World War II Project
In your selected groups of two or on your own, you will be researching one of the topics below and creating a PowerPoint presentation, model, or poster to display in to present to the rest of the class in our class museum. Project topics, listed below, will be chosen through a drawing.
Hitlers Government
The Blitz
Women in war
Gas Masks
Air Raid Shelters
Battle of Britain
Children during the war
New Weapons
New Technology
Fashion (clothes)
* If you have a topic not listed in mind, talk to me to see if it is acceptable.
Project Requirements:
- Presentations should be at least 5-8 minutes in length – see rubric.
- Presented information is factual – see rubric.
- Presentation is organized and concepts are understood – see rubric.
- Presentation is created using PowerPoint (required) or Prezi (if you know how to use it)
- Group dynamics are positive and group goals are reached – see rubric.
- A student note sheet of your topic is created and provided for remaining students to take notes on your topic
Research chosen topic (Do we have all the research to explain the subtopics? )
- Do more than a definition but don’t write a book
Collect your research individually and then come together and decide what to include
PowerPoint and Note sheet Requirements
- If not emailed to me () or given me a copy of your PowerPoint on Edmodo - - 4 points
At least 5-8 minutes long
Must have at least 2 pictures per slide (relevant to the slide) -2 pts per picture missing
- If found to be copy and pasted - -20 points off total score earned
No requirement for number of slides but MAKE THEM READABLE and INTERESTING
Student Note sheet (Skeletal notes) – other students will fill in as you are giving your presentation ( you will get this Monday 3/3/14
- 1 copy of note sheet is due to Mr. Frazier no later than the day BEFORE you present
- – 3 to 5 points if you turn in note sheet the DAY you are presenting
Only 1 partner needs to speak during presentation (both can if you want)
Make sure you know what you are talking about
Note – Late Work policy applies
- If you partner is absent on assigned day – either:
1) You can do the presentation and partner will receive a 15% deduction on score earned
*even if your partner was not going to say anything, still a deduction (not there for support and/or answering questions)
2) You don’t do the presentation and both receive a 15 % deduction on score earned
Teacher Scoring Rubric
Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0
Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0
Daily Research & Creating Present. / 4 / 0
Power Point is emailed or copy of pages turned in by march 24 / 0
NOT submitted by midnight of October 7th
TOTAL 20 pts
Project is accurate to WW I standards - FACTS / 10
Accurate and All subtopics discussed / 7
Accurate but 1 -2 subtopics not discussed / 5
Obvious incorrect facts and/or 1 -2 subtopics not discussed / 2
Obvious incorrect facts and 3 or more subtopics not discussed
Project shows effort in research / 10
Very complete information; well researched obvious; knowledge of topic evident / 7
Information somewhat complete (missing some important facts); somewhat well researched; knowledge of topic evident / 5
Information is missing; not well researched; Somewhat familiar with their topic / 2
Information is missing; poor research; Is not familiar with their topic
Slides are neat (not too wordy) and organized enhancing understanding; / 10
Slides are neat and organized; easy to understand / 7
Slides are somewhat neat and organized (font too small; too many words) / 5
Slides are not neat and not well organized (font too small, too many words, too many errors) / 2
Slides are not neat and not well organized (font too small; too many words, too many errors)
2 pictures per slide requirement
- 2 pts per missing / All slides have required 2 pictures / ______slides were missing 1 picture / ______slides were missing 2 pictures / TOTAL DEDUCTION
Project is creative and utilizes PowerPoint technology / 10
Creativity and time/effort obvious / 7
Creative but more time/effort should have been put into it / 5
Somewhat creative and more time/effort should have been put into it / 2
Not very creative (too plain) and evident that little time put into it
Presentation is ten minutes in length with questions / 10
5-8 minutes+ / 7
4 minutes / 5
3 minutes / 2
Less than 2 minutes
Audio or Video Clip / + 5
Audio/Video clip included / BONUS
Project is presented on assigned day / 10
Day assigned / _____ day(s) late
- 5% of score / TOTAL DEDUCTION
Student Note sheet / 10
Turned in day before presentation and includes important info. / 7
Turned in day before presentation but is missing important info. / 5
Student note sheet turned day of presentation and important information included / 2
Student note sheet turned in day of presentation and is missing important info.
TOTAL 70 pts
Teacher’s Score
*Pds 4,7 - Average / ______/ 90 pts
Partner or Self Evaluation Score / 10
See eval sheet / 7
See eval sheet / 5
See eval sheet / 2
See eval sheet
TOTAL / ______100 pts
Partner Evaluation Sheet
YOUR NAME:______
10Partner did excellent job; covered all their material; never doubted research or presentation creation / 7
Partner did a good job; covered most of all their material; had some doubt about their research or presentation creation but trusted he/she would come through / 5
Partner did an ok job; covered some of their material but I had to step in and finish the research; doubted that he/she would come through based on observations / 2
Partner did little to nothing to contribute to this project; I did most research and creation of the presentation
Self Evaluation Sheet
YOUR NAME:______
10I feel that I did an excellent job; I covered all the material; never doubted my research or presentation creation / 7
I feel that I did a good job; covered most of all the material; had some doubt about my research or presentation creation but came through ok; I could have put more time into it / 5
I did an ok job; covered some of the material but I didn’t finish the research; I should have put more time into it / 2
I did very little to nothing to prepare for this project even though I had time in class
PowerPoint Project Rubric
_____Daily Research (2 pts per day)
_____Creating Presentation (2 pts per day)
TOTAL 16 pts.
_____Project is accurate to WW I standards - FACTS (up to 10 pts.)
_____Project exemplifies effort in research (up to 10 pts.)
_____Slides are neat (not too wordy) and organized enhancing understanding ( up to 10 pts.)
_____Project is creative and utilizes PowerPoint technology (up to 10 pts.)
_____Presentation is 5 to 8 minutes in length (up to 10 pts.)
TOTAL 50 pts.
_____Group Scoring [evaluate each group partner(s) on overall effort/effectiveness ] (10 pts.)
_____Project is presented on assigned day (5 pts.)
Total 15 pts.
Earned Group Points: ______/ 115 Points