SS 8Name______


Shark Tank

Do you dare enter the tank?!

Do not lose this! You will need it now…and later.

(225 Points)


One way to start learning about how businesses operate in the American economy is to actually develop a business idea and “pitch” it to potential investors for financial support. For the next few weeks, you, and your teammates, (Choose wisely!)will consider what it might take to start a “for-profit” enterprise from the ground-up. You will then pitch your idea to a group of “investors” (me) in order to secure financing to bring your product to the market.


The purpose of this activity is for you to get a “feel” for some of the analysis and decision-making that characterize business operations in the American economy. As an entrepreneur, you (and your team) will confront basic issues of starting a business, including determining the type of business organization, the product development, the marketing, and the financing. In the end, you will find that this is a very hands-on and practical simulation assignment.

Overview of the Process

Once completed, you will have covered these topics

  1. Business Organization: Decide what type of business you want to run (sole proprietorship or partnership), delegate responsibilities, and choose a company name/logo.
  1. Market Research: Generate ideas for a possible product/service, identify “target” consumers, assess demand and earnings potential, and develop a marketing plan (who are you going target and how are you going to reach them-in other words: advertising.).
  1. Cost Analysis: Research and estimate the costs of production and pricing.
  1. Team Presentation/Business Report: On an assigned day (week of ______), you will make a formal presentation to potential investors (the class) and turn in a written report.

Note: Your team may on occasion be able to use class time for “board meetings” to discuss your progress, BUT be aware that the majority of work on this project will be done outside of class.

Business Report Questions (TYPED Written Work)

In order to receive full credit, the following must be answered with a reasonable amount of detail. If you want my advice, I would start at question number one as soon as possible and start moving down the line.

  1. What is the name of your business, and why did you choose it? Create and include a picture/copy of a logo of your design with this answer.
  1. List the company’s owners (you and, if applicable, your partners) and their roles, jobs and responsibilities. For example: Who is the president, finance manager, marketing manager, and/or production manager? Please include the duties of each (advertising, personnel, sales, customer service…you understand).
  1. What type of product/service are you proposing to sell (What exactly are you doing)? Why? Describe the product/service. Include a photo or drawing of your product(s) and/or the equipment needed to carry out your services.
  1. How did you add value to your product? How is your product different from all of the other similar services (your competition) out there?
  1. What variety of products did your group brainstorm to sell? In other words, what did you consider doing before you settled on your final idea? Explain why you did not choose these other ideas.
  1. What specific natural resources, labor, and capital will you need to produce, sell and distribute your product? Where and how will your product be PRODUCED? Where will you primarily SELL your product (tell us the specific stores etc.) ?
  1. What kind of market research will you perform to determine if people will buy your product? For instance, do a survey (ask questions) of people you know, random people, store owners? Give specific types of questions or research you did. Construct a survey and ask 10-20 people.Include the survey, results and your learnings from it! What will you do with this new info?
  1. If you will face some competition, who or what is your competition? (Who else does/sells what you do or something similar?). What are their product’s strengths and weaknesses?
  1. Explain the factors you considered when setting the final price for your products/services & be sure to tell us the price consumers will have to pay!
  1. Describe your customer base, or target. In other words, what is the age, gender, personality…of your ideal customer?
  1. Prepare a television commercial (20 seconds-2 minutes MAX!) and print advertisement (1/4 page MIN-1 page MAX) for your company or your products/services. PREPARE A SCRIPT FOR YOUR AD. Make a copy of the tv ad script and print ad. Explain the strategy behind each of your advertisements/commercials.In other words, why did you do this type of ad…, what were you hoping to achieve?
  1. How much money will you need to start the business? Why this amount of cash? What stake (% of company or % of profit) are you offering?

Ground Rules

  • You WILL need approval (from me) on the product/service you decide to develop.
  • If your business involves a PRODUCT, your company musttake an EXISTING PRODUCT to which you have ADDED VALUE. If it is a SERVICE, you must take an EXISTING SERVICE and show how it is different from everything else out there.
  • You may only work with up to TWO other people from THIS class period!

Business Presentations (The Classroom Pitch)

In addition to the above written part, in order to receive full credit you must present your findings to us, the investors.

As a start-up company, it is necessary that you securefinancing to bring your product/service to market. Commercial banks would not be a likely source of funding, as you would be too high of a risk. Therefore, you must go before a group of private investors, who are willing to take the risk (in exchange for a potentially high payout) and invest in your ideas. You must convince the investors that you have a viable and profitable business enterprise.

The following is a list of requirements for the presentations.

  • ALL teammembers involved in the business enterprise are to be present on the assigned presentation date, unless otherwise arranged and approved. All team members are to participate in the written work as well as the presentation itself.
  • Presentations are to be a minimum of five minutes and a maximum of ten minutes.
  • Presentations will include a minimum of 3 visual aids. This is a partial list of possible examples:
  • One print ad for a newspaper or magazine. You have to do this anyway. Why not show it to the group?
  • Product prototype, picture of a possible location/building, tools or machines involved in your business…
  • A graph, logo (again…already done), chart, additional video…
  • PowerPoint.
  • The TV ad does count as a visual.

Presentation Outline

Here is what you will do the day that you present. Remember, you have to do this in 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Introduce your company and your team members (Treat the presentation like a real “pitch” for funding. Consider us as strangers. You do not know us and we do not know you.).
  • Give detailed answers to all of the written questions.
  • Remember you have a certain amount of time (Ten minutes max).
  • Give yourself time to answer the 12 questions in the presentation and then consider if you have to elaborate on an answer.
  • If you have time, go beyond the questions and wow us somehow with your product like through a demo.
  • Present television commercial (radio only if you have time).
  • How much money will you need to start the business? Tell us how much you are asking from us today (Question #12).
  • Answer questions from investors.

Get to work, start now, start now, and start now! Good luck.

Business Project Proposal


STOP! Before you begin, you must clear your business idea with me. Do not (NEVER) lose any part of this handout. The first thing that you must complete is this short form. You will give it to me with your idea on: ______11/20______and then I will return it to you with either my “blessing” or my denial.

Every group must turn in one of these before moving forward with this project!


For this project, I will be working (circle one):1. Alone.2. In a group. (You may choose up to twoothers from this class.). Name(s) of other group members:

General business idea (type of business e.g. partnership with limited liability; what you are planning to do and why):

Why did you choose this type of business? This is the justification for me giving you the points on this assignment. (One paragraph minimum):

Economics/ SS8

Names: ______

Starting a Business Rubric

Do not lose this. Someone in your group must give this to me in order to get a grade on the project. Please put everyone’s name on this!

Written Work

All questions are answered (1-12) completely, in complete and comprehensible sentences and paragraphs!?

Thorough?50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Incomplete!

The Pitch (if over/under -5)


Eye Contact

Looked at Everyone 543210Looked at No One


We can hear you543210Huh?


Engaging543210I Fell Asleep

Any Idiosyncrasies

None 543210 What did you say?

Visual Aid(s) (Minimum of three/Used Appropriately in the Presentation)

1)______(up to 5 points)

2)______(up to 5 points)

3)______(up to 5 points)

Can see from the back 543210 Can’t see

Television Commercial
Within Time 543210Over
Well Done/Time Well Spent 5 4 3 2 1 0 Last Minute
Actually Sold the Product1086420What?

Presentation in prepared and well-polished speech

____1. Introduce yourself? Name of business? Why? Logo or picture included?

____ 2. What are your roles, jobs and responsibilities?

____ 3. What type of product/service are you proposing to sell (What exactly are you doing)? Why? Describe the product/service. Photo or drawing of your product(s) and/or the equipment.

____ 4. If you are proposing to sell a product: How did you add value to your product?

If you are proposing a service: How is your service different from all of the other similar services (your competition) out there?

____ 5. What variety of products did your group brainstorm to sell? In other words, what did you consider doing before you settled on your final idea?Explain why you did not choose other ideas.

____ 6. What specific natural resources, labor, and capital resources will you need to produce, sell and distribute your product? Where and how will your product be produced? Where will you primarily sell your product (tell us the specific stores etc.)?

____7. What kind of market research will you perform to determine if people will buy your product? Did you do a survey? Who did you ask and what questions? What did you learn?

____ 8. If you will face some competition, who or what is your competition? What are the strengths/weaknesses of their product?

____ 9. Explain how you set the price for your products/services and what it is for buyers.

____ 10. Describe your customer base, or target. In other words, what is the age, gender, personality…of your ideal customer?

____ 11. Explain the strategy behind each of your advertisements/commercials/print ads.

____ 12. How much money are you asking for today? Why this amount? What stake in your company are you offering (% of profit and/or % of company)?

Excellent 9080706050403020100Poor


Name of Business:Attire (Extra Credit – Business or Themed):