Fish Health term paper/presentations (Fish 424)
Overview: I would like students to prepare a term paper on a specific topic related to fish health and/or disease issues. The paper can be a thorough review of a subject, or a proposal on how to address a research problem. In any case, your paper must be formatted correctly using AFS guidelines ( cite relevant peer-reviewed publications (no web sites!!!!). Improper formatting and citations will result in a significantly lower grade.
Purpose: This assignment is designed to: 1) improve scientific research skills, 2) improve scientific writing skills, and 3) provide an opportunity for in depth research and thought about a subject. It will introduce students to the process of writing in a “scientific” format. A good final product is usually achieved only through much editing and revision. Therefore, intermediate deadlines will be set to allow you time to critically think about a subject and raise questions about research related to that subject.
Guidelines: To get students thinking about this in a timely manner, topics are due to the instructor by Jan. 31st. At that time, you should also turn in a list of at least 10 references/citations that you have found related to your topic. The best way to do this is through a literature searchat the libraryor through various databases (such as PubMed: If very few journal articles have been published, you may want to consider another topic.
An outline of your topic will be due by Feb. 28th. Your outline should be well thought out and include headings and subheadings that lay out how your paper will be put together and what it will include (see below). This will give me a chance to comment on the content and layout of your report. Following these suggestions, a first draft will be due by April 3rd. This should be well written and treated as if it were the final report. I will make comments on this draft and expect you to consider these before the final draft is handed in (remember – the first draft should be very close to the final product!). A portion of your grade on the assignment will be related to your ability to implement suggestions made on the first draft. Final reports are due April 24th.
Research/review article:
Abstract (brief summary of findings or overall conclusions)
Intro (background)
-Define the subject and concerns/importance
-Include all major points
-What are solutions to problem?
Methods (if appropriate)
Results/discussion (what did the research show – why is it important?)
- Conclusion
- Tie everything together!
References (proper journal format)
Title (should grab the interest of the reader!)
Problem Statement (research opportunity and present status)
Rationale (Include full hypothesis and objectives)
Expected results
Presentations: Student presentations will be giventoward the end of the semester (see course outline). You will be expected to present a high quality overview of the topic chosen for your term paper. This should be very thorough and present all relevant data and findings. Presentations should be given using powerpoint (overhead presentations are not acceptable). Each person’s presentation should last for approximately 10 minutes with 2-3 minutes for questions.
Due date/grading summary
Jan 31st– Topic/references due5%
Feb 28th – Outline due 10%
April 3rd – First draft due30%
April 24th– Final draft due55%
Grading criteria (final draft):
A – 1) Excellent synthesis and organization of ideas/material, 2) all spelling, grammar and punctuation correct, and 3) all major ideas clearly addressed.
B – 1) Good synthesis and organization of ideas/material, 2) less than 5 spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, and 3) most major ideas clearly addressed.
C – 1) Average synthesis and organization of ideas/material, 2) 5 - 8 spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, and 3) some major ideas clearly addressed.
D – 1) Below average synthesis and organization of ideas/material, 2) more than 8 spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, and 3) major ideas not clearly addressed.
F – Failure to complete assignment or unacceptable work in all categories listed above