Ankeny Rotary Board Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2012

Present: Doug Beech, Ron Bode, Justin Carlton, Julie Cooper, Tim Cox, Terri Crist, Shar Dunlap, Dennis Hanson, Jim Ramsey, Jody Savage, Gary Welch and Dirk Westercamp.

President Beech called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. at the Wig & Pen.

Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the February 9, 2012, meeting were reviewed. DirkWestercamp moved to approve the minutes. SharDunlap seconded the motion and it was approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Jim Ramsey presented the Treasurer’s report. It showed a balance in the bank as of 3/07/2012 was $49,269.87. To date, 73% of Active members and 44% of honorary members have paid their invoices for the third quarter, January through March. Accounts receivable, total $4,965.00. Year-to-date donations have totaled $17,365.80. Julie Cooper moved to approve the report, Shar Dunlap seconded it and the motion was approved.

Service Chairs:

Donations: Kathy Sibbel finished up the Pajama Project and it was a success. Kathy Weatherwax will be in next week to accept the check from Dollars for Scholars.

Community Service: Doug Beech and Terry Petermet with the Jaycee’s this morning to talk about ways the Jaycee’s could help the project. Terry has a finance committee together and has begun making calls. The club considered a contribution donation to jumpstart the fundraiser. After open discussion, there was a motion to commit $25,000.00 over the next three years to the Trailhead Project. Dennis Hanson moved to approve and it was seconded by Dirk Westercamp.

Foundation/Funding: Terry Crist confirmed that our foundation funding has been sent into the district.

Membership: It was reported that the club currently had 63 Active and 9 Honorary for a total of 72 members. There was a proposed new member sent in for a Pat Timmins. Julie Cooper moved for a motion to approve and Shar Dunlap seconded the approval. Mark Giovanetti has not been able to attend meetings because he is working out of state. There was a motion to terminate his membership at this time. Shar Dunlap made the motion and it was seconded by Dirk Westercamp.

Public Relations: The photo of Steve Gibbons receiving a donation should be in the paper on March 13.

Social: It was reported that the social committee is trying to work out a date on a Barnstormer game. In addition, the Civic Center reached out to Julie Cooper to offer discounts to Rotarians on upcoming plays and shows. More details will follow.

Programs: Dirk Westercamp reported that he is working on two programs off-site for July 10 and 24. He should have final approval on those in the near future.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Gary Welch updated the Board on the GSE tour. They have lined up a John Deere tour and are working with DMACC on some other matters. Gary and Dennis Hanson have set up a reception for them the night they will be at our club meeting. Gary needs more volunteers to drive the GSE team.

Discussion was held on having the Golf Ball Drop again this year. Last year we sold 674 tickets for a profit of approximately $5,000.00, of which $3,000.00 went to the Service Center and $2,000.00 to the Rotary. The group decided to do the fundraiser again, but we do need a chair for the committee. The club also discussed asking the Service Center to get all the necessary gambling licenses and that the club would sell the tickets. We also agreed to get a Summerfest booth for $200.00.

The Board also authorized $50.00 to Gary Welch to get an auction item for the district convention coming up in April.

Also, there was discussion about moving the auction to the first of May. Everyone seemed to think we should keep it in February. The Board also decided that it was necessary fundraising especially after our commitment to the Trailhead Project.

It was also brought up that we go back to having someone do the prayer at the meetings instead of using the book. It was felt that the prayers were more personal, but the book could still be used on special occasions.

Next meeting: April 12, 2011 at the Wig & Pen.

Dirk Westercamp moved to adjourn and JulieCooper seconded the motion. President Beech adjourned the meeting at 12:58.

Respectfully submitted,

Doug Beech,Club President