Internet Resources for Educators

- GAE’s Legislative website. This gives you access to the legislative action website. We post our Legislative Hotlines here, you can access information on how to contact your legislators, you can take action to help us persuade legislators and members of Congress to support public education. A very useful tool for GAE members, their friends and colleagues.

- NEALegislativeActionCenter website. Here you can find updates on what is happening at the federal level with education issues. You can also access information on a variety of education topics by searching around the rest of the NEA website at

The General Assembly website – This allows you to access legislation, look up contact information for legislators, follow committee meeting schedules, view committee meetings, the House and the Senate in session via the web.

- Office of Planning and Budget for Georgia. To look at the Governor’s proposed mid-term adjustment budget and his big budget recommendations

- Georgia Budget and Policy Institute. An organization that conducts research on Georgia’s economy, budget, tax system and funding for state programs. GAE supports the work of this valuable organization. The information presented on the website provides great detail and insight into all the aspects of funding state programs including public education.

– GeorgiaDepartment of Education website. This provides access to rules that govern public education in Georgia, curriculum, testing information, Board of Education contacts, information for parents, school funding data and much more.

Georgia Parent Teachers Association website. For many years GAE and the Georgia PTA have partnered to fight for improvements to public education. Their website provides a great resource for educators and parents.

- Governor Nathan Deal’s website. Here you can access press releases from the Governor and First Lady as well as find a link to contact the Governor to express your views on issues important to you.

Georgia Professional Standards Commission (PSC). This site provides information on certification and requirements for educators.

- PSC No Child Left Behind site. Has a great deal of information about Georgia’s compliance with the federal NCLB law.

Teachers Retirement System of Georgia. Access to all the information concerning teacher retirement benefits and your personal TRS account.

- Public School Employees Retirement System. This site provides a little bit of information for those educators under PSERS, which includes most non-certificated education employees.