Training in Internal Dosimetry and Monitoring

There has been some provision for training in internal dosimetry at the European level over recent years, but this has not been systematic.

There is a need to ensure that internal dosimetry expertise across the EU is brought to a common high standard, and that expertise is passed on to younger scientists and those entering the field.

EURADOS Working Group 7 intends to respond to this need by establishing a regular programme of training courses in Internal Dosimetry and Internal Contamination Monitoring. Training in the fundamentals of internal dosimetry and its practical application could be held at appropriate intervals, and complemented by courses/workshops on specialist subjects. The courses would be funded through course fees set at an appropriate level.

This questionnaire aims to establish the level of interest across the EU for various training options. It will only take a few minutes to complete. We would like to receive responses by 15 April 2012, although we will accept later responses. Please complete this form electronically and e-mail to:


(Rec #)
1 / Family Name:
2 / Forename(s):
3 / Organisation:
4 / Address:
5 / line 2
6 / line 3
7 / line 4
8 / Post Code:
9 / Country:
10 / e-mail address:
11 / Level of expertise in internal dosimetry? / Select:a. Noneb. Basicc. Intermediated. Advanced
Type of organisation: / Tick one or more boxes
12a / Nuclear industry
12b / Non-nuclear industry
12c / Government
12d / Regulatory
12e / Dosimetry service
12f / Research
12g / Medical
12h / Education
12i / Other
13 / Enter description
14 / Type of work / Select:a. Nuclear power plantb. Nuclear reprocessing facilityc. Nuclear fuel fabrication facilityd. Decommissioninge. Medical use of radionuclidesf. Production of radiopharmaceuticalsg. Use of NORM materialsh. Uranium miningi. Other miningj. Other / Select most appropriate option
15 / EURADOS member? / Select: Yes No / Yes or No
16 / I am replying for: / Select:a. myselfb. my departmentc. my organisation / Select an option
Check box if “Yes” / Numbers who might attend?
17 / Would you have an interest in a training course in
“Fundamentals of internal dosimetry and its practical application”,
suitable for a scientist who is new to the field?
18 / Would you have an interest in a training course on
“Advanced aspects of internal dosimetry”,
suitable for an internal dosimetry specialist who wishes to know more about recent developments (e.g. ICRP’s Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides document)?
Would you have an interest in a training course on one the following specialist topics:
Numbers who might attend?
19 / “Standards and Guidelines for internal dose assessment”
Training in the use of ISO standards 20553 & 27048 and the IDEAS Guidelines or the assessment of internal dose from monitoring data, using commonly available internal dosimetry software packages as training tools.

20 / “Measurement and assessment of internal contamination using in vivo techniques”
Training in the theory and application of direct bioassay monitoring techniques (body monitoring).
21 / “Measurement and assessment of internal contamination using in vitro techniques”
Training in the theory and application of indirect bioassay monitoring techniques (excreta monitoring).
22 / “Application of Monte Carlo methods for calibration of in vivo monitoring systems”
Practical “hands-on” training in the use of this numerical simulation technique to extend the scope of physical calibration methods.
If you answered “Yes” to question 22, please see the accompanying information on the course, and complete the Supplementary Questionnaire.
23 / “Internal contamination monitoring and internal dose assessment after accidental or deliberate releases of radioactive materials”
Training in individual monitoring in the event of a radiation emergency.
24 / “Internal dose assessment for epidemiology studies and compensation schemes”
Training in the dosimetric methods needed to provide assessments of individual health risk.
25 / “Assessment of uncertainties in internal dose assessments”
Training in recent advances in mathematical methods for uncertainty analysis in internal dosimetry.
26 / “Application of Monte Carlo methods for internal dosimetry calculations”
Training in the application of Monte-Carlo radiation transport codes, voxel phantoms and other novel phantoms for the evaluation of doses to organs and tissues.
27 / “Decontamination and decorporation countermeasures”
Training in methods, protocols, outcomes, and dosimetry.
28 / Would you have an interest in training courses on other specialist topics?
If so, please describe briefly:
29 / Topic 1:
30 / Topic 2:
31 / Topic 3:
32 / What is the ideal length for such training courses? / Select:a. 2 daysb. 3 daysc. 5 daysd. 10 days / Select most appropriate option
Any other comments?


An expression of interest will not be taken as a commitment to attend a particular course

7 March 2012

Supplementary Questionnaire

Training in the application of Monte Carlo radiation transport methods for calibration of in vivo monitoring systems

The Monte Carlo method is a numerical simulation technique that can be used to extend the scope of calibrations performed in in vivo monitoring laboratories. It is widely used in research centres that specialise in in vivo monitoring, but utilisation of these methods is still relatively uncommon outside of such institutions. There is a need to disseminate more widely the expertise that is available in research laboratories, particularly to laboratories that provide in vivo measurement services in (or to) the nuclear industry.

To meet this need, EURADOS Working Group 7 is intending to organise a training course on the application of Monte Carlo methods for calibration of in vivo monitoring systems. It is intended to hold this “hands-on” course in 2013 at the in vivo monitoring laboratory at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany. In addition to lectures provided by experts in the field on the basics of Monte Carlo (MC) methods and associated topics (e.g. physical and virtual phantoms), practical exercises will be provided that are focused on the MC calibration of in vivo counters. Exercises will consist of demonstrated tutorials and hands-on projects. All of the relevant steps in an MC calibration will be demonstrated and explained in the laboratory. The emphasis will be on the use of mathematical phantoms rather than their construction. The course will be complementary to the Voxel Phantom School that was held at IRSN in 2011, (

although attendance at that School is not a necessary prerequisite. Lecture topics and the level of complexity of the exercises will be selected according to the needs and expertise of the students.

In order to take full account of the needs of students, we wish to obtain an overview of the interests and level of expertise of possible participants by means of this short survey. Please complete this form electronically and e-mail to:

(Rec #)
In vivo monitoring
101 / What level of expertise in in vivo monitoring do you possess? / Select:a. Noneb. Basicc. Intermediated. Advanced
102 / What equipment is available in your laboratory? / Enter a brief description: detectors, geometries, shielding, etc.
103 / Typically, how many in vivo measurements do you perform in each year?
104 / Which calibration phantoms do you use?
105 / Does your laboratory operate a quality management system? / Check box if “Yes”
106 / Is the quality management system accredited? / Check box if “Yes”
Monte Carlo methods
107 / Does your laboratory currently apply Monte Carlo radiation transport methods for in vivo calibrations? / Check box if “Yes”
108 / If not, do you wish to make use of Monte Carlo methods for in vivo calibrations in the future? / Check box if “Yes”
109 / What level of expertise with the MCNP code do you possess? / Select:a. Noneb. Basicc. Intermediated. Advanced
110 / Could you bring a licensed copy of MCNP on a laptop to the course? / Check box if “Yes”
111 / Would you be interested in performing a limited set of practical exercises before attending the course? / Check box if “Yes”
The training course
How many participants from your organisation might attend:
112 / At technician level? / Enter number
113 / At degree level (bachelor or master’s degree)?
114 / At doctorate level?
115 / What length of course would you prefer? / Select:a. 3 daysb. 5 days / Select option
116 / How much of the course should be allocated to “hands-on” work? / Enter %
117 / Please provide an e-mail address if you wish to receive further information on the course
Any other comments?

7 March 2012