First Grade Other Subjects Rubric

First Grade
Other Subjects Rubric / 1-Limited Understanding of Grade Level Standard / 2-Progressing Towards Grade Level Standard / 3-Meets Grade Level Standard / E-Exceeds Grade Level Standard
Social Studies
Identify what it means to be a citizen (1.1)
QTR 1 / Has not identified what it means to be a citizen. / Identifies what it means to be a citizen.
Create sketch maps to illustrate spatial information about familiar places (
QTR 4 / Creates an incomplete sketch map. / Creates a sketch map and is able to explain the relative location of items on the map.
Use observations of the sun, moon and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted. (1-ESS1-1)
QTR 1 / Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to show how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. / Meets all criteria for a 1 as well as:
Explains how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. / Meets all criteria for a 2 as well as:
Determines improvements necessary to make the model better.
Applies learning to a real-life situation.
Recognize how an animal’s or plant’s habitat and attributes help it survive. (1-LS1.A )
QTR 4 / Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to show how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. / Meets all criteria for a 1 as well as:
Explains how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. / Meets all criteria for a 2 as well as:
Determines improvements necessary to make the model better
applies learning to a real-life situation.
Create a balanced meal across food groups & explain how food is fuel for the body & brain (#1).
QTR 3 / Requires significant teacher support to explain how food is fuel for the body & brain and create a balanced meal across the food groups. / Explains how food is fuel for the body & brain and creates a balanced meal across food groups.
Identify body parts and their functions.
QTR 3 / Can identify 0-4 facts about the body parts and describe their functions. / Can identify 5-7 facts about the body parts and describe their functions. / Can identify 8-12 facts about the body parts and describe their functions.
Art – assess quarters 2 and 4
Identify fundamentals of art including color, line, shape, texture, space.
Standard: / Student needs significant teacher guidance to understand or identify the fundamentals of visual art or does not participate. / Student is developing the ability to understand and identify the fundamentals of visual art. / Student is able to understand and identify the fundamentals of visual art. / Student demonstrates mastery of the fundamentals of visual art.
Identify and use tools and materials from 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional artwork.
Standards:, / Student needs significant teacher guidance when using tools for two and three-dimensional media of art. / Student is developing the ability to identify and use two and three-dimensional tools / Student is able to identify and use two and three-dimensional tools / Student is able to demonstrate mastery of the two and three-dimensional tools.
Media – assessed quarters 2 and 4
Protect individual privacy, respect the privacy of others, and navigate safely when using technology
Standards D.1, D.2, D.3 / Student is not able to identify important private data correctly and needs significant teacher help with navigation / Student is able to identify important private data correctly and safely navigate technology 50% of the time. / Student is able to identify important private data correctly and safely navigates technology.
Understands and uses technology equipment to perform basic operations.
A.1 – A.4, B.1 – B.3 / Student does not perform basic operations correctly and needs significant teacher help. / Student performs basic operations correctly but not appropriately. / Student uses all equipment correctly, ensuring that it can be used by others who follow them.
When analyzing selected music, student reads and performs rhythmic patterns using standard or iconic notation.
Standards MU: Pr4.2.1b / Student cannot perform selected pattern or does not attempt. / Student reads and/or performs patterns correctly with limited guidance. / Student reads and/or performs patterns independently.
Student vocally demonstrates knowledge of melodic contour and pitch.
Standards MU: Pr4.1.1a / Student uses no inflection in voice or does not attempt. / Student demonstrates melodic contour and pitch with limited guidance. / Student demonstrates melodic contour and pitch independently.
Student demonstrates and/or describes music’s expressive qualities.
Standard MU: Pr4.3.1a / Student does not attempt. / Student inconsistently demonstrates or describes correctly. / Student consistently demonstrates or describes correctly.
Physical Education
Demonstrate motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform activities.
Standard 1 / Student does not attempt skill or movement pattern. / Student attempts skill or movement pattern. / Student independently completes skill or movement pattern.
Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior in phy. ed settings
Standard 4 / Student does not follows teacher's directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment. / Student follows teacher's directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with occasional teacher reminders. / Student consistently follows teacher's directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment without teacher reminders.
Actively engages in physical education class
Standard 3:E2 / Student engages inconsistently during skills and/or activity assigned. / Student engages in skills and activities with occasional reminders. / Student engages fully in all skills and activities.