שאלה 1 (52 נקודות):

להלן קוד המטפל בליין-מסיבות, ובהמשך פלט ל- main המצורף.

עליכם להשלים את חלקי הקוד החסרים.

#include iostream

Using namespace std;

const int MAX_NAME_LEN = 20;

typedef struct


char nickName[MAX_NAME_LEN];

char favoriteSong[MAX_NAME_LEN];

} DJ_t;

typedef struct


char location[MAX_NAME_LEN];

DJ_t* theDJ; // the DJ that is playing in the party,

// NULL if it is not set yet

} party_t;

typedef struct


char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];

int year;

party_t* parties[12][31]; // pointer to party in each day of the year,

// NULL if there is no party

} line_t;

void readDJ(DJ_t* theDJ);

void readParty(party_t* theParty);

void printDJ(const DJ_t* theDJ);

void printParty(const party_t* theParty);

void printLine(const line_t* theClub);

void main()


line_t theLine = {"80s", 2013};

bool fContinue = true;

char answer;

int i, j;

while (fContinue)


printf("\nAdd another party? ");


scanf("%c", &answer);

if (answer == 'n' || answer == 'N')

fContinue = false;



int month, day;

cout < "Enter month and day --> ";

cin > month > day;

if (theLine.parties[month-1][day-1] != NULL)


cout < "Sorry, there is already a party in this date..\n";




theLine.parties[month-1][day-1] = new party_t;






// free all memory

for (i=0 ; i < 12 ; i++)


for (j=0 ; j < 31 ; j++)


if (theLine.parties[i][j] != NULL)


if (theLine.parties[i][j]->theDJ != NULL)

delete theLine.parties[i][j]->theDJ;

delete theLine.parties[i][j];





void readDJ(DJ_t* theDJ)


cout < "Enter the DJ's name: ";


cin.getline(theDJ->nickName, MAX_NAME_LEN);

cout < "Enter the DJ's favorite song: ";


cin.getline(theDJ->favoriteSong, MAX_NAME_LEN);


void readParty(party_t* theParty)


char answer;

cout < "Enter the location: ";


cin.getline(theParty->location, MAX_NAME_LEN);

cout < "Does this party have a DJ (Y/N)? ";

cin > answer;

if (answer == 'Y' || answer == 'y')


theParty->theDJ = new DJ_t;




theParty->theDJ = NULL;


void printDJ(const tDJ* theDJ)


cout < "nickName: " < theDJ->nickName < ", Song: "

< theDJ->favoriteSong < endl;


void printParty(const party_t* theParty)


cout < "location: " < theParty->location;

cout < " DJ: ";

if (theParty->theDJ != NULL)



cout < "NONE";

cout < "\n";


void printLine(const line_t* theClub)


cout < "\nThese are the parties in " theClub->year

" in the line \" < theClub->name "\"\n",

for (int i=0 ; i < 12 ; i++)


cout < "Parties in month #" < i+1 < ":\n";

for (int j=0 ; j < 31 ; j++)


if (theClub->parties[i][j] != NULL)


cout < "\t";







Add another party? y

Enter month and day --> 1 19

Enter the location: The Caliph

Does this party have a DJ (Y/N)? y

Enter the DJ's name: Eran Barnea

Enter the DJ's favorite song: Vogue

Add another party? y

Enter month and day --> 3 17

Enter the location: The Riff

Does this party have a DJ (Y/N)? n

Add another party? y

Enter month and day --> 1 19

Sorry, there is already a party in this date..

Add another party? y

Enter month and day --> 2 13

Enter the location: TLV

Does this party have a DJ (Y/N)? n

Add another party? n

These are the parties in 2013 in the line "80s":

Parties in month #1:

location: The Caliph DJ: nickName: Eran Barnea, Song: Vogue

Parties in month #2:

location: TLV DJ: NONE

Parties in month #3:

location: The Riff DJ: NONE

Parties in month #4:

Parties in month #5:

Parties in month #6:

Parties in month #7:

Parties in month #8:

Parties in month #9:

Parties in month #10:

Parties in month #11:

Parties in month #12:

Press any key to continue . . .


שאלה 2 (48 נקודות):

להלן הגדרת משתנים בתוכנית. מהו פלט התוכנית?

void main()


char* arr[] = {"abc", "defh", "ijklm", "no"};

cout < **arr < endl;

cout < arr[2] < endl;

cout < &arr[2][1]+2 < endl;

cout < *(&arr[2][1]+2) < endl;


סעיף א' (20 נקודות):

צייר את זכרון התוכנית (גם את ה- stack וגם את ה- static storage).

הנח כי המשתנים שעל ה- stack מתחילים בכתובת 1000 והם נמצאים ברצף כתובות עולה עפ"י סדר הגדרתם. בציור יש לכלול את שם המשתנה, ערכו וכתובתו.

פלט התוכנית:



