Consumer Panel Guide Template
Moderator - Dorian Simpson
Topic: Broadband Video to the TV – Round 2
Location – OTBC Training Room
Stipend - $75
Expected # of participants – 10
- Gain an understanding of current “common” thinking around broadband video in general and how consumers may want to watch it on TV
- Generate ideas on what an ideal solution might look like
- Identify the value drivers and what content is necessary for launch and long term success
- Get feedback on some of the current solutions (MS MC, Akimbo, others).
Activities and Timing
Time / Activity / Questions6:00 / Intros and NDAs / Welcome! Who watches TV?
Ensure all participants have:
- A name tent
- Signed an NDA
“What are your thoughts about TV? Do you have a favorite show?”
6:10 / Open discussion about video online / Who watches video on the web?
Describe your experience (ask all to share)
What do you watch? When? Why? Which sites?
What’s good about it? What’s bad about it? Why?
(If no one brings up watching web video on the TV, bring this up)
What do you think about this?
6:20 / Part 1: Understanding what “service” would be valuable on the TV
6:20 / Initial thoughts / If I had a connected TV here that directly connected to the internet. What would this mean to you? What do you think the TV would actually do or look like when I turned it on?
What would you want it to do?
6:30 / Brainstorm the service / Each person visualize what you think a connected TV would be and what service it should include. Just brainstorm with yourself what the attributes of that service might look like. (Let them start and the provoke thoughts with some of the following questions) Put an idea on each stickie note. No right or wrong answers! This is the service you would expect to see on the TV.
- What programming would you have access?
- Who would provide the programming?
- How would you connect the service?
- Who would provide the service?
- What would the interface look like?
6:40 / Design the service / Now let’s break into two groups
1)Who wants to be the project leader? (aka the Apprentice)
2)You are going to create this service in your groups.
- Use the yellow stickies.
- Cluster the stickies into common ideas and put a theme on each one. No right or wrong!!
- Put a big star on the most important attributes.
6:50 / Presentation and Review ideas / Have each team present their ideas of what would this product look like. What is the reaction from the other team?
Type of content and experience they would expect?
Full length vs previews vs user generated, etc.
Brainstorm value.. what would this service cost?
What concerns would you have about this service? Why?
Who would provide it? Why?
What role would the TV Manufacturer have?
Probe on areas they find interesting.
Part 2 / Review TV Guide Concepts and Brainstorm
7:05 / Review concepts / Show screen shots of “TV Guide” Catch up TV on a real TV. “This is an interface being considered for an internet connected TV.
1)What is your reaction to this? Good/bad
2)Describe the available content, how it might work with the listings, etc.
3)Reaction? Good things? Bad things? Why?
4)What questions does this raise?
5)What concerns would you have about this service? Why?
6)Do you want one? Why/Why not? Value?
7:20 / Value versus current service / If you saw this service available at retail, what would your reaction be?
(Probe for TVs with and without this service). Why? Value difference?
Probe how they would use this service with Cable or Satellite?
Would you use this on different TVs? (bedroom)
Would you want to switch between this and your current provider? Why/Why not?
How would this work with your DVR?
What do you think this could offer that your cable or satellite service can’t?
7:30 / Ceremony / Thank them and pay them.. put $$ in a thank you card.
Ask who would like to attend another group
# / Participant / Here? / NDA? / Payment?
1 / Josh
2 / Michael
3 / Diana
4 / Jesse
5 / Simeon
6 / Holly
7 / Jen
8 / Sophie
9 / Jim
10 / Gayle
11 / Vance