Rodeo Palms Jr. High Class Syllabus
Welcome to 6th Grade English Language Arts with Mrs. Patterson
This year In ELA you will continue to develop an appreciation of written and spoken language. As readers, sixth graders experience more sophisticated works of literature for study and analysis in the classroom. We will read and analyze literature from the various genres and in its many forms: novels, articles, newspapers, short stories, poems, etc; follow the steps of the writing process to write clear, coherent drafts and compositions; review areas of grammar; and enhance your vocabulary.
Course Content and Instruction: This course utilizes several methods including reading, analyzing, note taking, journal and essay writing, cooperative learning, discussion, drawing, manipulatives, projects, and research.
Technology: We will use technology for assignments in and out of class. There will be several occasions therefore you must have access to a working computer, internet and fully functional printer. Computers are available in the campus library before and after school if you are suffering from technical difficulties at home. It is your responsibility to plan ahead and meet the requirements of each assignment. Technical difficulties will not be accepted as a valid excuse for incomplete work. Our campus has adopted a NO CELL PHONE policy unless the instructor permits. Therefore unless otherwise notified, please understand that personal devices must be in the off position.
Classwork: Unless otherwise noted, class work is due the same day. Not completing class work on time will result in a grade deduction and possible removal from other activities. Each day that an assignment is late, it will incur a 10-point deduction. Per district policy, after three days, a zero will be given. You are encouraged to come in to tutorials for help or to finish work. *You must come directly to my classroom when the announcement is made in order to attend after school tutorials.
Tutorial Times: Thursdays: 8:00-8:40am
Absences: After an absence, you should check the absent folder for your make-up work on your FIRST day back. Per district policy, you have THREE days from the date you return to school to submit the completed work unless other arrangements are made with your parent. It is your responsibility to request absent work/make-up.Please consult with the instructor even if nothing is present in the absent folder.
Make up Assignments: You MUST redo any assignment marked “redo” in the top corner, or, if you are dissatisfied with a grade, you may come in to tutorials and make corrections to homework, class work, or quizzes to raise the grade to a <70. You may also retake ONE test grade/grading period. ALL make-up work is due within three days from the day it was returned to you, or the grade will stand as is. It is my desire that each of you be successful in my class; however, it is your responsibility to come in to tutorials to make-up assignments.
Reading Expectations!!
Your child will be reading independently for 10 minutes 4 times a week and one whole class period per week. It is very important that the student has a book in his/her backpack everyday to read in this class. One day per weekwe will read for the entire class period. Your child will be responsible for having a book that they are currently reading to take out and read. You can help your child meet these expectations bydiscussing what they’re reading and making sure they leave home with the book in their backpacks.
3 Composition Notebooks
1 Pencil pouch w/Pencils and pens
(2) Packages of Notebook paper
(1) Pack of Map pencils (color pencils)
2 packs of index cards
1 pack of 6 colored sticky notes / 6 glue sticks
1 box of tissue
Supplies: The following supplies are needed daily from each student: Book, composition notebook and #2 pencils or a pen.
The standing homework assignment for all language arts classes in all grade levels is to read for at least 30 minutes each night. Please help your child find a quiet time and space to achieve this goal. Silent sustained reading is the most important skill that affects every aspect of learning, including vocabulary development and reading fluency. Additional homework will be given in the form of an Article of the Week and occasionally in the form of projects. Discussing and helping your child with their homework is encouraged as it keeps you aware of how well they are progressing.
Grades: Grading Policy & Scale: ALL class work, homework, essays, tests, quizzes, and projects will count as a grade. The grading scale is consistent with the district policy (90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 75-79 = C, 70-74 = D, and 69> = F). Grades are follow district guidelines for ELA: Major Grades = 50%, Daily Grades = 50%.
Progress reports will be given out about twice per nine weeks. It is highly recommended that parents view their students’ grades through AISD’s online grade book program Skyward. Please visit or call the front office (281-245-2078) for a login and password.
Restroom/Hall Breaks
Students are given a planner that has a hall pass form to fill out each time they leave the classroom. If a planner is lost, a new one will cost $5.00 in the front office. Encourage your child to use their time between classes wisely and to use the planner passes only in emergencies.
With the exception of bottled water, no food, drink, gum, or candy is allowed in the classroom. These things should stay in their backpacks while in class.
Remind/ Skyward and Class Dojo
REMIND connects me to you and your student. This program allows me to text important reminders (i.e. “Don’t forget you have a test tomorrow!”) to your cell phone and your child’s cell phone. You can join by downloading the app and enter Text message: @977c9c. Class Dojo provides updates regarding your child’s behavior please download app and pick up student code.
Class Website: Rodeo Palms
It is extremely important to stay in contact with each other in order to keep your child focused on schoolwork. Please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone at any time for any concerns you may have. Thank you for your support. I’m looking forward to an excellent year. 281-245-2078 ext 5231
My signature below indicates: I have read and understand this class syllabus. I give my child permission to use the internet. I give my child permission to watch movie excerpts, possibly including PG-13, in ELA class this year. In addition, the first ELA grade the students receive will be a 100 for returning this form signed by August 24th.
Student Name ______Period #______
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Name ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
Work Phone: ______E-mail: ______