A meeting of the Playing Fields and Recreation Committee was held in the Parish Office on 19th May 2015.

Present: Cllrs A Greenway (Chairman), D Pikett, A Lowen and G Watkin

Also Present: Mr T Peachman (Welton FC) and Mrs M Spalding (WS&SC)

Clerk: Mrs J Murray

15/05/35 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman wished everyone a good evening, welcomed Cllr Watkin and thanked Councillors for re-electing him as Chairman of the Committee in his absence.

15/05/36 Non-Councillor Member Co-option

  • On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Greenway, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to co-opt Mr T Peachman as the representative for Welton Football Club and on a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Lowen, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to co-opt Mrs M Spalding as the representative for Welton Sports & Social Club. No representative from the Bowls Club was present
  • No Youth Members were present

15/05/37 Apologies

Mrs Hilditch (Bowls Club) sent her apologies.

15/05/38 Disclosure of pecuniary interests


15/05/39 Minutes

On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the notes of the meeting held on 16th March 2015 be approved and signed as the minutes.

15/05/40Clerk’s Report

The Clerk had nothing to report on this occasion.


Acculine – Quote for road marking in Manor Park car park

RoadArt Ltd – Quote for road marking in Manor Park car park

GM Road Markings – Quote for road marking in Manor Park car park

SAS Lining Services Ltd – Quote for road marking in Manor Park car park

Steven Hunt Plumbing Services – Quote for repair to MPK hot water system

Continental Landscapes – Quote for grass cutting at Manor Park

15/05/42Financial matters

Members were provided with a final report for the financial year 2014/15.

15/05/43User Reports

Youth Representative – No representative present

Bowls Club – No representative present

15/05/44 Welton Football Club

Terry Peachman reported that is had been the most harmonious year working with the PC for a long time and it is much appreciated. It has also been a successful year with 4 teams collecting trophies, 3 teams have won and 1 was runner up. Credit was due to all the Managers and members of the Club. Two complimentary letters had been received by the Club, one from a Referee who wrote to the league about the way a Manager had handled some disrespect by a player in a very sporting way and one from Horncastle FC complimenting three of the teams on the sporting way in which they presented themselves at a tournament. It had been overall a really enjoyable season.


  • Public Access Defibrillator – The matter had been discussed at their Managers’ meeting and on a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Greenway it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to proceed on the basis that funding will be sourced by the Clerk and if not successful, the cost of purchasing a unit would come from the PF&R Committee budget. Siting – consider where it would be easily accessible. Signage. Purchase from aadefib.com. It was essential for it to be housed in a cabinet with a digital lock and be accessible only with a key code obtained via a 999 call.

15/05/45Welton Sports & Social Club

The Fun Day will not be going ahead, but will hopefully next year. The field is booked in to be fed and weeded. Can the football pitch be turned around? The Club will draw a plan to see if it is feasible.

15/05/46 Manor Park Facility matters

  • Scale of fees to be levied for the use of Manor Park facilities for 2015/16. RPI is at 0%. On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to make no increase to fees. Assess again in 6 months to check the RPI hasn’t increased.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to sign the Service Level Agreement. FC will take it to their AGM.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Watkin, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the lowest quotation in respect of grass cutting and pitch maintenance. What weed killer/fertilisers are used? The Clerk will make enquiries.
  • Annual Play Equipment Inspections have been received and are available to view in the office. All immediate repairs have been actioned and other comments noted.

Manor Park – Skate park all OK, play area recommending replacement. New equipment has been ordered and is awaiting delivery.

Ryland Road Playing Field – Items have been addressed that required immediate attention. Other items will be replaced in time as funding becomes available.

No further action required.

  • Picnic benches – put on Ryland Road Playing Field when play equipment has been replaced.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Watkin, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the lowest quote for re-lining the disabled parking bays and hashing a no parking area immediately behind them. Ambulance access signs need to be sought.
  • An e-mail had been received from a hirer of the facility regarding security arrangements. It was agreed that the Contract of Hire had been broken and they knew what they had signed. Concerns are that the building can be accessed by anybody if it is left unlocked. On a proposal from Cllr Lowen, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was RESOLVED following a unanimous vote to waive the alarm callout fee this time, but if it happens again then the fee will be charged. They need to check the alarm is off before entering the building.

15/05/47 Play Areas

  • Manor Park – already covered under 15/05/46.
  • Grant funding applications for the refurbishment of the Ryland Road Playing Area update – Armed Forces grant terms and conditions are in the process of being revised and they will notify when ready for applications to be submitted.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Watkin, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to send Rob and Hal on a Routine Play Area Inspection Training course at Langworth on 15th July 2015.

15/05/48 Ryland Road Playing Field

Roller in the Beck – WS&SC will have a look and see if they have someone with a tractor to pull it out.

15/05/49 Councillors’ Reports
