Friends of Ketley Paddock Mound

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 17th January 2017 at KCC

Present:Wendy Stubbs, Fen Tyler, Chris Tyler, Maggie Evans, Ken Stowe, Peter Cotton,Chris Cotton, Liz Young, Di Ratcliffe, Mary Richards (Minutes)

Apologies:June Lamsdell

Minutes of the previous meeting and any matters arising

There were no matters arising


No report in June’s absence but there are Room Hire bills to be paid, also reimbursements to individuals.

Removal of trees update

Liz had toured the site with Adrian Corney and the Tree Preservation Officer.They agreed which trees should be removed.Quotes were presented at the Quarterly meeting.Amrik and Phil selected the cheaper one - from ‘Access to Trees’(James Plaskett?)

Work scheduled to begin at half-term, 20 February for 3 days.

Some tree trunks (Sycamore) to be taken to the Glade, the rest chipped and taken to top of mound, any surplus to be removed.

Di suggested vertical ‘planting’of stumps for bug hotels or to make steps.

ACTION: to look for possible places for this eg Tunnel area

Fen asked about progress on the Screen from St Gobain.Liz said she would follow up.

Information from the Quarterly meeting including work party management plan for the next three months

The meeting was held on 9/1/17, there was no site visit.

Adrian Corney proposed that the Round Pool clearance might take place on 2 February.No progress on training for the Friends to do such work - SWT considers it too difficult and unsafe for voluntary groups.

However the Friends would like to take part with TWS support.

Provision of mattocks was requested for removal of small sycamores.

Holly cutting

Fen asked about moving the fence in the corner of the horse paddock.

Litter Bin for the paddock.

The Parish Council are expecting Friends’support for the Easter Egg Hunt.Maggie suggested Wed 12 April, maybe working with Sam.

SWT affiliation

The application has been signed and sent off.

Green Heroes and other support

It is thought they are committed time-wise until March.They have to be ‘booked’for specific tasks.Suggestions: repairing hedging, making use of the removed trees - steps etc.

ACTION:Liz to ask Kay about use in the Glade.Wendy to make the request to Green Heroes


SWT for training with tools eg Chipper?

Lantern Parade8/1/17

All responses positive to the success of the event.Comments from Parish Council included “professionally organised”.

It should become an annual event.Di suggested it take place before Christmas to include carol singing.


Update on Veolia bid for a dipping platform.No news yet but Fen positive this would be successful.

Ken mentioned an offer on Spring bulbs he had seen and wondered if the group might make a purchase.This led neatly on to the next item....

7.30 pmJohn Box Question and Answer session

These are some of the answers/comments John made:

Wild flowers

Could try spring bulbs eg bluebells, (not sure about snowdrops) in different locations and see how they go.Wood Anemones or other similar native species - just try.

Water plants/Water

Avoid buying any from Garden Centres - danger of bringing in invasive species eg New Zealand Pygmy Weed

Our Round Pond has Common Reed - we can be ruthless in clearing, dredging is best, the pond needs sunlight and then nature will do its stuff.There should be money available to do this and the Canal.See what Adrian can do.Build up relationships with Veolia, St Gobain and whoever to try for corporate grants - maybe need £10K for the pond and £20K for the canal.

Suggested going to look at The Beeches where they have cleared 90% of the pond there and it looks great.

John sticks by his original advice to intervene with current vegetation - remove trees, cutbacketc.

He thinks the top mound should be ploughed not harrowed - would be great publicity to get a plough and horses.

Could try orchard treeseg plum, damson, cherry but would need to be in sunny places out of wind.

John asked about progress on LNR status.Fen said thatthe application had gone to Natural England.John said to push Parish Councillors to push T&W legal dept on this if necessary as they tend to be slow.Fen said he would check with Fran Lancaster.

John is willing to come to look round the site evenings or weekends if asked.

John was thanked for his attendance and his useful comments.

Date of next meeting

Tuesday 21 March 7pm