10-point font, and one-inch margins. Include your organization's name and foundation grant ID in the footer.

Submitting Your Progress Report

You can submit your report electronically in one of two ways:

  1. If you received an e-mail reminder for this report from your program coordinator through our internal database there will be a “token” in the subject line of the e-mail (for example, BMGF:01000012345). Please submit your report by replying directly to this email message and attaching the completed progress report form, budget spreadsheets, and any additional documentation. Please do not change the subject line of the email message when responding this way.
  2. Alternatively, you may email the documents to your program officer and include “Progress Report – Enter Grant ID Number” in the subject line of your message.

Payment Disbursement

After your report is reviewed and approved by the foundation, the subsequent payment, if any, will be processed.

Payments to non-U.S. organizations and all payments greater than one million U.S. dollars will be paid via wire transfer. If your next payment will be paid by wire, you must have your bank complete a GDBank Wire Transfer Form. This form should be submitted in a way that clearly illustrates independent verification and date of verification directly from your bank. Failure to appropriately submit this document will result in a delay of your grant payment.

The Bank Wire Transfer Form must be submitted to the foundation by your bank; therefore it should not be included with the rest of the report form. Please request that your bank return the Bank Wire Transfer Form directly to Jennifer Kohler, Grants Coordinator:
Fax: 1 (206) 494-7111

Our Commitment to Grantees: Strengthening Partnerships

Our grantees and partners are at the core of our mission and work. We are most effective when we are working together with partners to achieve the shared impact we all desire.

Achieving results depends on many factors, including the quality of our partnerships. We can achieve greater impact by forging stronger relationships with our most important partners—our grantees.

Our Commitment to Grantees

  1. Quality interactions—You will be treated with respect and candor.
  2. Clear and consistent communications—You will know when and who will make the decision on your grant, and you will be provided clear communications on the foundation’s strategy, grant process and the amount of time and assistance you could expect to receive from the foundation once your grant is awarded.
  3. Feedback—You will have opportunities to provide feedback – and we will use that feedback to make continuous improvements.

We welcome your feedback. It is a critical part of our commitment because your ideas, assessment and comments will help to ensure greater success in our mutual goal to improve lives. We receive feedback daily through interactions between our program staff and grantees. We seek feedback through periodic interviews and focus groups. And every two to three years, we ask the Center for Effective Philanthropy to conduct a grantee perception survey.

We also make available to grantees several other online means of providing feedback:

  • Send an email to our grantee partner engagement team at .
  • Share your viewpoint on Twitter via #gateschat.
  • If your feedback regards a specific allegation, and you want the information to be kept confidential from foundation staff, we encourage you to report this information to EthicsPoint . This is a service provided by a third party outside of the foundation that is available for reporting and identification of issues, events and behavior that may be inconsistent with our foundation’s values.

I. Summary Information

Grant Information
Project Name
Organization Name
Grant ID# / Foundation Program Officer
Date Grant Awarded / Month Year / Project End Date / Month Year
Grant Amount / In U.S. dollars / Project Duration / In months
Report Period from / Month Year / to / Month Year
Report Due / Month Year
Has this project been granted a no-cost extension? / Yes / No
Principal Investigator/Project Director
Prefix / Email Address
Surname / Phone
First Name / Fax
Suffix / Web Site
Mailing Address / Actual location of offices, not a post office box
Report Prepared by / Date Submitted / dd mm yyyy

II. Project Progressand Results

Key Milestones Tab

Please copy the most recently approvedmilestones from the Key Milestones tab of the Results Framework for the current reporting period.Please fill in actual key milestone results, identify and explain any deviationsfrom predicted results, and propose future milestone target revisions if necessary.

Please consult with your program officer on any proposed revisions to future key milestones or targets, or more general revisions to the activities, outputs, or outcomes in the Key Results tab of the Results Framework.

Note:If you received your grant prior to July 2010 or used previous versions of Appendix A: Project Objectives and Appendix B: Timeline, please continue to use that format and terminology to report back to the foundation on the status of agreed-on milestones and related timeline, unless otherwise requested by your program officer.

Progress Narrative (1-2 pages)

In paragraphs or bullet points, please provide the following information:

  • General Progress: Describe the general progress of the project, including where the project is progressing as expected, where it is not, whether the project is still on track to complete expected results, and if not, what proposed modifications are contemplated.
  • Key Milestone Deviation:If specific key milestones were not met according to the proposed plan, briefly discuss the reasons they deviated and the proposed corrective actions.In your discussion, reference the specific key milestones from the Results Framework. (If your grant proposal was submitted prior to the inclusion of the Results Framework in the Proposal Guidelines, contact your program officer before completing this section.)
  • Course Correction: Whether or not you are on track to meet key milestones, with the benefit of current experience, are there any modifications you would propose to the activities, outcomes, outputs, or key milestones of this project,in a discussion with your program officer?
  • Plans for Next Reporting Period:To the extent that you have proposed modifications to any of the results identified in the Results Framework, identify why modification of these results will still lead to achievement of the project, and how your organization will be able to successfully achieve the results as modified.
  • Risks:Are you aware of any significant risks or concerns that have not previously been identified,and that may affect your organization’s ability to achieve the agreed-on results?If so, indicate how your organization is addressing those risks.
  • Sustainability:If your organization intends for this project to be sustained after the grant period has ended, what actions have your organization and project partners taken and what actions will you be taking to facilitate sustainability, and how will the project be continued?
  • Scalability:If your organization intends for this project to increase in scale after the grant period has ended, what actions have your organization and project partners taken and what actions will you be taking to facilitate that increase in scale?
  • Lessons Learned:What lessons have you learned during the past year that will help you to achieve your intended results moving forward?

III. Budget Progress and Results

Updated Budget Template

Unless otherwise directed by foundation staff, please use the Actual Costs & Expected Funding tab on the budget template to report total expenditures against the most recent foundation-approved budget. You should also use the Period X Reforecasting tab (where X represents the relevant budget period) to forecast future expenses. Finally, please provide updated information on the Geography & FX Estimates tab in the Reporting & Reforecasting section of the budget template for Location of Work, Geography Served, and Currencies. Please follow the instructions in the budget template carefully and let your program officer know if you have any questions.

Note:If you received your grant prior to July 2010 or used our old budget template to create your grant budget, the process for providing this information will be slightly different than described above due to the structure of the old template (if you’re not sure which budget template you’re using, please check with your program officer). Instead of the Actual Cost & Expected Funding tab in the new budget template, please use the Total Budget page of the final budget spreadsheet provided in your proposal to specify actual expenditures for the period for each line item. If they are not already there, please insert a column for actual expenditures, variance, and percentage. Also, please update the geographic information for your work using the Grantee Geography ReportingRequest instead of using the Geography & FX Estimates tab in the new budget template.

Budget Progress Narrative (1-2 pages)

In paragraphs or bullet points, please provide the following information.

  1. General Budget Progress: Describe the general progress of meeting budget expectations; including where the project is progressing as expected, where it is not, whether the project is still on track to be completed within the proposed budget, and if not, what proposed modifications are contemplated.
  2. Budget Variances: For variances that exceed 10 percent in either direction in the Total Cost category (i.e. Total Personnel, Total Supplies, Total Equipment), please describe these in bullet 2 of the budget narrative (see below).
  3. Budget Plans for Next Reporting Period: Explain any significant reforecasting, any impact that the reforecasting will have on the total budget, and how your organization will be able to successfully perform within the reforecasted budget.
  4. Budget or Financial Risks: Are you aware of any significant risks or concerns that have not previously been identified, and that may affect your organization's ability to perform this grant within the designated budget? If so, how is your organization addressing those risks?



IV. RequiredAttachments

Some projects involve activities that require you to submit an attachment along with your progress report and budget.Please answer yes or no to the questions listed below, to determine whether an attachment is required.If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, please complete the required module(s) as indicated in the footnotes.If you answer “no” to all of the questions, you do not need to complete an attachment.

Does your project involve a clinical trial1? / Yes / No
Does your project involve research using human subjects2 or vertebrate animals? / Yes / No
Does your project involve the use of recombinant DNA or genetically modified organisms (including genetically modified plants)? / Yes / No
Does your project involve the use of biohazards? / Yes / No

1clinical trials

2human subjects

3select agents

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you must complete theClinical Studies and Regulated Research Assurances Moduleand submit it along with your progress report.

Technology and Information Management Questions

Please provide a response to the following questions, using the definitions of terms that are provided below. If you have submitted either a Global Access: Technology and Information Management Module or and an annual report previously and nothing has changed from your previous submission, please indicate “no change.”

Do any Third Parties1 have Rights2 to Background Technology3? / Yes / No / No Change
Do any Third Parties have Rights in Project Technology4? / Yes / No / No Change
Have you filed any copyright registrations for or patent applications claiming any Project Technology? / Yes / No / No Change

1 Third Parties: Any individuals, organizations, or companies that have not executed a foundation-approved collaboration agreement that is associated with the project.

2 Rights: (i) Any interest (e.g., license, ownership, option, security interest, etc.) in patents, patent applications, and copyrights and (ii) the rights to use any technologies, information (including trade secrets), data, or materials.

3 Background Technology: All technologies, products, materials(both physical and written), software, data, processes or formulations, and all associated Rights, to be used as part of your project that were created prior to or outside of the project.

4 Project Technology: All technologies, products, materials (both physical and written), software, data, processes or forumulations that are created, compiled, conceived, or reduced to practice as part of your project, and all associated Rights.

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, you must complete theGlobal Access Technology and Information Management Moduleand submit it along with your progress report.

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This document is subject to the PrivacyPolicy and Terms of Use.
