ǂ Breakfast Casseroles are needed for our Easter morning breakfast. Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you are able to help out with this project. Recipes are also available. Any questions, contact Ray or Lori Boes.
ǂ High schoolers! Join us as we volunteer at TruNorthon Friday, 3/23 from 6-8pm. We will be packing food for 'Feed My Starving Children' a Christian, non-profit organization committed to feeding starving children around the world. This is a very exciting opportunity to get to serve! Let Amber & Justin know if you would like to join. See information.
ǂ High schoolers, young adults, and those young at heart: we will be joining other local youth groups for a worship night at our churchfrom 6-7:30pm on Sunday, April 8.Contemporary worship music will be led by Tyler Burt; and there will be a potluck to follow! Please bring a dish to pass.
ǂ Middle Mania: We are heading to Rebounderz trampoline park in Grand Rapids this Friday. If your child plans to attend please sign up by Tuesday, March 20! Sign up with Pastor Nate via email at or text 231-624-1916. Every participant must also fill out a waiver before jumping! Go to to fill out the waiver. On Friday March 23 we will meet at Reeman CRC at 5:30pm. We will eat pizza at church and then travel to Rebounderz to jump from 7:30–9:00pm. We will return to Reeman CRC around 10:30pm (Divers needed: Call Pastor Nate at 231-624-1916 if you can help.)
ǂ The new Church Directory is completed and you can pick up a copy at the Welcome Center – one copy per family or single member. A HUGE THANKYOU to all those who worked so hard on the Directory. Your work is much appreciated!!
ǂ First Reformed Church hosts, Response to Active Shooter Incidents on Monday, March 19, from 7-8pm. Crime Prevention Officer Ryan Dornbos will be leading this discussion. Knowing what to do is critical. Empower yourself with education. This event is open to the public.
Reeman Christian Reformed Church
March 18, 2018
Welcome and Announcements
*Call To Worship: Psalm 24
*Opening Song: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
*God’s Greeting
*Mutual Greeting
Time of Confession and Renewal
Prayer of Confession
Holy and merciful God,
We confess to you and to one another,
that we have sinned by our own fault in thought, word, and
deed,by what we have done and by what we have left
We confess to you, O God, all our past unfaithfulness:
the pride and hypocrisy inour lives.
We confess to you, O God, our self-indulgent appetites
and ways and taking advantage of other people.
We confess to you, O God, our anger and refusal to
forgive others.
We confess to you, O God, our envy of those more
fortunate than us and our lack of gratitude for your
blessings to us.
We confess to you, O God, our apathy towards
matters of faith, and negligence inprayer and
We confess to you, O God, for substituting lust for love
exploiting others in the process.
Have mercy on us, O God.
Through Christ Jesus our Savior. Amen.
Congregational Prayer
*Song: “Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit”
Children's Message
Prayer Of Illumination
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-34
Sermon: “Treasure Hunters”
*Song of Response: “Seek Ye First the Kingdom”
*Departing Blessing
*Song: “Lord Dismiss Us with Your Blessing”
*Moment of Meditation
* Indicates standing
Organist: Carla Proctor Pianist: Patti Van Dyke
Greeting us today: Ed & Kathy Bushen
Next Sunday: Paul & Trincie Frens
Caring for our children this morning: Patti Van Dyke, Aimee
Richards, Grace Krick, Samantha Bennett
Next Sunday: Paula DeLong,Rebecca Krick, Jessica Buter, Katelynne Gerth
Fellowship time: Chad Heykoop & Scott Tyink
Mar. 25 – Rich DeLong & Duane Luchies
Apr. 1 – Easter Breakfast
Apr. 8 – Dan Folkema & Stan Rottier
Worship Center Leaders: Rebecca Krick & Molly Kooistra
ext Sunday: Rebecca Krick & Myah Wiersema
Ushers today: Jeff Clark& Jim Bazzett
Next Sunday: Noah Krick & Jim Bazzett
ǂ CoffeeBreak will meet Tuesday, 9:30 – 11 @ Second CRC.
ǂ Praise Team will rehearse at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.
ǂ Coffee Time helpers needed: If you would be willing to make coffee after church, please contact Marcia Lubbers
Due to our addition project, we are going to be moving our paper truck off campus for a while and will not be taking any newspaper. The paper trailer will go away in about a week. We would love to have your newspaper until then, so please drop it off. Stay tuned for the future paper truck plans. Thank you for your support in our paper drive!
ǂ FCS Canter Run 5K
The CANter 5k run/walk will take place onSaturday, April 14 at 10:00 am! The cost is $10 + a bag of food donations for TRUNorthCommunity Services (checks can be made payable to Fremont Christian School). All who are registered byFriday, April 6are guaranteed a t-shirt! Register either in person at the FCS office or by emailing Joel DeHaan .
ǂ Spectrum Health Hospice is offering volunteer orientations for individuals who are interested in providing compassionate support for patients nearing the end of life.
Volunteer opportunities are available for those who can offer respite care for a caregiver, friendly visits, document a patient’s life story, singers, instrumentalists, visiting therapy pets and for licensed cosmetologists to support patients receiving hospice care in their homes or at long term care facilities. If you have a caring spirit and some time to give – we can use your help to help others! Average time commitment is one hour per week after orientation is completed. There is no cost for thetraining and all the training materials; therefore, we do ask volunteers to commit to volunteering for at least a year after training.
We’ve recently implemented a new training format that will allow candidates to complete some of the required training through an online program at your convenience. The goal is to shorten the on-boarding process and add more flexibility in the training process making it easier for interested individuals to join our volunteer program. Once the online piece is completed, you are eligible to register for one of the in-person trainings that is listed below.
Volunteer Orientation Date Options:
Date:April 17, 9:00am-1:00pm and April 24, 9:00am-1:00pmLocation:Fremont
Date:May 8, 12:00pm-4:00pm and May 15, 12:00pm-4:00pmLocation:Big Rapids
Date:May 19, 9:00am-5:00pmLocation:Grand Rapids
If you would like more information or have any questions, please call the volunteer office at 616-391-4240 or email us .