Staff Inspections Guide Page 6

Component Survey

The following issues will be examined during the inspection. The supervisor of the component to be inspected is requested to complete this survey, making notes where needed. Please return these component surveys to Professional Standards Section no later than Friday, October 21, 2005. Your fair and impartial assessment will help to provide a direction for the inspection and help us to focus on areas, which you identify as a need.

(Make copies as required for each component)


A. Organization YES NO N/A

Line of authority and responsibility clearly defined.   

Personnel properly follow chain of command when making work

related inquiries.   

Work units reflect proportionate spans of control   

  All personnel of unit are issued or have direct access to Standards Manuals,

Component manual, if appropriate, and goals/objectives of unit/section.   

Staff meetings are conducted periodically with subordinate personnel   

  Administrative and statistical reporting requirements are being met

(when appropriate)

* Monthly Activity Reports   

* Quarterly Activity Reports   

* Goals and Objectives   

* Quarterly evaluation of Objectives   

* Quarterly Line Inspection Reports   

* Periodic reassessment of personnel allocation   

* Periodic reassessment of personnel distribution   

B. Schedules/Rosters

Current work schedule posted with the front desk, personnel, and

Payroll.   

Work schedules reflect equitable distribution of manpower resources

as compared to workload.   

C. Training

If appropriate, a training coordinator is assigned and is active.   


  Personnel are kept informed regarding the availability of existing

training programs.   

Personnel are provided opportunities to attend formal training

programs.   

Supervisors have attended first line supervisors course and all

mandatory courses.   

New employees have attended orientation training   

Annual retraining for sworn officers is accomplished.   

Annual retraining program is established for civilians.   

Specialized, refresher, roll-call, and other training programs have been

established.   

D. Personnel Records

Performance evaluations are being completed within the recognized guidelines of the Department.

* Completed on time   

* Evaluations acknowledged by reviewer prior to employee receiving

report.   

* Appropriate work-related goals being set which are specific, measurable,

and which can be reported.   

* Standards exceeded are appropriately justified.   

* Evaluations are contested.   

* Employees rated as Not Satisfactory have been "warned"

(pre-performance evaluation) within specific time limits.   

* Probationary employees evaluated bi-monthly.   

Annual SKA inventory being completed on employees.   

Records reflect consistent forms of recognition, through evaluations,

commendations, letters, etc.   

Training certificates are filed.   

Disciplinary action reports reflect procedural compliance, appropriate

use of discipline, and other requirements.   

Sick leave usage reviewed for potential abuse.   

Optional, alternate, and/or backup handgun requests on file.   


Off-duty employment on file.   

Current personal address/phone numbers on file.   

Oath of office is on file.   

E. Facilities

Security measures and practices.

* Alarm system installed and maintained.   

* Badges and ID worn.   

* Parking adequate and controlled.   

Work space adequate.   

Bulletin boards with notices posted.   

Preventive maintenance and house keeping performed.   

Smoking policy enforced.   

F. Equipment/Property

Component has employee appointed as property custodian, manual in

place, and records maintained.   

Vehicles properly marked if appropriate.   

Vehicles properly equipped.   

Maintenance schedule adhered to.   

Interior/exterior of vehicles clean.   

Sufficient portable radios on hand.   

Inventory and marking system maintained.   

Security/accountability/maintenance of special weapons & munitions   

Items missing or unaccounted for.   

Agency Plan Book available to all Supervisory personnel.   

G. Operations

Specialized assignment openings announced Department-wide.   

Department/division orders are read and reviewed in briefings.   

Roll-call training given during briefings.   

Periodic personnel inspections conducted   

* Weapons inspected   


  Driver's license/Department identification/handgun registration   

  Clothing/uniforms inspected   

Immediate supervisors review employee's training record.   

Quality of reports/work product checked by supervisor.   

Elements of crime reviewed in arrests.   

Calls for service reviewed for response times, workload, distribution,

and deployment.   

Prisoner transport procedure is followed.   

Start/stop times of shifts adhered to.   

Proper telephone procedures adhered to.   

Property forms completed with proper budgetary controls and backing.   

Staff Inspection Questionnaire

This questionnaire is to be completed and returned to the Professional Standards Section no later than Friday, October 21, 2005.

(Make copies as required for each component)



2.  ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENT SIZE. Indicate the number of authorized, full-time, part-time, and/or temporary personnel assigned.

Authorized / Full-time / Part-time / Temporary
Sworn Personnel
Civilian Personnel

3.  ALLOCATION OF PERSONNEL. In the past year has your organizational component received an increase or decrease in personnel? Have requests been made for increased personnel? What activities on what shifts (if appropriate) would warrant an increase in the allocation of personnel?

4.  DISTRIBUTION OF PERSONNEL. In the past year has there been a need to distribute personnel under your command to other duties, shifts, and/or work assignments due to the workload of your organizational component?

5.  ORGANIZATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES. Attach any documentation which is not detailed in the Standards Manual regarding the scope and responsibilities of your organizational component. If the Standards Manual sufficiently details the scope and responsibilities of your organizational/component, so state and cite the Standards Manual section.

6.  ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES. Attach the most current "Objectives" of your organizational component.

7.  ORGANIZATIONAL COMPONENT MANUAL. If your organizational component has a separate operating or procedural manual in place for your personnel, forward a copy with this completed questionnaire to the Professional Standards Section.

8.  DISCIPLINE/PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Are there problems with any aspect of the disciplinary and/or performance evaluation processes within your organizational component?

9.  LINE INSPECTIONS. When was the last line inspection conducted for your organizational component? Include copies of the documentation of most recent inspections including personnel inspections, vehicle inspections, and facility inspection, if applicable.

10.  MEETINGS WITH STAFF. When did you last have a staff meeting with your personnel?

11.  STAFF INSPECTION. Indicate any areas within your organizational component on which the staff inspection should concentrate. Include any comments that may be generally pertinent to the upcoming staff inspection.