Trigonometry Syllabus
Miss Fenton
Welcome to Trigonometry! In this course, you will be introduced to the study of trigonometry. The prerequisite for this course is successful completion of Geometry and Algebra II. The course is designed to meet the needs of students who will continue their study of mathematics in calculus or other disciplines, as well as those who are taking trigonometry as their final mathematics course. Algebraic prerequisites and important concepts from geometry will be briefly reviewed as needed. Reading and problem solving are emphasized throughout the course. Students will be expected to provide step-by-step explanations of how they solve multi-step problems.
Textbook: Cynthia Young’s Trigonometry, 3rd edition, published by Wiley
During this semester, students will learn a wide range of concepts and skills. The following topics will be covered:
Major Topics: Chapter 1 Right Triangle Trigonometry
1.1 Angles, Degrees, and Triangles
1.2 Similar Triangles
1.3 Definition 1 of Trigonometric Functions: Right Triangle Ratios
1.4 Evaluating Trigonometric Functions: Exactly and with Calculators
1.5 Solving Right Triangles
Chapter 2 Trigonometric Functions
2.1 Angles in the Cartesian Plane
2.2 Definition 2 of Trigonometric Functions: The Cartesian Plane
2.3 Evaluating Trigonometric Functions for Nonacute Angles
2.4 Basic Trigonometric Identities
Chapter 3 Radian Measure and the Unit Circle Approach
3.1 Radian Measure
3.2 Arc Length and Area of a Circular Sector
3.3 Linear and Angular Speeds
3.4 Definition 3 of Trigonometric Functions: Unit Circle Approach
Chapter 4 Graphing Trigonometric Functions
4.1 Basic Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions: Amplitude andPeriod
4.2 Translations of the Sine and Cosine Functions: Addition of Ordinates
4.3 Graphs of the Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, and Cosecant Functions
Chapter 5 Trigonometric Identities
5.1 Trigonometric Identities
5.2 Sum and Difference Identities
5.3 Double-Angle Identities
5.4 Half-Angle Identities
5.5 --will be omitted—
Chapter 6 Solving Trigonometric Equations
6.1 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
6.2 Solving Trigonometric Equations That Involve Only One Trigonometric Function
6.3 Solving Trigonometric Equations That Involve Multiple Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 7 Applications of Trigonometry: Triangles and Vectors
7.1 Oblique Triangles and the Law of Sines
7.2 The Law of Cosines
7.3 The Area of a Triangle
1. Prompt
Each student is expected to be in class, on time, unless accompanied by a pass to class. All tardiness to class will be
recorded and school policy will befollowed.
2. Prepared
Each student must come to class prepared at all times. This includes having your book, notebook, pencil, and completed homework assignment. All learning activities – taking notes, independent and group work, projects, computer exercises, assignment completion, etc. – are MANDATORY.
3. Polite
Be courteous toward teacher and fellow students. Abide by all school rules that pertain to behavior.
Grades will be based on the following:
1. Chapter Tests
2. Quizzes (announced and unannounced)
3. Assignments
Grades will be calculated on a total point system.
Assignment Policy:
Assignment evaluations will be administered periodically. Select assigned problems will be graded for accuracy and work shown. This will occur only after we have had opportunity to correct and discuss an assignment.
NOTE: A paper with answers only and no work does not satisfy my definition of a complete assignment.
Notebook Requirements:
Each student must have a three ring binder in which all identified assignments, notes, and examples will be kept.
1. Any assignment that was due on the day that you were absent should be completedand corrected immediately upon your return.
2. A student will have the same amount of time to complete new assignments as was missed in the absence.
3. A student is responsible for checking and correcting any late assignment. Teacherassistance is available upon request.
1. If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to see me the day you return to class to find out what you missed. Ask me or a classmate for any missed notes. Notes can be copied at the beginning of class.
2. Assignments are not optional – they are mandatory. Completing in-class work and homework to the best of your ability will help get you ready for quizzes and tests.
3. Copying of any kind (tests, quizzes, homework, projects) by any means results in a 0% on that assignment for all students involved. There may also be additional consequences from school administration.
4. All math work must be done in pencil – please do not use pen, marker, etc. We will make mistakes that need to be erased. This is part of the learning process.
Your grade is a reflection of your skills, knowledge and understanding of the course content. Therefore, any work that is not your own will not be accepted or assessed. Cheating of any kind on quizzes, tests, and assignments will result in a zero for the assignment.
*I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus.*
I have read the syllabus information and understand the requirements for this course.
Student: Parent/Guardian:
Student Name Parent Name Phone #
Signed Date Parent email address
Signed Date