Marian Cheerleading Tryouts
Clinics on May 5th5:00-7:00 and May 6th 6:00-8:00pm
Tryouts on May 7th 8:30am
Welcome to the Cheerleading Program at Marian!!!
My name is Julianne Brunken and I have coached high school cheerleading for 19 years. I coached at Driscoll Catholic in Addison for 11 years where we were conference champs for 9 of those years. I helped start up the Huntley Youth Cheer Program in 2004, began competing with the rec teams in 2009 and coached state qualifying teams for the last 4 years. I also coached at Huntley High School for 4 years where we were Fox Valley Conference champs and State Qualifiers in 2013.
I would also like to introduce our Assistant Coach, Sharon Tuzik, who brings 9 years of coaching experience to the program as well as a true passion for cheer.
I am thrilled to say that both Coach Tuzik and I were able to coach here at Marian Central Catholic High School for the last three years! Together we are so excited to gather all of the amazing talent at Marian, and we look forward to meeting all of you very soon.
Please see the try-out packet for additional information. All forms must be signed and brought in on the 1st day of clinics. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Looking forward to a great 2016-2017 season!
Coach Brunken
or 847-489-3870
2016-2017 Marian Cheer Tryouts
Clinics on May 5th5:00-7:00 and May 6th from 6:00-8:00pm
Tryouts on May 7th 8:30am
Cheer Tryout Format: The first two days will be conducted in a clinic style format. You will be learning a new dance and a new floor cheer as well as working on jumps, stunting, and tumbling.
If there are any scheduling conflicts, please contact me as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.
Everyone trying out must wear plain shorts (dark color) and a plain white T-Shirt on Saturday. Results will be completed by Sunday evening and you will receive a phone call from one of the coaches.
Stunting: We will be evaluating everyone on stunting ability/potential. This will be done during the clinic days. It is recommended that everyone trying out attempt as many stunting positions as possible so the coaches can see what you are capable of doing. Flyers will also be evaluated on flexibility/body positions in air. Please do not stress about this portion, anything that you need to know about stunting will be taught throughout the season. We just want to see potential.
Tumbling: Tumbling will be scored on the day of tryout. Tumbling will consist of standing tumbling, as well as running tumbling. This is not mandatory, but it will improve your score.
Tryout Criteria: The final score for try-outs will consist of 5 categories: 20% - Tumbling, 20%-Jumps, 20% -Cheer, 20% - Stunting, and 20% - Dance
On the actual day of try-outs everyone will perform two jumps (double toe-touch and pike), a floor cheer, a dance, and tumbling.
Seasons: Cheerleading is a unique sport in that it covers two seasons: football in the fall and basketball in the winter. Competition is also held during the winter basketball season. The JV and Varsity teams will cheer for all home football, boy’s basketball and some girl’s basketball games. The Varsity team will travel to away football games, including playoffs.
Varsity team can be made up of Freshmen through Seniors.
JV team can be made up of Freshmen through Juniors.
We will be limiting our numbers this year to a maximum of 20 participants per team, but we will only be competing with the top 12-15 girls, there may be up to 5 alternates for competitions.
It is imperative that all teammates understand that cheer practices and games must be a priority.
Since cheerleading is not an individual sport, the success of the team is dependent upon all teammembers being present at all practices, unless you are absent from school. If you haveconcerns, please contact one of the coaches with specific questions.
2016-2017 Marian Cheerleading Expectations, Rules and Guidelines
As the Marian Cheerleading Program continues to grow and improve, we want to make sure that everyone has an understanding of what is expected of them during the season. The overall goal is for everyone to have fun and continue to improve both as a cheerleader and as a person. Below are some of the expectations, goals, and guidelines for the year.
Goals for Marian Cheerleaders:
- Keep God in our hearts
- Have fun and make memories
- Learn proper behavior on and off the field
- Grow and learn as an individual, and learn to work as a team
- Develop positive self-confidence in everyone!
- Encourage and work with everyone to help you become the best person you can be!
- To become better athletes and improve our skills as individuals and as a team
Cost of Cheerleading Breakdown:
We want everyone to be aware of what the cost of cheerleading is by way of clothing/camp and other costs. Below is a breakdown of the costs associated with cheerleading. All costs are the approximate amount we will usually run into and will be finalized as we approach each part.
All money due will be broken down into monthly amounts. For example, uniform and crop top payment will be due in May. Summer camp and camp clothes payments will be due in June. Warm-ups and bows will be due in July. Athletic fees and any miscellaneous (non-mandatory) spirit wear will be due in August.
Football shoes: $50.00 (if needed)
Old cheerleading shoes can be worn – must be cheer shoes so you may need to purchase a pair.
Basketball/competition shoes: $70.00
Red Nike Pros or any brand: (1 pair)
Crop Top: $40-$50
Summer Camp:approx $200
Varsity Only: Choreography & Music approx. $125.00
Camp Clothes: $75-$100
Athletic Fee: $100.00
Warm-Ups: $80.00
Bows: $10.00
If you have any of the above items, you do NOT need to purchase a new one.
#1 Rule: Cheerleading is a sport, and as such all cheerleaders will be treated as athletes. This includes things like eligibility, being prepared for games/practices, punctuality, following proper behavior on social media, giving 100% of yourself for your team, and respecting yourself, your squad, other athletes, and your coaches.
- Practice or games: If you are sick from school or go home sick please contact one of the coaches to let them know so preparations can be made for any changes at the practice or game.
- Any conflicts, please discuss with the coach as soon as possible. Extended vacations should be discussed well in advance.
Unexcused absences: Practice
- 1sttime: ½ Game/Competition suspension
- 2ndtime: Game/Competition suspension
- 3rd time: Possible dismissal from team
Unexcused absence: Game or Competition
- 1stTime – Suspension from next game
- 2ndTime –Possible dismissal from team
All suspensions will involve the cheerleader dressed and sitting by your Coach at the game.
Jewelry: No jewelry at games, competitions, or practices. This means that from the moment we begin warm- ups for the game, practice or competition all jewelry must be out/off. This is per IHSA rules and for your own protection as well as your teammates around you.
Nails: All fingernails must be cut to appropriate length. This is for ALL practices, games, and competitions. If you are planning on doing your nails for Homecoming or some other function, please plan to have them taken care of by the next practice/game. There will also be no nail polish on at competitions!
Excused Absences: Because Cheerleading is a sport where we rely on everyone, there will be minimal excusedabsences, please see one of the coaches for specific questions.
Unexcused Absences: Some examples: Ortho appointments, drivers ed, social events, family parties, othersports team practices, musical/play practice, please see a coach for specific questions.
24 Hour Rule/Proper Contact Rule: This will be explained further at the parent meeting, but there will be no contacting of coaches or administrators, for at least 24 hours because of being upset by a coaching decision. This is a sport that primarily involves teenage girls and while we strive to have the least amount of drama possible, there are oftentimes things happening outside of practice (tests, grades, boyfriends, friends etc) that impact them inside the sport. Any minor issue should be treated as such, and not blown out of proportion in the heat of the moment.
Work: While we do not discourage squad members from working this is done so with the understanding that the sport of cheerleading and their team will be their first priority. Any conflicts should be discussed well in advance. A schedule of practices and games will be given out to everyone early so that they can notify their work.
Drivers Ed: Driver’s Ed may be taken during the cheerleading season as long as it does not interfere/conflict with cheerleading in any way.
Other Rules
- No Cell Phones at practice or games
- Hair will be up for all cheerleading practices and games. (Per IHSA rules)
- For All Away games, any squad member wishing to ride home with their own parents must be signed out with the coach by their parents before leaving the game.
- All squad members are required to turn in a medical information sheet to the Head Coach before or at the first practice of the season. Also, any squad member that has asthma is required to give an inhaler marked with their name on it to be kept in the medical kit/bag for emergency use.
- Proper attire is required for cheerleading practice
- No gum at practice or games
- Formations and lineup for games will be done on the basis of stunt groups, or at the coaches’ discretion.
- Proper attire for games will be strictly enforced (uniform, hair up, no jewelry, no gum, shoes on!)No cheerleader is ever to walk around in “part” of their uniform or to have their skirt unzipped. No changing anywhere other than a bathroom or locker room.
- Not wearing the proper attire can result as an unexcused absence.
We will be starting practice this summer. First practice will be June 8th –times TBD
Safe Dates this summer (we will NOT be practicing on these dates):
June 3rd–June 7th
July 1st-July 10th
July 21st-July 31st
Some VERY important dates to make on your calendar:
~Marian Cheer youth cheerleading camp (grades K-8) is our single fundraising source June 13, 14, 15, 16from 6:00 to 8:00 pm (details to follow).
~Summer cheer camp. 2016’s camp will be a “home camp” (no travel/overnight stays). We are fortunate enough once again to have the University of Kentucky cheerleaders host our camp. July 18th through July 20th. These are 3 full days of camp.
We have not yet set days/times for summer practices. 3 days a week is a typical week. We will NOT ever practice on Fridays and if we practice on Mondays it will be in the evening so that families can enjoy long weekends this summer!
Contact info:
Sharon Tuzik
2016-2017 Marian Cheer Tryouts
Must be turned in on the first day of try-outs. Please be sure to print legibly and to have all information filled out!
I will be a: ___ Freshman ___ Sophomore ___ Junior ___ Senior
Home Phone Number:______
Cell Phone of person trying out: ______
E-mail of person trying out: ______
If Middle School Which One:______
Parents/Legal Guardian:______
Parent’s (Mom) Cell Phone:______
Parent’s (Dad) Cell Phone:______
Which do you prefer that we contact (Circle): Mom Dad
Parent’s E-mail Address:______
What experience do you have with Cheerleading and what positions have you done? (Circle) Flyer Base Back-spot
Acknowledgement of Expectations, Rules, and Guidelines
Note: By signing below, you are indicating that you have read and understood the expectations, rules, and policies for Marian Cheerleading.
This page is to be turned into the Coaches on the first day of clinics/tryouts. Please print name of person trying out: ______
- I have read the expectations and understand and accept the responsibilities that I will have to take on as a member of the Marian Cheerleading Program.
- I have read, understood, and accept the all the rules as listed.
- I have read, understood, and accept the rules on tardiness, game and competition requirements, and the rules regarding jewelry and nails.
- I have read, understood, and accept the all the other conditions listed under the other rules section as well as the expectation that I will abide by all rules found in the Marian High School Athletic and Student Handbook.
- I understand that cheerleading at Marian runs an open door policy, which means that I am free to ask questions, or talk with any of the coaches. This however should be done at the proper time such as before or after practice, or by calling or emailing them (AT PROPER TIMES ONLY). Any concerns should be brought to the coach’s attention first.
______Student Signature
______Parent or Guardian